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Section 1: Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies and Spellings, One Word, Word Order, Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Voices, Narrations, Concord, Question Forms, Tenses, Conditionals, Modals, Collocations, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and Homophones, Words (Related to Weather, Countries, Language and People, Global Problems, etc.), Information Retrieval from Various Text (Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Manual Format, Message Format, Editorials, Essays and Advanced Texts), Spoken and Written Expressions (Giving/Accepting Compliments, Agreeing, Disagreeing, Requesting, Seeking Information, Pronunciation, etc.)
Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1
Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.
Q.1 | Q.2 | Q.3 | Q.4 | Q.5 | Q.6 | Q.7 | Q.8 | Q.9 | Q.10 |
Q.1 |
Identify the type of adjective: These materials are of better quality than those of the last dispatch. |
Q.2 |
Read the passage and answer the question: Tom Hamilton liked his Aunt Prudence. She taught at the university. Her name was Dr. Prudence Hamilton. When she came to Tom's father's farm in the Cowichn Valley on Vancouver stand, which is part of the province of British Columbia, she always brought presents. Tom liked her. |
Q.3 |
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom given in quotes in the sentence: Kelly was left "high and dry" by her friends when she lost all her money. |
Q.4 |
Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: George told ___ me about the changes in the company. |
Q.5 |
Check the prefix and fill in the blank using a correct option: We got late for the airport and missed our flight. He ____________ the time. |
Q.6 |
Read the passage and answer the question: Which of the following statements about the bee hummingbird is true? |
Q.7 |
Punctuate the following sentence: some are born great some achieve greatness. |
Q.8 |
Read the passage and fill in the blank: The hummingbirds are exclusive in the sense that _______________________________________. |
Q.9 |
Combine the sentences by changing the adjective to a noun. Choose from the following: "Josephine is a stupid girl. She gets into trouble often." |
Q.10 |
Choose the option that cannot fit in the blank: How have you come ______ such a precious diamond? |
Your Score: 0/10
1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate conjunction: I arrived on time; _________, the others were late.
a) but
b) as
c) and
d) however
Answer: however
2. Find out the RELATION between the given two words in capital letter and pick up one word proportionately from the options that bear the same relation:
Answer: FLOPPY
3. Select options (synonyms) to the given words:
a) To bring out
b) To elaborate about
c) To emphasise on something
d) To produce/show something
Answer: To produce/show something
4. In the following questions three of the groups are alike while one is different. Find the ODD ONE out:
a) Picture
b) Newspaper
c) Pamphlet
d) Magazine
Answer: Picture
5. Select the most suitable option to fill the blank:
He ______________ solved the problem.
a) hisself
b) he-self
c) himself
d) myself
Answer: himself
6. Find out the MISSPELLED word.
7. Select options with correct tense form of verb, to fill the blank:
The Earth’s gravity _______ us from floating in the air.
a) keep
b) will keep
c) has kept
d) keeps
Answer: keeps
8. Choose the best word/phrase to complete the sentence:
A perfume usually consists ____ a substance that is generally known ____ essential oils.
a) of, as
b) in, by
c) of, an
d) in, an
Answer: of, as
9. Select options (antonyms) to the given words:
a) contrast
b) contract
c) inplant
d) implant
Answer: contract
10. Choose the best word / phrase to complete the sentence.
I’m sure you’II have no _____________ the exam.
a) difficulties to passing
b) difficulty for pass
c) difficulty passing
d) difficulty of passing
Answer: difficulty passing
11. Select the most suitable option to fill the blanks:
A ______ of wild animals.
a) pack
b) zoo
c) litter
d) troop
Answer: zoo
12. Find out the misspelt word:
13. Give the usage of the word underlined:
I was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door.
a) Adjective
b) Adverb
c) Preposition
d) Pronoun
Answer: Preposition
14. In the following questions each of the bold words given below is followed by four options. Choose the correct ANTONYM of the bold words from the options:
a) Counterfeit
b) Valid
c) Real
d) Vicious
Answer: Real
15. Choose the correct modal which can be used in the sentence:
_____ I come in?
a) Can
b) May
c) Could
d) might
Answer: May
16. Fill in the blank:
_____I in your place, I would keep quiet.
a) Am
b) Were
c) Would
d) Was
Answer: Were
17. In the following questions each of the bold words given below is followed by four options. Choose the correct ANTONYM of the bold words from the options:
a) Annihilate
b) Accumulate
c) Collect
d) Build
Answer: Build
18. Use the verb form of ‘success’ in the following sentence:
He is sure of success.
a) Success is sure to him.
b) He knows of his success.
c) That he will succeed is known to him.
d) He is sure that he will succeed.
Answer: He is sure that he will succeed.
19. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase from the options given below:
An uphill task.
a) An easy task
b) A very difficult job
c) To go for mountaineering
d) A very big responsibility
Answer: A very difficult job
20. Change the active voice into passive voice:
Sana likes this pen.
a) This pen is liked by sana.
b) This pen has been liked by sana.
c) This pen was liked by sana.
d) This pen was not liked by sana.
Answer: This pen is liked by sana.
21. Give the one word substitution of the sentence given below:
A long wandering journey
a) Trip
b) Odyssey
c) Stroller
d) Excursion
Answer: Odyssey
22. Choose one word from the options given below that matches the definitions correctly:
A man who generally used to collect postage stamps:
a) Philatelist
b) Avaricious
c) Numismatist
d) Accumulator
Answer: Philatelist
23. Which one ofthe following sentencesis grammatically
a) He was extremely unhappy because of inordinately delay.
b) He was extremely unhappy because of inordinately delaying.
c) Hewasextremelyunhappybecauseofinordinatedelay.
d) He was extremely unhappy because of inordinate delaying.
