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Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 5
There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.
Abdomen, absence, accelerator, accent, access, accordion, acquire, adage adjustable, adore, aerobics, alimentary, allergies, allowance, altar, alter, although, amnesia, amputation, amusingly, anaemia, animated, annual, antenna, antibiotics, antique, antiquity appreciation, approaching, arboreal, armadillo, arouse, artificial, ascent, aspersion, assume, asthma, astride, attire attribute, autograph avalanche, aversion, Banquet, barely, barley, beacon, beige, believer, benefit, beverage, bilateral, binge, blemish, blizzard, blooper blunder, bounce, boycott, brainstorm, brilliant briskness, budge, burdensome, Calories, camouflage, canopy, capacious, carnation, carnival cathedral, cease, censor, changeable, chaos, characterization, chuckle, clarinet, cling, , cola nut, colander, collateral, comestible, communicable, compass, compassionate, Compliant complicated, compost, concerned, concession, conclusion, condensation, congestion, consent, considerable, consistent, consort, conspire, constable, constant, construction, consumer, contented, contention, contest, continuity, contour, contrast, contribute, convenience, conversion, conviction, coral, cordial, correlative, counterfeit, crave, crescent, cringe, cruiser, crunch, crux cuisine, culinary, cumin, curtail, Dagger, dazed decorative, defensive, delirious, delivery, demur, departure, depot, derogative, descent, designer, desperate, destination, destruction, detestable, device devise devotee, devotional, diabetes, diffident, diligent, dingy, discard, discriminatory, dismal, disorder, disparate, dispatch, disposal, dissident, domesticated, donation, dope, drastic, dreaded, dribble, dromedary, drowsy, drudge drum, Eagerness, earnestly, edible, electrolyte electromagnetic, elegance, elegy, elementary, elevate, elevation, elicit, embarrassed, emigrant, empower, encounter, endanger, endangered, enhance, enlarge, enriching, enthusiastic, entrust, envelope, epicure, estimate, eternal, ethical, ethics, eulogy, evaluate, exalted, exasperated, excessive, exclamation, exclusive, excretory, exhaustion, exile, exorbitant, expectation, experienced, experimental, explicit, exposure, extension, extinction, extract, extravagance, extreme, extrovert, Facade, facilitate, falcon, fallacy, fanfare, fascinate, fatal, faultless, faulty, favourable, fennel, fierce, flair, flammable, floundering, flutter, focussed, foliage, foretell, foreword, foster, fragility, fragment, fraternity, fringe, fruitful, fumble, furnace, furore, Gabble, gait, gambol, garnish, generation, grapple, grudge, gullible, Haggard, hallmark, hamper, harass, harmony, hasten, hatred, hectic, herald, heretic, hew, hibernation, hideous, hinge, hoarse, hone, horizontal, hostile, huddle, hurdle, hypothesis, Identical, identification, idyllic iguana illegible, illicit, imaginary, imbibe, immediate, immunity, impair, impartial, impasse, impede, impractical, impunity, inaugurate, incite, incriminate, inculcate, Indefinable, inept, inequality, inertia, infer, infirmary, infliction, informative, infringe, infuriate, ingenuous, insignificant, insincere, insinuate, inspire, instigate, integrity, intensity, intercept, interfere, intrude, invariable, invent, invention, inverted investigation, invincible, irrelevant, Jab, Jocular, jovial, joyful, joyless judicious, Kindle, kinetic, knave, knotty, Laconic, lament, landmark, languid, latte, laudable, lavender, leach legion, leisurely, lethal, lethargic, liberty, limerick, listless, longevity, lucid, lunar, lustre, luxurious, Magnanimous, magnify, malice, maltreat, manor, marinate, martyr, mascot, memorable, menace, mercy, mesh, metallurgy metamorphosis, microbes, mirthless, misfire, monarch, monotonous, moped, morality, morose, mortar motionless, mustered, mutter, mystify, mythical, Nail-biting, nail clipper, nasal, natal