CREST International Spell Bee - Winter Class 6 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 6

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Abnormal, abundance, accede, accessory, accidentally, accompanist, accompany, accord, accumulate, accumulation, accusation, acumen, adequate, administration, admiration, adulterated, adverse, adversity, advertisement, affable, affluence, affordable, aggression, agile, algebra, allocate, allocation, alluring, allusion ally, aloe, alternative, amass, ample, amplify, amulet, animosity, apparatus, apparently, appearance, appease, applause, apprise, approval, approximately, aptitude, archaeologist, ardent, ark, asparagus, aspiration, assistance, assumption, asylum, atrocity, audacity, auspicious, authentic, availability, Bait, balmy, banal, baneful, banquet, bass, befitting, behave, belated, belittle, bellicose, bestow, betray, bicker, bickering, bigot biodegradable, biodiversity, biological, biotechnology, biting, bittersweet, bizarre, blatant, bleak, blooper, blowing, bonanza, brain, brainstorm, breach, breakthrough, breed, broccoli, bulletin, Cache, calamity, capability, capstone, capricious, capsize, capstone caption, carnivore, casualty, category, cede, celebrity, cellar, cemetery, centenary, cereal, characteristic, charm, chide, chronological, civilization, clarity, cliché, coalition, coincidence, collusion, columnist, commentator, commercial, compatible, competitive, comprehensible, comprise, concise, conclave, concrete, confront, confrontation, congruent, coniferous, consciousness, consensus, conspiracy, constitutional, contagious, continuous, contraction, contradictory, contrary coriander, cormorant, cosmopolitan, councillor, counsellor, courtesy, covert, craving, credibility, credulous, crippled, crochet, crucial, crumble, cuisine, culprit, curator, Dauntless, dearth, debacle, deceitful, decipher, decline, defecation, defiant, deficiency, definite, dehydration, deliberate, delicious delusion, demean demise, deplete, deplore, deprecate, dermatology, desirable, deteriorate, determination, devious, devoid, diagnosis, differentiate, dignify, disastrous, discourteous, discreet, discretion, discrimination, disorganised, disparage, dispassionate disperse, disregard, distinction, distort, documentary, dormant, drain, dubious, Earthbound, ecstasy, elaborate, elicit, elimination, ellipse, embrace emeritus, emission, enchant, endemic, endless, enhance, enliven, ensure, enthralled enthusiasm, epicentre, epidemic, epilogue, epithet, erratic, eucalyptus, evasive, evidence, evident, evil, excellence, exodus, exonerate, exotic, expedition, expenditure, expertise, extol, extort, Facile, fallible, fatigue, fawning, feasible, feebleness, fenugreek, fickle, fictitious, fiddle, finale, firmness, fitful, flabbergasted, flare, flatter, flaunt, flippant, flourish, flout, fluorescent, foremost, forerunner, foretold forever, forgive, forthcoming, fortune, freak, frugal, frustrated, frustration, Gallop, gambit, garish, gaunt, genial, genuine, geologist, globalization, glutton, glycerine, gorgeous, governance, gracious, grasp, gregarious, grimace, grime, gruesome, grumble, guerrilla Haggle, Halo handicap, harmonious, hatchback, haywire, heart-throb, heptagon, herbivore, hexagon, hindrance, homogenous, homonym, horrendous, humane, humanitarian, humorous, hunch, hypocrite, hypotenuse, Iceberg, ignorant, illicit, illusory, illustrate, imagination, immaturity, immense, immigrant, immortal, immunisation, impairment impulsive, inadequate, inapplicable incentive, indifferent, indignant, inertia, inevitable, infallible, influential, inhalation, inhospitable, inhumane inhumanity, injurious, innovation, inordinate, insolvent, installation, instinctive, institution, integral, intellectual, interaction, interference, interpretation, interruption, intoxicated, intruder, irresolute, irritable, Jailbird, jolly jostle, joyous, jubilant, jumble, jurisdiction, juvenile, Kernel, Knell, Lassitude, laudatory, legendary, leniency, liberal, liberation, life-threatening limitation, linger, literary, loyalty, lumberyard, lure, Magnitude, maintenance, malfunction malnourish mandate, mandatory, manifesto, manipulate, manipulation, martial, marvellous, massacre, maxim, mediocre, memoir, menial, mentor, meticulous, metropolitan, mettle, microorganisms millionaire, mind- boggling, mind-blowing, mindset, mind numbing, miscellaneous, miscreant, miserable, mitigate, mollify, momentum, mortgage, mouth watering, mundane, murky, murmur, myriad, mysterious, Nail biting, naive, nasty, navigation, necessarily, negotiation, nepotism, nomadic, notorious, noxious, nurture, nutcracker, nuthatch, Obesity, obnoxious, occupant, octagon, omnivore, opaque, opponent, opportunity, optician, optimistic, opulence, ordeal, orientation, outskirts, overlook, Paltry, pandemic, pandemonium, papyrus, parallel, paralysed, paramount, pardon, participation, patent, pavilion, pedigree, pentagon, penury, periodical, permanence, perpendicular, persistent, personnel, pertaining, pessimistic, petite, physician, pioneer, pioneering, pompous, possession, practitioner, praise, prejudice, preliminary, preparatory, prescription, prestigious, presumption, priority, privilege, probiotic, progressive, prolific, prolong propagate, propagation, prudent, psychiatric, Qualification, query, quotation, Reassurance, recreation, recruitment, reform, refurbish refurnish, regretful, reinforce, religion, religious, reluctance, remarkable, repulse, repulsion, requirement, resistance, resolution, resolve, retrieve, retrograde, revolutionary, robust, rubble, Safari, sanatorium, satisfactory, scanty, scatter, scrawny, secular, seizure, sentinel, sesame, severely, shear, sheer, shuffle, similarity, singularity, slavery, slouch, smirk, sorrowful, sponsorship, spotlight, spurt, squat, steward, stubble, substantial, successor, succinct, suffocation, superficial, supplement, surreal, sympathetic, Taciturn, tear-jerker, technical, technique, tender, tentative, testimony, thoughtful, thunderclap, tortuous, tournament transcribe, transient, transitory, translucent, twinge typically, Ultimately, ultrasonic, ultrasound, unearthed, unfairly, unflappable, unforeseen, ungainly, unkempt, unnecessary, unparalleled, unquenchable, unreasonable unremarkable, unsalable, unsightly, uprightness, uptight, urination, Valet, vicious, victim, virtuous, vulnerable, Wallow, warrant, watering, weaken, wilful, witness, wrath, wretched, wunderkind, Zealous