Answer: He was extremely unhappy because of inordinate delay.
24. Fill in the blank with correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful:
The movie was very funny. I laughed a lot. It was really
a) interesting
b) hilarious
c) motivating
d) boring
Answer: hilarious
25. Select the option with the correct tense form of the verb, to fill the blank:
The Earth’s gravity _______ us from floating in the air.
a) keep
b) will keep
c) has kept
d) keeps
Answer: keeps
26. Choose the synonym of the underlined word in the given sentence:
The intrepid mountaineer who scaled the peak in winter should be specially congratulated.
a) Bold
b) Courag
c) Vigorous
d) Brave
Answer: Bold
27. Unscramble the jumbled word and choose the option synonymous to it: EDIBLERC
b) unbelievable
b) unknown
c) believable
d) Unheard
Answer: believable
28. Fill in the blank with correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful:
I have worked here ________ I left college.
a) for
b) till
c) up to
d) since
Answer: since
29. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition: Act ______ my instructions.
a) ccording with
b) ccording to
c) ith
d) to
Answer: ccording to
30. Complete the sentence with correct option:
The High Court ______ the death sentence of the prisoner.
a) set down
b) set upon
c) set about
d) set aside
Answer: set aside
31. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful:
The more we read, the _________ we learn.
a) much
b) better
c) more
d) the less
Answer: the less
32. Select options with correct tense form of verb, to fill the blank:
Riya ________ in Mumbai when the Tsunami occurred.
a) has been living
b) had been living
c) will have lived
d) is living
Answer: had been living
33. Select options showing transformation of given sentence, correctly:
You have to finish you work first. You should remember it.
a) You should remember that you have to finish you work first.
b) You should remember first that you had to finish your work.
c) You should first remember that you will have to finish your work.
d) You should remember that you first would have finished your work.
Answer: You should remember that you have to finish you work first.
34. Select options showing the correct transformation of given sentences:
a) The book is missing and we have to give you a new book.
b) Since the book is missing, we will have to give you a new book.
c) The book is missing because we have to give you a new book.
d) When the book is missing and we have to give you a new book.
Answer: Since the book is missing, we will have to give you a new book.
35. Choose the right spelling:
The actor was ______________ when his wig came off the stage.
a) embbarassed
b) embarrassed
c) embrrased
d) emberrassed
Answer: embarrassed
36. Fill in the blanks with the correct word/phrase:
The police have been ___________ the house for weeks.
a) seeing
b) entering
c) finding
d) watching
Answer: watching
37. Fill in the blank in the following sentences by choosing one of the 4 options given below the sentence:
If you had reserved our seats, we ___________________ travel in the last row of the bus last night.
a) wouldn’t have to
b) wouldn’t have had to
c) would have had to
d) would have to
Answer: wouldn’t have had to
38. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option: He is _____ to buy a luxury car.
a) rich enough
b) enough rich
c) rich
d) enough
Answer: rich enough
39. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue:
Lisa: Will you come with me to Nia’s house this evening?
Alex: ______________________________________
a) You know I don’t like paru.
b) Not today. I have a test.
c) Amma’s told you not to go to paru’s house.
d) Don’t bother me! Buzz off!
Lisa: You’re always studying and you never have time.
Answer: Not today. I have a test.
40. In the following sentence choose the most appropriate preposition:
Pia burst ______ the room when Mia was writing.
a) into
b) out
c) of
d) on
Answer: into
41. Choose the odd one out from the given words:
a) Chunder
b) Puke
c) Nauseated
d) Flabbergasted
Answer: Flabbergasted
42. Choose the odd one out from the given words:
a) Drab
b) Nerdy
c) Monotonous
d) Jocose
Answer: Jocose
43. Choose the odd one out from the given words:
a) Hoax
b) Rumour
c) Flaunt
d) Jape
Answer: Flaunt
44. Choose the correct option from the given words to complete the analogy: Flout:Observe::Indifference:X
a) Difference
b) Compassion
c) Similarity
d) Jinx
Answer: Compassion
44. Choose the correct option from the given words to complete the analogy: Docile:Defiant::Valour:X
a) Garrulous
b) Cowardice
c) Medallion
d) Demise
Answer: Cowardice
45. Choose the odd one out from the given words:
a) Drab
b) Nerdy
c) Monotonous
d) Jocose
Answer: Jocose
46. Choose the correct option from the given words to complete the analogy: Diurnal:X :: Banish: Repatriate
a) Nocturnal
b) Brittle
c) Malleable
d) Exoneration
Answer: Nocturnal
47. Choose the odd one out from the given options:
a) Apathy
b) Sympathy
c) Empathy
d) Swarthy
Answer: Swarthy
48. Choose the correct option from the given words to complete the analogy: Fidget:X :: Garnish: Adorn
a) Restive
b) Negligible
c) Sluggish
d) Muster
Answer: Restive
49. Choose the correct option from the given words to complete the analogy: Alleviate:X :: Accentuate: Highlight
a) Assent
b) Reprimand
c) Lighten
d) Mundane
Answer: Lighten
50. Choose the odd one out from the given words:
a) Majestic
b) Exalted
c) August
d) Loathsome
Answer: Loathsome
CREST English Olympiad previous years’ test papers for class 10 play a crucial role in scoring good scores and top rank in the examination. The English Olympiad sample papers help candidates to manage their time and resourcefully plan their further preparation. Students who allot a fixed amount of time regularly for practicing sample papers find it very easy to qualify the examination with flying colours. English Olympiad previous year question paper for class 10 can be downloaded from this page.
Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:
Q.1 : b | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : d | Q.9 : b | Q.10 : d