CREST Science Olympiad Class 9 Previous Year Papers

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Section 1: Motion, Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Work and Energy, Sound, Matter in Our Surroundings, Is Matter Around Us Pure, Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atom, Cell - The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues, Diversity in Living Organisms, Why Do We Fall Ill, Natural Resources, Improvement in Food Resources.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Fill in the blank:

During a planned manoeuvre in a space flight, a free-floating astronaut A pushes another free-floating astronaut B, the mass of A being greater than that of B. Then, the magnitude of the force exerted by astronaut A on astronaut B is ___________.


What will happen if a saturated salt water solution is heated and allowed to cool without adding any more salt?


Consider the following sentences and choose the correct option:

(i) The cell wall is the site of energy production in a plant cell.
(ii) Lysosomes are the reservoirs of starch, oil and protein granules.
(iii) A plant cell becomes turgid due to plasmolysis.
(iv) Chemically plasma membrane is composed of fats and lipids.
(v) The functional segments of DNA are called genes.


Sound travels with a different speed in different media. In what order does the velocity of sound increase in these media?


Hard water cannot be used in boilers. Which of the following is the reason for the same?


Choose the correct option and complete the following sentence:

Two elements X and Y having the same number of valence electrons in their atom will have similar ______________.


In the following question, an assertion and the reason are given. Choose the correct option:

Assertion: It is the gravitational force exerted by the sun and the moon on the seawater that causes the formation of tides in the sea.
Reason: The gravitational force of attraction is a weak force compared to other fundamental forces of nature. 


Label A, B, C and D in the following diagram and choose the correct option:


Fill in the blank:

Certain parts of a plant can be bent easily without breaking. This flexibility in certain parts, like leaf and stem, can be attributed to the abundance of __________.


Choose the correct option and complete the following sentence:

The acceleration due to the Earth's gravity decreases, if _________.
I. we go up from the surface of the Earth
II. we go from the equator towards the pole
III. the rotation speed of the Earth is increased
IV. we go down from the surface of the Earth towards its centre

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the CREST Science Olympiad previous year paper pdf for class 9 from this page. Each question in the paper carries 1 mark. The answer key for all the questions is also provided on the last page.

The CREST Science Olympiad previous year paper pdf for class 9 can be used by students to assess their preparation. They could then learn how to fill up the knowledge gaps in their preparation and identify areas where they lack. They might better prepare for their exam as a result. Additionally, if students practice answering the previous years’ questions, their time management skills improve and as a result they will be able to manage time better in the main exam.

Additional Preparation Resources

Students can also refer to the following resources to level up their CREST Science Olympiad (CSO) exam preparation for class 9 -

  1. CREST Science Worksheets Package for class 9 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit
  2. CREST Science Olympiad book for class 9 - The book covers topic-wise reading material, chapter-wise practice questions with answer key & contains the previous year paper. The book is available in both physical and pdf formats. Proceed now to purchase the Olympiad book. Also, students can view & download the first chapter of the Science Olympiad book for class 9 for free.

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST Science Olympiad past year paper pdf for class 9.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : b | Q.2 : c | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : c | Q.5 : c | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : b | Q.8 : c | Q.9 : b | Q.10 : b