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


What is the meaning of the word that can be formed from the given letters?



Choose the correct word for the blank:

The pigs love to _________ in the mud.


Find out the number of misspelt words in the sentence:

Consult a dieticain if you want more information on how you can provide your family with wholesum nutrition.


Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word:



Choose the option in which the following letters will fit in the given order:

a, o, i


In which word do you have the sound made by 'o' in pole?


Choose the misspelt word/s in the given sentence:

The article sugessted some simple excercises you can do if you don't get your daily dose of physical activity and spend the greater part of the day hunched over your laptop.


Match the words with their meanings:

1. deficiency
2. defecation
3. defection

a. the act of leaving a political party, country, etc. to join another that is considered to be an enemy
b. the state of not having, or not having enough of, something that is essential
c. the act of getting rid of solid waste from your body through your bowels


Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word:



Choose the true statement/s:

1. A nuthatch is a bird.
2. A hatchback is a turtle.
3. Peanuts are also called groundnuts.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Preparation is an important major consideration for class 6 students in qualifying for the CREST Spell Bee Winter (CSBW) Olympiad with the highest possible scores. Students who practice CREST Olympiads Spell Bee sample papers will be able to master the exam without panic. To be successful in the CREST Spell Bee Winter (CSBW) Olympiad, students must have in-depth knowledge of all topics and the type of questions to be asked in the exam.

Sample papers for the CREST Spell Bee Winter (CSBW) competition for class 6 are crucial for preparation. Every student should review the CSBW sample exams as they get ready for the Spell Bee Olympiad exam.

The previous year paper for the CREST Spell Bee Winter (CSBW) Olympiad for class 6 can be directly obtained from this page. The answer key for the questions is also provided so that students can compare their answers to the correct answer.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : d | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : c | Q.6 : d | Q.7 : b | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : b
