International Green Warrior Olympiad Class 9 Previous Year Papers

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Clean Water and Sanitation

  1. Water sources and quality: Sources of clean water (e.g., rivers, lakes, groundwater), water quality testing and monitoring, role of water treatment plants in ensuring safe drinking water
  2. Sanitation and hygiene: Importance of proper sanitation and hygiene practices, safe disposal of waste and human excreta, role of handwashing in disease prevention
  3. Waterborne diseases: Common waterborne diseases (e.g., cholera, diarrhoea), how waterborne diseases spread and impact public health, prevention through clean water and sanitation practices
  4. Water conservation and efficiency: The water cycle and its importance, strategies for water conservation at home and in communities, technologies for efficient water use (e.g., low-flow fixtures)
  5. Emerging technologies for clean water: Introduction to innovative water purification technologies, solar water purifiers, filtration systems, and water-purifying plants
  6. Water and the environment: Impact of water pollution on ecosystems and biodiversity, case studies on polluted rivers and oceans, the role of communities in protecting water sources
  7. Water pollution and treatment: Sources and types of water pollution (e.g., industrial, agricultural), effects of pollution on aquatic ecosystems and human health, wastewater treatment processes and their importance

Affordable and Clean Energy

  1. Affordable and clean energy: Differentiating between clean and fossil fuel-based energy sources
  2. Fossil fuels and their consequences: Understanding the environmental impact of fossil fuel use (coal, oil, natural gas), air and water pollution caused by fossil fuels, the role of carbon emissions in climate change
  3. Alternative energy sources: Solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, hydro, tidal, wave, biofuel etc., sources of low-carbon energy, advantages of using renewable energy in a domestic setting (solar power, geothermal heat pumps, small wind systems)
  4. Energy conservation and efficiency: Ways to conserve energy in daily life, benefits of conservation of energy. improving energy efficiency in homes, buildings, and industries can significantly reduce energy consumption. energy-efficient appliances, led lighting, and well-insulated buildings are examples of ways to achieve this.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

  1. Sustainable water management: Introduction to sustainable water management, rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling, water reuse and recycling practices
  2. Sustainable waste management: Encourage waste reduction, reuse of materials, and recycling to minimize waste generation
  3. Environmental sustainability: Preserve green spaces, parks, and natural habitats to support biodiversity
  4. Effects of urbanisation and sustainable urbanisation

Responsible Consumption and Production

  1. Responsible technology consumption: The environmental and social consequences of electronics consumption, e-waste management and responsible disposal, strategies for extending the lifespan of electronic devices
  2. The 5 r's: Reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, and refuse
  3. Reducing energy consumption in daily life, The role of energy-efficient appliances
  4. Making sustainable purchasing decisions

Climate Action

  1. Introduction to climate change: Definition of climate change and global warming, evidence of climate change (e.g., temperature records, ice melt, sea-level rise)
  2. Greenhouse effect and global warming: Understanding the greenhouse effect, role of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane), link between human activities and increased greenhouse gas concentrations
  3. Impacts of climate change: Effects on weather patterns and extreme events, economic and social consequences of climate change, examples of climate change impacts
  4. Mitigation and adaptation strategies: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation), strategies for energy efficiency and renewable energy, climate adaptation measures and resilience building
  5. Climate change solutions at the individual level: Sustainable lifestyle choices, reducing carbon footprint in daily life

Life Below Water

  1. Preserving life below water: Reduce marine pollution, protect and restore ecosystems, reduce ocean acidification, practice sustainable fishing, conserve coastal and marine areas etc.
  2. Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture: Sustainable fishing practices, responsible aquaculture and fish farming, overfishing and bycatch
  3. Threats to life underwater: Addressing threats like climate change, debris, dead zones, toxic spills, overfishing, shoreline development, coastal erosion, ocean acidification

Life On Land

  1. Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems: Managing forests sustainably, combating desertification, restoring degraded land and soil, halting biodiversity loss, protecting threatened species
  2. Forest ecosystems and their importance: Introduction to forest ecosystems (temperate, tropical, boreal), role of forests in carbon storage and climate regulation, deforestation and its impacts

Food Security and Agriculture

  1. Food choices and sustainable eating: The environmental impact of food choices, sustainable diets and the benefits of local, seasonal foods, reducing food waste and practicing mindful eating
  2. Food waste reduction: The global problem of food waste, strategies for reducing food waste
  3. Sustainable agriculture and land use: Sustainable farming practices (e.g., organic, agroecology), role of regenerative agriculture in soil health, urban agriculture and community gardens
  4. Promoting farming systems that use climate-smart techniques and produce a diverse mix of foods
  5. Improving supply chains to reduce post-harvest food losses
  6. Implementing resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


You are considering upgrading your smartphone to the latest model. What factors should you consider to minimise the environmental impact of your decision?