nourishing, novelty, nuisance, Obedience, obese, obliterate, oblivion, observation, obsolete, obstruct, occupation, onus, opera, opine, opossum, opposition, oppressive, orangutan, ordinary, oregano, orthodox, oscillate, outburst, overdue, overturn, Pace, pacify, palpable, pamper, pamphlet, pangolin, panicky, panorama, paragraph, parody, particular, pedestal, pelt, pelvic, pendulum, perceptible, perfume, peril, perishable, permanent, perpetual, pestle, pillion, placid, platypus, pledge, plenteous, pliers, possessed, potential, poverty, practice pragmatic, practice, predatory, predecessor, preface, presence, preservative, presume, prison, probably, proceed, prophecy, prophet, protest, protractor, provident, prowess, punctuation, purview, Quantum, quarrelsome, Rainforests, raven, reciprocal, rectitude, reef, referee, refined, reign, rein reliable, relieved, relinquish, rendition, repellent, repose, resort, respiratory, responsibility, restore restrain, resurgent, retain, retarded, revamp, revealing, rhea rigorous, rustle, résumé, Saffron, sarcastic saunter, saute, scalpel, scavenger, scent, sceptic, scorn, scoundrel, scribble, scruffy, scythe, seasoning, sensor sentimental, serious, serpentine, servile, sewing, shimmered, shocking, shortage, shuffle siege, significant, situation, snare snuggle, solace, solemn, spanner, sparkling, spate, specialist, spirit, sprawling, squalid, stationary, stationery, sternly, stingy, stomp, strife, struggle, suffocate, superlative, survey, swivel, synthesiser, Tangible, tarnish, tasteless, taunt, temper tempting, tenable, tentacle, tenure, thoroughly, thoughtless, threadbare, threshold, thrilled, thrive, tiresome, tolerate, tonne, topography, toucan, traditional, transition, transpire, treason, treasury, trombone, tsunami, turmoil, tuxedo, twinge, Ultra, unconfined, undergrowth, unleash, unravel, unremarkable, unsteady, unusual, unwind, uproar, utilise, Vacillate, valediction, vase, vegetation, vertical, vicarious, violet, vocalise, Wary, windpipes, withdraw, wither, withhold, withstand, woodwind, worthy, wreath, wrench
Section 2
It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.
Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at info@crestolympiads.com.
Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.
Q.1 | Q.2 | Q.3 | Q.4 | Q.5 | Q.6 | Q.7 | Q.8 | Q.9 | Q.10 |
Q.1 |
Match the words with their meanings: 1. sage |
Q.2 |
Choose the right combination to make a meaningful word: 1. ness |
Q.3 |
Which of the options rhymes with the word that you can fill in the blank correctly? He was unrecognisable after he shaved his __________. |
Q.4 |
Match the words with their synonyms: 1. significant |
Q.5 |
Choose the meaning of the word that will be formed by adding ‘e’ and ‘a' to one of the following: 1. el__g__nce |
Q.6 |
Which option has letters that you can rearrange to form the name of a thing you find in the kitchen? |
Q.7 |
Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word: ______able |
Q.8 |
In which option are the given words arranged in alphabetical order? 1. comprehensive 2. composer 3. compound 4. compression |
Q.9 |
Choose the meaning of the word that will be formed by adding ‘u’ and ‘o' to one of the following: 1. camo__fl__ge |
Q.10 |
Choose the misspelt word/s in the given sentence: The first two questions were revatively easy in the question paper, but the third one was typically tideous. |
Your Score: 0/10
Students taking the CREST International Spell Bee Winter (CSBW) exam can use the Spell Bee competition sample papers to analyze and understand the exam's difficulty level.
Class 5 students can learn about the kinds of questions that will be asked in the CREST International Spell Bee winter CSBW) exam by using the sample question paper. They gain a complete understanding of the requirements, the format of the questions and how to prepare for them.
CREST Spell Bee Winter competition sample papers for class 5 are accessible here. Participants would gain a better understanding of the topics on which they should study before the test.
Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:
Q.1 : d | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : d | Q.4 : c | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : d