CREST English Olympiad Class KG Sample Paper

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Section1: Letters (Aa - Zz) (Capital and Small Letters, After/Before/In-between/Missing letters, Objects/Cartoon Characters Starting with Letters).
Word Formation (Upto 4-letter Words, Rhyming Words, Vowels and Consonants).
Strokes (Lines and Curves)
Basic Grammar (Article a/an, Basic Adjectives, Preposition (in, on, out, under, etc.).
Word Meanings (Synonyms, Antonyms, Gender, People and their Professions, Singular-Plural).

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


What is the correct spelling of given image:


What comes before 'N'?


Look at the picture and fill in the blank:
A spider has ____ legs.


Fill in the blank:
The ball is ____the table:


Fill in the blank with the correct beginning letter of the given image:



Find the missing letter:


Fill in the blank:
I came here ___ hour ago.


Find the capital letter of 'p':


Fill in the blank with the correct letter:


What is the correct spelling of the given image?

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


CREST English Olympiad previous years’ test papers for class KG play a crucial role in scoring good scores and top rank in the examination. The English Olympiad sample papers help candidates to manage their time and resourcefully plan their further preparation. Students who allot a fixed amount of time regularly for practicing sample papers find it very easy to qualify the examination with flying colours. English Olympiad previous year question paper for class KG can be downloaded from this page.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : a | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : b | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : b | Q.10 : a
