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Section 1: Word Power: Homophones, Collocations, Spellings, Words (Related to Animals, Household Things, Clothes, Basic Emotions, Food, Animals and Pets, etc.), Synonyms and Antonyms, Gender, Number (Singular and Plural Words), Proverbs, One Word, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Simple Tenses, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Basic Questions, Information Retrieval from Various Texts (Stories, Anecdotes, Pictures, Time-table Format, Messages, Invitations, etc.), Spoken and Written Expressions (Apology, Greeting, Introduction, Request, etc.)
Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1
Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.
Q.1 | Q.2 | Q.3 | Q.4 | Q.5 | Q.6 | Q.7 | Q.8 | Q.9 | Q.10 |
Q.1 |
Read the invitation and answer the question: You are invited! _________ ![]() |
Q.2 |
Fill in the blank with suitable verb in simple past tense: Adam _____ pizza last night. |
Q.3 |
Read the notice and answer the question: Greeting, Thank you. Regards, |
Q.4 |
Choose the correct possessive form to complete the following sentence: The __________ key is in the top drawer. |
Q.5 |
What is the correct spelling of the gadget the lady is using? |
Q.6 |
Read the sentence and answer the question: Which option has only verbs in it? Oscar had a green football, which he used to carry to the park. Now he is not able to find it out since last evening. |
Q.7 |
Replace the quoted word with its correct plural by choosing the correct option: 'Woman' are the most strong and beautiful human being. |
Q.8 |
Fill in the blank with the correct question tag: She is collecting coins, _______________________ |
Q.9 |
Fill in the blank using an appropriate pronoun: The party is over and everyone has eaten _______ dinner. ![]() |
Q.10 |
Identify the conjunction in the given sentence: Our family will go for a movie or a dinner tonight. |
Your Score: 0/10
1. Choose the odd pair.
a) Cat : Kitten
b) Cow : Calf
c) Pig : Pigeon
Answer: Pig : Pigeon
2. Fill in the blanks with correct options.
You must _________well in the exam.
a) did
b) done
c) does
d) do
Answer: do
3. My mom is making my favorite __________. I usually have_________ biscuits for breakfast.
a) cereal, lunch
b) lunch, cereal
c) lunch, cereal
Answer: lunch, cereal
4. Complete the sentence with the correct spelling of the word.
The bear went over the _________.
a) mountan
b) mountain
c) mountane
d) mantain
Answer: mountain
5. Select the options which are similar in meaning to the given words.
a) noted
b) everywhere
c) actual
d) intelligent
Answer: noted
6. Choose the sentences to match the picture:
a) The girl is posting a letter.
A crow is looking at her.
b) The girl is looking at the crow.
The crow is posting a letter.
c) The girl is buying vegetables.
There is a post box.
Answer: The girl is posting a letter.
A crow is looking at her.
7. We’re having halwa for _____. Camels are used for transport in the _____
a) desert, dessert
b) dessert, dessert
c) dessert, desert
Answers: dessert, desert
8. Choose the correct word.
The teacher is sitting _____ his desk.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) my
Answer: at
9. Read the sentence and answer the question:
Which option has only verbs in it?
Oscar had a green colour football, which he used to carry to the park. Now he is not able to find it out since last evening.
a) able, carry
b) had, park
c) find, since
d) carry, find
Answer: carry, find
10. Identify the conjunction in the given sentence:
Our family will go for a movie or a dinner tonight.
a) will
b) for
c) or
d) a
Answer: or
11. Select the options opposite in meaning to the given word.
a) inusual
b) ordinary
c) special
d) unusual
Answer: unusual
12. Choose the word that best complete the relationship.
SHIRT is to WEAR as NOTEBOOK is to _________.
Answer: WRITE
13. Choose the best reply.
“Let’s go out for dinner, ______?”
a) shall we
b) can we
c) must we
d) need to
Answer: shall we
14. Find the synonym of the word written in capital letters:
a) Honest
b) Dishonest
c) Proud
d) All of these
Answer: Honest
15. Complete the sentence with the correct word:
After my father found out that I had broken the bat, he was __________.
a) angry
b) jealous
c) frightened
d) happy
Answer: angry
16. Choose one sentence to complete the dialogue/paragraph.
Geetha : Hello! I am puja. What is your name?
Rina : _____.
a) Hello! I am rina
b) Hello! I am going home
c) Let us go home
d) Hello! yes rina
Answer: Hello! I am rina
17. Choose the correct plural noun of the singular noun - flower
a) flour
b) flower
c) flowers
d) floweries
Answer: flowers
18. Choose the odd one out.
a) Aunt
b) Friend
c) Cousin
d) Uncle
Answer: Friend
19. The teacher is sitting _____ his desk.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) the
Answer: at
20. Identify the type of adverb in the given sentence:
Mancy's dog barks loudly.
a) adverb of manner
b) adverb of place
c) adverb of frequency
d) none of the above
Answer: adverb of manner
21. Identify the antonym of the quoted word in the given sentence:
My brother wants to 'sell' his house.
a) Give
b) Purchase
c) Dispose
d) Auction
Answer: Purchase
22. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
My book is _______ the table.
a) on
b) over
c) in
d) me
Answer: on
23. Fill in the blank with a suitable option:
Can you give me ________ water?
a) a few
b) some
c) many
d) little
Answer: some
24. Arrange the jumbled letters to form a meaningful word:
a) Adshow
b) Dwasoh
c) Sadowh
d) Shadow
Answer: Shadow
25. Identify the correct proverb from the following options:
a) A tree is known by its color.
b) A tree is known by its leaves.
c) A tree is known by its fruit.
d) A tree is known by its roots.
