International Green Warrior Olympiad Class 6 Sample Paper

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Clean Water and Sanitation

  1. Introduction to clean water: Understanding the importance of clean water and proper sanitation, various sources of clean water, methods to purify water, water treatment plans, methods to filtre water
  2. Proper sanitation and personal hygiene: Sanitation and personal hygiene practices and their impact on health, access to clean toilets and sanitation facilities
  3. Waterborne diseases: Common waterborne diseases (e.g., cholera, dysentery), how waterborne diseases spread, prevention through clean water and sanitation
  4. Water scarcity and global water issues: Exploring water scarcity in different regions, the role of climate change in water scarcity
  5. Water pollution and treatment: Sources and types of water pollution, consequences of water pollution, wastewater treatment processes
  6. Water conservation: The water cycle and its importance, strategies for water conservation, technologies for efficient water use

Affordable and Clean Energy

  1. Sources of energy: Exploration of various energy sources (e.g., fossil fuels, renewable energy, nuclear), how energy is generated from different sources, environmental impacts of different energy sources
  2. Renewable energy sources: Introduction to renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydro, geothermal), how renewable energy systems work, advantages and challenges of renewable energy
  3. Energy conservation and efficiency: Understanding the importance of energy conservation, practical tips for saving energy at home and school, energy-efficient technologies and practices
  4. Introduction to clean energy: Understanding the concept of clean energy, differentiating clean energy from fossil fuels
  5. Clean energy innovations: Innovations in clean energy technology, solar roadways and smart grids
  6. Environmental impact of fossil fuels: Understanding the environmental impact of fossil fuel use, air and water pollution caused by fossil fuels

Sustainable Cities and Communities

  1. Sustainable transportation and green infrastructure: Introduction to sustainable transportation, the role of electric and hybrid vehicles, bicycles as a sustainable mode of transportation, sustainable urban planning and green infrastructure
  2. Characteristics of sustainable cities: Green infrastructure, urban farming, efficient public transportation, operations on renewable energy sources, waste management
  3. Universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible green and public spaces

Responsible Consumption and Production

  1. The three r's: reduce, reuse, recycle: Importance of three r's of responsible consumption, strategies to reduce waste and consumption, creative ways to reuse items, introduction to recycling and waste separation
  2. Responsible consumption of water and energy: Importance of conserving water and energy, practical tips for saving water and electricity, energy-efficient appliances and lighting
  3. Responsible consumption of water and energy: Importance of conserving water and energy, practical tips for saving water and electricity, energy-efficient appliances and lighting

Climate Action

  1. Introduction to climate change: Understanding the concept of climate change, differentiating between climate and weather, causes and effects of climate change
  2. The carbon cycle: Understanding the carbon cycle, how humans disrupt the carbon cycle
  3. Earth's climate systems: Introduction to earth's climate systems, the role of the atmosphere and oceans in climate regulation
  4. The greenhouse effect: Explaining the greenhouse effect, how it affects the earth's temperature

Life Below Water

  1. Conservation of marine life: Exploring marine protected areas and marine sanctuaries, importance of marine conservation for biodiversity
  2. Threats to marine ecosystems: Identifying human activities that harm marine ecosystems (e.g., overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction), discussing the impact of climate change on oceans
  3. Marine pollution and plastic waste: Sources and types of marine pollution (e.g., plastic waste, oil spills), impact of pollution on marine life and ecosystems, solutions and cleanup efforts

Life On Land

  1. Introduction to terrestrial ecosystems: Understanding terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., forests, grasslands, deserts), importance of land-based environments
  2. Endangered species and conservation: Introduction to endangered species, conservation efforts to protect endangered species
  3. Major threats to terrestrial ecosystems: Habitat destruction and fragmentation, deforestation, overexploitation, pollution, agriculture practices, etc.

Food Security and Agriculture

  1. Food choices and sustainability: The impact of food choices on the environment, reducing food waste at home and school, sustainable farming practices (e.g., organic, local), composting and its benefits
  2. Climate change and food security: How climate change affects food production and agriculture, strategies for adapting to changing climates in agriculture

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


In a city, students were curious about where the power for their home, gadgets and appliances came from. They learned about different forms of energy and how they impact daily life.
Which sources of energy were explored by the students?


Mark and Sarah are discussing ways to conserve water at home. Mark argues that taking shorter showers helps save water, while Sarah believes that using a dishwasher consumes less water than hand washing dishes.
In the context of water conservation at home, which statement aligns more with effective water-saving practices based on Mark and Sarah's discussion?


While exploring climate change's impact on ocean health, a group of students identified a process significantly contributing to ocean acidification. What aspect of climate change primarily leads to the acidification of the ocean, affecting marine organisms?


A municipality has been experiencing outbreaks of waterborne diseases due to the presence of harmful microorganisms in its water supply.
In order to eliminate disease-causing organisms and make the water safe for consumption, which crucial step in the water treatment process should the municipality prioritise?


Your closet is overflowing with clothes you rarely wear. How can you reuse these items instead of throwing them away?
1. Donate them to charity for someone else to enjoy.
2. Upcycle them into new creations like tote bags or pillowcases.
3. Host a clothing swap with friends to exchange unwanted items.


A city is experiencing a heat wave, and the local power plant is struggling to keep up with the increased demand for electricity. The power plant is considering burning more fossil fuels to generate more electricity. However, the burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change.
What is the best course of action for the power plant to take?


Alex, an aspiring marine conservationist, embarked on a mission to address the threats to coral reefs. He studied the factors causing coral bleaching and sought effective solutions.
While researching coral bleaching, Alex found a strategy that could directly aid in protecting coral reefs.
What approach would be most beneficial for addressing this issue?


You're on a camping trip with a friend, and you desperately need clean water for drinking. The only option is a muddy stream full of leaves. You have some coffee filters with you. You fill a cup with the murky creek water and pass it through the filter.
Based on the scenario, answer the following questions:

A. What will happen when you try to filter the water through the coffee filter?
B. Is this water safe for drinking?


In a study, it was observed that regions with more forests experience higher rates of precipitation. What could be the explanation for this phenomenon?


The team found that the absence of natural vegetation had disrupted the local hydrological cycle, leading to water scarcity in the region. What would be the most effective strategy to restore the hydrological balance in this area?

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Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can hone their skills and prepare for the International Green Warrior Olympiad (IGWO) with the class 6 sample paper.

The PDF is readily available for free download, accompanied by a helpful answer key, making it an invaluable resource for effective exam readiness.

Few benefits of solving Green Warrior sample papers for class 6 students -

  1. The International Green Warrior Olympiad is a novel subject encompassing critical themes like Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life On Land, and Food Security and Agriculture.
  2. Given its innovative and diverse nature, this subject stands apart from conventional curricula, demanding specialized preparation.
  3. Therefore, sample papers tailored to these unique topics assume paramount importance for class 6 students. These papers provide an essential bridge, familiarizing students with the distinct subject matter and preparing students of class 6 comprehensively.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : d | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : d | Q.5 : d | Q.6 : d | Q.7 : d | Q.8 : c | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : c
