Introduction to clean water: What is water? importance of clean water, basic hygiene practices related to water
Water sources: Where does our water come from? different sources of water (e.g., rivers, lakes, taps), protecting water sources
Water pollution: What is pollution?, introduction to water pollution, simple examples of pollutants (e.g., trash, dirt), importance of not polluting water sources
Keeping water clean: Ways to clean water, avoiding littering near water sources, basic rules for using water responsibly
Waterborne diseases: What are waterborne diseases? basic understanding of illnesses related to dirty water, importance of clean water for health
Clean water at home: Ways to get clean water at home, role of water filters and purification, hygiene practices when using water at home
Affordable and Clean Energy
Simple ways to save energy at home (e.g., turning off lights when not needed)
Activities to practice energy conservation
How clean energy is good for the environment
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Clean and safe parks: Visiting a local park, picking up trash in the park, playing outdoor games in the park, planting tress
Community helpers: Learning about people who help keep the city clean (e.g., garbage collectors, gardeners)
Sustainable transportation: Introduction to electric vehicles, public transportation and its benefits, reducing carbon emissions through transportation choices
Responsible Consumption and Production
Importance of not wasting things, the concept of reuse by sharing toys with others
Importance of not wasting food
Alternatives to plastic, like using reusable bags
Introduction of ""3 Rs"" - reduce, reuse, recycle with simple examples
Climate Action
Basic understanding of seasons
Air: Air pollution, sources of air pollution, effects of air pollution, ways to reduce air pollution
Importance of breathing clean air
How human activities can affect the climate
The impact of climate change on the environment (e.g., melting ice, rising sea levels, extreme weather)
Why trees are important for the environment
Planting a tree or caring for a small garden
How clean energy helps combat climate change
Life Below Water
Need to protect marine animals from harm (e.g., pollution, overfishing)
Ocean conservation: Understanding why we need to protect the oceans, avoid littering at the beach
Exploring ocean life: Introduction to underwater creatures
Life On Land
Protecting trees and plants
How animals and plants are essential for the environment and humans
Conservation of Animals and plants habitats
Importance of taking care of land
Food Security and Agriculture
Introduction to the concept of food: Basic food groups (e.g., fruits, vegetables, grains), identifying common foods
Understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods
Sharing food: Why it's important to share food with others
Sophia studies about the impact of climate change on frogs and their habitats. How does climate change affect the water in frog habitats?
Sophie and Max noticed someone working hard in their city. Which community helper is responsible for keeping our city's streets clean?
Sarah is fascinated by cars. She heard about a special type that doesn't need petrol or diesel to run. What are these cars called?
Sophie and Max visited an industrial area near their town. They saw tall chimneys releasing something into the sky.
What did Sophie and Max see that might contribute to air pollution?
Sam plays outside until he's sweaty and wants to take a shower. What can he do to save water?
Emily's family is unpacking groceries after a trip to the store. What is considered one of the most effective ways to reduce waste?
What is a good way to help keep water clean?
Sandy went hiking on a hill and saw trash all over the place. She's not sure where to put her empty water bottle. Where should she throw it?
Which of the following will help to conserve energy while taking a bath?
Emily is having a birthday picnic in the park and wants to have something healthy and fun to share with her friends. Which of the following should she bring for everyone?