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Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.
Section 1: Spell Bee Competition Words for Class 3
Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Environment: creature, forest, habitat, herd, insect, plateau, pollution, radish, region, stream, structure, thunder, turnip, vegetable
Transport and Communication: adapter, cruise, desktop, dumper, ferry, helicopter, journey, keyboard, laptop, mobile, monitor, railway, ship, steamer, vehicle
Body: activity, muscle, waist
Sports: badminton, baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, cricket, hockey, karate, tennis
Emotions/Requests/Apology/Greetings: angry, contempt, contentment, crying, disgust, excitement, fear, happiness, joy, sadness, surprise, trust
Quantity: fortnight, hundred, plenty, thousand, twelve, various
Masculine and Feminine: actor-actress, author-authoress, brother-sister, bull-cow, father-mother, gander-goose, gentleman-lady, god-goddess, grandfather-grandmother, hunter-huntress, husband-wife, king-queen, landlord-landlady, lion-lioness, peacock-peahen, prince-princess, son-daughter, tiger-tigress, uncle-aunt, waiter-waitress
Prefix: co(exist, pilot, etc.), dis(honest, like, etc.), en(large, case, etc.), in(ability, active, etc.), non(sense, etc.), pre(paid, view, etc.), re(discover, do, etc.), sub(title, etc.), tele(vision, etc.), tri(angle, etc.), un(friendly, happy, etc.)
Suffix (age, ed, ied, ful, ly): break(age), cover(age), marr(age), percent(age), post(age), laugh(ed), talk(ed), walk(ed), carr(ied), hurr(ied), stud(ied), worr(ied), cheer(ful), harm(ful), thank(ful), play(ful), brave(ly), kind(ly), lone(ly), love(ly), slow(ly)
Adjectives: active, actual, afraid, ancient, angry, annoyed, annual, attractive, average, bold, boring, brilliant, bushy, certain, childish, clever, comfortable, continuous, courage, coward, creeping, creeping, curly, decorative, delicate, destructive, difficult, disgusted, distant, domestic, elegant, energetic, enormous, entire, expert, fairness, fatal, fierce, foolish, fortunate, funny, funny, gloomy, gradual, gross, harmful, harsh, heavy, heavy, important, impossible, intelligent, interesting, lean, lively, loose, lovely, loyal, magnificent, magnificent, married, merry, mighty, mischievous, nice, opposite, personal, playful, plump, precious, pretty, primary, quick, rare, realistic, responsible, retro, ribbed , sensitive, separate, shiny, silent, silly, slippery, sorry, square, stale, stormy, suitable, suitable, swift, thick, thirsty, thirsty, tired, toothless, unable, unhappy, whole, worried, worst, wrong, young
Adverbs: angrily, beautifully, carefully, cheerfully, completely, correctly, definitely, entirely, extremely, fearfully, happily, heavily, lazily, lifelessly, opposite, perhaps, proudly, silently, smoothly, suddenly, surely, totally
Verbs: absorb, accuse, ache, acquire, admire, admit, adopt, advise, afford, amuse, annoy, appeal, appear, approach, arrange, arrange, attract, avoid, believe, belong, blame, blink, bore, borrow, bother, bounce, burrow, calculate, capture, carve, celebrate, chase, climb, cling, collect, confess, confuse, congratulate, consider, consist, contain, convince, crawl, damage, decay, decide, defend, digest, disappear, discuss, disdain, divide, drive, enable, enlarge, escape, examine, excite, execute, expand, explode, explore, finish, flare, forgive, frighten, frown, frown, frustrate, glide, grasp, guess, happen, happen, harm, haul, hurt, identify, imitate, improve, intend, laugh, launch, leave, listen, locate, lose, mumble, observe, perform, plunder, pounce, predict, prevent, quarrel, raised, recall, receive, rely, require, require, reside, reverse, revive, scatter, scold, scream, scrub, separate, shake, shrink, sleep, smile, spoil, spoil, squat, squeeze, stretch, struggle, struggle, suppose, throw, torture, touch, treat, twist, unite, untie, wander, whisper, wink, wonder, wriggle
Synonyms: accuse-blame, advantage-benefit, alike-same, ancient-old, annoy-irritate, ask-enquire, bliss- ecstasy, buy-purchase, childish-silly, courage- bravery, garbage-trash, gigantic- huge, glitter-shiny, harsh-cruel, interesting-exciting, junk-rubbish, loyal-faithful, perfect-ideal, precious-valuable, quarrel-fight, rich-wealthy, smelly-stinking, tiny-small,
Antonyms: accuse-defend, artificial - natural, attractive - repulsive, bother-calm, broad - narrow, care- neglect, cheap- expensive, confess-deny, dawn-dusk, delicate-hard, flutter-steady, foolish-wise, fresh- stale, funny-boring, glory- shame, interesting-boring, kind-cruel, mighty-delicate, misery-happiness, prevent-allow, save- spend, scold-praise, spend-save, store- discard, tiny-big, upset-joyful,
Compound Words: aeroplane, afternoon, airport, anyway, backbone, backside, backward, blackboard, bookshelf, bookstore, bookstore, bookworm, bookworm, breakfast, campfire, candlestick, cardboard, caveman, daydream, downward, earthquake, everything, eyeball, forearm, forehead, foreword, foreword, freedom, haircut, handmade, handsome, headache, highlight, household, keyboard, keyhole, lifetime, mailbox, mailbox, marigold, moonlight, newspaper, newspaper, outcome, passport, playground, popcorn, railroad, suitcase, sunflower, sunglasses, supermarket, textbook, therefore, toothpaste, underground, uplift, upstairs, upstream, weekend, weekend, whatever
Words with Silent Letters: acquit, autumn, breathe, business, column, communication, debt, doubt, freight, high, honest, hour, knead, knife, knock, know, patient, sigh, sign, stretch, Wednesday, whistle
Double Letter Words: beer, beetle, between, cabbage, cobbler, cooking, crook, cucumber, difference, expression, feed, fellow, freeze, hobby, hood, hooked, indeed, jeep, looked, loose, passenger, pebble, puppet, room, rooster, shallow, sleeve, smooth, street, sweep, tooth, valley, volunteer, wedding, wood, woollen
Plurals: Simply by adding 's' (e.g. pencil-pencils, apple-apples, parrot-parrots, etc.), Adding 'es' to words ending in 'ch' (e.g. batch-batches, church-churches, speech-speeches, etc.), Adding 'es' to words ending in 's', 'ss', 'x' or 'sh' (e.g. bush-bushes, glass-glasses, box-boxes, wish-wishes, etc.), Adding 's' to words ending in 'y' with a vowel before (e.g. turkey-turkeys, chimney-chimneys, etc.), Replacing 'y' with 'ies' for words ending in 'y' with a consonant before (e.g. city-cities, diary-diaries, etc.), Substituting/adding letters (e.g. loaf-loaves, goose-geese, etc.)
Evil Words (Words likely to be spelt incorrectly): adventure, brownie, building, costume, diagram, dramatist, envelope, feather, feature, gardener, gesture, graduate, librarian, magazine, manual, nursery, phrase, rhythm, scout, shepherd, straight, treasure, triumph
Nouns: ability, action, adapt, address, adopt, advantage, advice, ambition, anecdote, anklet, anthem, appearance, appoint, appointment, artist, athlete, attention, attitude, average, bacteria, balloon, banjo, barrier, beauty, belly, blazer, blood, border, brace, brain, bribe, bridge, brief, brush, buckle, burrow, button, cable, canal, candidate, cardigan, category, celebration, challenge, champion, championship, channel, cheek, chill, circus, cleanser, climate, clock, clothing, coast, continent, costume, cottage, crayon, crew, crown, custom, daughter, dawn, device, diagram, diamond, dimple, dinner, disease, distrust, dollar, dose, dreaming, drummer, dusk, electricity, engine, eyelash, failure, fastener, flaw, fleece, gardener, gasp, globe, grace, greasy, grin, habit, health, height, individual, jewel, journey, jury, kitchen, knot, ladder, leather, library, limit, loss, machine, manager, marigold, marsh, memorial, method, milkmaid, misery, moisture, narrative, nation, necktie, negro, noise, nursery, opponent, outfit, palace, pause, peace, pearl, picnic, picture, piece, pottery, predator, process, record, recreation, remark, resident, respect, risk, scratch, signal, solution, spinster, stadium, stairs, statue, straight, straightener, strand, string, suit, sunshine, survey, swiftness, symbol, talent, theory, thrill, tragedy, trait, treasure, trouble, trumpet, ulcer, vision, voice, volunteer, wisdom, witch, wizard, wrinkle, wrist
Miscellaneous: against, almost, hundred, neither, really, somewhere, still, together, until
Section 2
It's a Rapid Fire section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the words
This section will be based on the above-given word list.
Note: The syllabus will also include Word List from Classes 1-2. Upto 20% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at info@crestolympiads.com.
Q.1 | Q.2 | Q.3 | Q.4 | Q.5 | Q.6 | Q.7 | Q.8 | Q.9 | Q.10 |
Q.1 |
Find the misspelt word in the sentence: The city is beautifully situated on the platue. |
Q.2 |
Choose the antonym of the word: giant |
Q.3 |
Insert the correct letters to form a word: def_n_te |
Q.4 |
Select the correct spelling for the image: |
Q.5 |
Choose the synonym of the word: blunder |
Q.6 |
Choose the correctly spelt word: |
Q.7 |
Choose the correctly spelt word: |
Q.8 |
Form a meaningful word from the given jumbled letters: sarbemars |
Q.9 |
Choose the correct compound word: |
Q.10 |
Select the feminine form of the word: nephew |
Your Score: 0/10
Students can download the CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition previous year paper pdf for class 3 from this page. Each question in the paper carries 1 mark. The answer key for all the questions is also provided on the last page.
Previous year papers are very useful as they help students to prepare better for the Olympiad exams. Olympiads are challenging, competitive exams for students. Thus, referring to the CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition previous year paper for class 3 helps students develop the knowledge and abilities needed to ace the CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition.
Past year papers are the finest resources for helping students revise the syllabus through practicing questions, familiarizing themselves with the marking scheme and amplifying their preparation level.
Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition past year paper pdf for class 3.
Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:
Q.1 : d | Q.2 : d | Q.3 : d | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : d | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : c | Q.9 : c | Q.10 : c