CREST Mathematics Olympiad Class 1 Previous Year Papers

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Section 1: Numerals, Number Names, Number Sense (2 digit numbers), Addition, Subtraction, Lengths, Weights and Comparisons, Time, Money, Geometrical Shapes and Solids, Patterns.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


How many more rectangles are there than circles?


Roe decides he wants to spend some time participating in extracurricular activities, so he attends dancing class for an hour and a half and tennis practise for two hours. How long did he spend taking tennis and dance classes together in total?


What is the weight of 12 mangoes?


Mike has 3 quarters, and he finds 2 dimes and 1 penny in the drawer. How much money does he have in all?


Which of these shapes should be combined with the given shape to form a circle?


Sil reaches the library cycling for 25 minutes. On the way back she cycles faster and reaches home in 15 minutes. How much more time did she take while going to the library from home?


How many balloons are there in the picture?


Diana visited a pet store and saw 5 dogs there. How many legs altogether do these five dogs have?


Fill in the blanks:
i.There are ____ groups of bananas.
ii.There are ____ bananas in each group.
iii.There are _____ bananas altogether.


Anthony's school is 12 km from his home and the library is 15 km from his home. Which of these is farther from his home and by how much more distance?

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Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the CREST Mathematics Olympiad previous year paper pdf for class 1 from this page. Each question in the paper carries 1 mark. The answer key for all the questions is also provided on the last page.

To prepare for the CREST Mathematics Olympiad exam, students must refer to the previous years’ papers. The CREST Mathematics Olympiad previous year paper for class 1 will give students a general idea of the question types, exam format and marks distribution.

Additional Preparation Resources

Students can also refer to the following resources to level up their CREST Mathematics Olympiad (CMO) exam preparation for class 1 -

  1. CREST Mathematics Worksheets Package for class 1 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit
  2. CREST Mathematics Olympiad book for class 1 - The book covers topic-wise reading material, chapter-wise practice questions with answer key & contains the previous year paper. The book is available in both physical and pdf formats. Proceed now to purchase the Olympiad book. Also, students can view & download the first chapter of the Maths Olympiad book for class 1 for free.

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST Mathematics Olympiad past year paper pdf for class 1.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : a | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : b | Q.4 : d | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : d | Q.9 : d | Q.10 : d