Answer: A tree is known by its fruit.
26. Select the correct option that combines the two sentences without changing their meaning:
Sanjana wants money. Sneha wants fame.
a) Sneha wants money or fame.
b) Sneha wants both money as well as fame.
c) Sneha wants money nor fame.
d) Sneha wants both money and fame.
Answer: Sneha wants both money and fame.
27. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
I eat ______apple daily.
a) The
b) An
c) A
d) they
Answer: An
28. Identify the Past Tense form of 'Drink'.
a) Drank
b) Drinks
c) Drunk
d) Drinking
Answer: Drank
29. Choose the kind of sentence:
How can you defeat them?
a) Imperative
b) Assertive
c) Exclamatory
d) Interrogative
Answer: Interrogative
30. Fill in the blank. Where will you______ tomorrow?
a) Went
b) Gone
c) Go
d) Goes
Answer: Go
31. They were enjoying_____.
a) Themselves
b) Theirself
c) Their
d) Them
Answer: Themselves
32. Choose the best rensponse to complete conversation.
Tiya : It’s been lovely talking to you.
Zoya: _________ .
a) Sorry, I’m in a hurry
b) Yes, we should meet again soon
c) Yes, can I help you?
Answer: Yes, we should meet again soon
33. Which one of the following is an example of Abstract Noun?
a) Copper
b) Village
c) Educatinon
d) Maruti
Answer: Education
34. ___ox was fighting with __ bull near___ river Ganga.
a) The, a, the
b) An, a, the
c) A, a, the
d) An, the, a
Answer: An, a, the
35. Fill in the blank with suitable article:
I saw __ European praying in __ church with __ Bible in his hand.
a) An, the, a
b) An, a, the
c) The, a, the
d) A, the, the
Answer: A, the, the
36. The train _____ at 6 pm daily.
a) arrive
b) arrives
c) arriving
d) arrival
Answer: arrives
37. choose the best option to complete the phrase.
“The exam was so easy! It was a piece of __ !”
a) cake
b) chocolate
c) pastry
d) mikk
Answer: cake
38. Choose one sentence to complete the dialogue.
Situation: You and your old grandfather want to cross a road safely.
Response : __________ !
a) Let’s run, Grandpa
b) Be careful, Grandpa
c) Don’t stop, Grandpa
d) Let’s return, Grandpa
Answer: Be careful, Grandpa
39. Choose the linking word that best complte the sentence.
I like to eat bread _______butter for my breakfast.
a) but
b) and
c) or
d) my
Answer: and
40. Choose the correct word for the picture:
a) Writer
b) Dancer
c) Singer
d) Teacher
Answer: Dancer
41. Identify the type of sentence:
Sit down quietly.
a) Exclamatory
b) Imperative
c) Interrogative
d) Assertive
Answer: Imperative
42. Choose the correct noun form for the quoted word:
In my school, they have 'computers' for us to use in our computer lab.
a) proper
b) common
c) uncountable noun
d) both a and b
Answer: common
43. Fill in the blank with correct verb:
He __ not written his speech yet.
a) did
b) does
c) has
d) have
Answer: has
44. Choose the correct answer:
Hurray! We are going on a picnic. I am as happy as a _____ .
a) Lark
b) Dog
c) Rabbit
d) Cat
Answer: Lark
45. Choose the option that describes the picture correctly:
a) This is a cinema hall. People come to pray here.
b) This is a cinema hall. People come to play here.
c) This is a cinema hall. People come to watch movies here.
d) All of these
Answer: This is a cinema hall. People come to watch movies here.
46. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:
Sakshi __________ five books this week.
a) has bought
b) bought
c) was bought
Answer: has bought
47. Fill in the blank using the most suitable option:
Monu : ______________________________________
Sonu : Yes, my team has good batsmen and also good bowlers.
a) Can you help the other team?
b) Are you selected for today's match?
c) Can you beat the other team?
d) Can you play in the other team?
Answer: Can you beat the other team?
48. Find the word for the definition given in the questions:
One who eats too much
a) Glutton
b) Avaricious
c) Foolish
d) All of these
Answer: Glutton
49. Choose the best response in the given situation.
Situation: You have to introduce a friend to another.
Response: _______________
a) Don’t you know him?
b) Meet my friend…
c) I’m honoured to introduce…
Answer: Meet my friend…
50. Find the synonym of the word given in capital letters:
a) Enemy
b) Affable
c) Awake
d) All of these
Answer: Affable
The CREST English Olympiad is a famously known exam conducted for students of class 3 to test their English pronunciation and grammatical knowledge. Since it is an internationally held examination scoring good marks and getting recognized adds up to students' academics and helps them to secure a good future. So, having a good preparation guide becomes more important. The CREST English Olympiad sample papers for class 3 help children to get an insight into the kind of questions included in the main exam and is the best way of preparation. You get enough time to practice English Olympiad questions before the examination. Therefore, the Olympiad exam preparation is never complete without practicing English Olympiad previous years’ question papers. This helps students understand the difficulty level of the questions, the amount of practice and proper understanding of each topic required to solve the given set of problems in the limited time and much more to secure better marks.
Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:
Q.1 : c | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : d | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : c