CREST Cyber Olympiad Class 10 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Fundamentals of Computer, Operating System, Word Processing Tool, Networking, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, HTML, Internet, Database Management System (Functions, Types, MS Access), Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1.

Questions are based on Windows 11 and MS Office 2016.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


The research and development department at your father's office has been experimenting with different technologies to help improve the performance of the network. One group has been examining the use of a broadband network.
Select the correct statement about broadband and baseband from the following:


Which of the following device understands the format and contents of the data and translates messages from one format to another?


Which of the following connectivity device is used to extend a network on a purely mechanical basis?


Fill in the blank:

Your business has contracted with another company to have them host and run an application for your company over the Internet. The company providing this service to your business is called an __________.


Which of the following device is not used in setting up LAN connection?


Fill in the blank:

The combination of Red, Green and Blue values from _________ gives a total of more than 16 million different colours to play with (256 x 256 x 256).


Match the following:

Column A Column B
(a) Spoofing (i) It is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication    
(b) Phishing (ii) It is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer
(c) Stalking (iii) This type of attack creates a situation in which a person or program successfully identifies as another by falsifying data, to gain an illegitimate advantage
(d) Hacking (iv) It is unwanted and/or repeated surveillance by an individual or group toward another person


Fill in the blank:

The person who writes instruction that tells the computer how to handle input information is ___________.


What result set is returned from the following SQL query?
SELECT CustomerName, telephone FROM customers WHERE city in ('Jakarta', 'Durban', 'Australia');


Which among the following is the correct HTML code to define the target link on a new page?

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Are you a student who is participating this time in the CREST Cyber Olympiad? Cyber Olympiad previous years’ question papers for class 10 is one of the best ways to summarise your months of Olympiad exam preparation. Students can use these sample papers to assess what they've studied for the exam. It acts as a mirror, reflecting candidates' weak and strong points. Students can download the Cyber Olympiad sample papers for class 10 for free on this page. Get a hold of these.

Cyber Olympiad questions have numerous advantages. It gives an indication of the types of questions that will be asked in the actual exam. Always remember to include sample papers practice in your Olympiad exam preparation guide.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : b | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : d | Q.4 : c | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : d | Q.10 : b