A. The energy efficiency of the new model
B. The durability and longevity of the new model
C. The availability of recycling options for your old phone


A city council plans to implement a policy mandating the separation of organic waste (such as food scraps and yard waste) from other household garbage.
Which environmental impact is most directly addressed by this policy?


Consider the case study given below and answer the following question:

Case Study: Protecting the Coral Reefs of Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Location: Raja Ampat, a stunning archipelago in Indonesia famed for its thriving coral reefs, biodiversity, and diving tourism.

-Overfishing: Unsustainable fishing practices, including blast fishing and cyanide fishing, have depleted fish stocks and damaged coral reefs.
-Pollution: Plastic pollution, agricultural runoff, and sedimentation from coastal development all threaten the delicate marine ecosystem.
-Climate Change: Rising ocean temperatures and acidification are bleaching and killing coral, the foundation of the reef ecosystem.

-Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): Establishing and enforcing MPAs restricts harmful fishing practices and allows reefs to recover. Raja Ampat boasts one of the largest MPAs in Southeast Asia, covering over 1.5 million hectares.
-Community-Based Management: Local communities play a crucial role in protecting their reefs. The Coral Triangle Initiative focuses on empowering them through sustainable fishing practices and alternative livelihoods like ecotourism.
-Sustainable Aquaculture: Farming fish responsibly reduces pressure on wild stocks and provides alternative income for fishermen. Locally managed fish farms in Raja Ampat demonstrate successful alternatives to overfishing.
-Coral Restoration: Innovative techniques like coral nurseries and transplantation help regenerate damaged reefs and restore marine biodiversity.

-Fish stocks are rebounding: The Raja Ampat MPA has shown a significant increase in fish biomass within its boundaries, demonstrating the effectiveness of protected areas.
-Improved water quality: Reduced pollution and sedimentation contribute to healthier corals and a more vibrant marine environment.
-Empowered communities: Local involvement in conservation fosters environmental stewardship and provides sustainable economic opportunities.

Raja Ampat serves as a beacon of hope in marine conservation, demonstrating the effectiveness of community-driven, multi-pronged approaches to protecting life below water. By tackling overfishing, pollution, and climate change, we can safeguard the future of these vital ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

A plastic net washes ashore on the Raja Ampat beach. Trace its potential journey through the marine ecosystem, describing the environmental and ecological consequences it could cause at each stage.

1. Entanglement for sea turtles, fish, and coral, leading to injuries and potential death.
2. Ingestion by marine life, mistaking it for food, causing blockages and internal damage.
3. Breakage into microplastics, accumulating in the food chain and harming higher predators.


Jayden examined the consequences of illegal dumping of hazardous waste into oceans. Which chemical pollutant, commonly found in such waste, poses severe threats to marine life due to its bioaccumulation in the food chain?


Your city is considering expanding its aquaculture industry to meet the growing demand for seafood. However, traditional aquaculture practices can contribute to water pollution and habitat degradation.
Which of the following approaches would be most sustainable for developing a responsible aquaculture industry?


You're at the supermarket deciding between locally-grown organic vegetables and conventionally-grown vegetables shipped from a distant country. Both cost the same. Considering climate change:


You live in a small town nestled near a bustling city. Your town council is considering a proposal to expand the city limits, potentially encroaching on your rural area. You're concerned about the potential impact on air quality and sustainability. The data regarding the levels of particulate matter over last few years was graphed.
Based on the information provided in the graph below and your concerns about sustainability, which statement best reflects the potential consequences of urban expansion on your town and its surrounding environment?


An individual is trying to reduce their carbon footprint through their diet. Which action would have the most significant impact on reducing carbon emissions?


In a city prone to heatwaves, a group of students proposed a rooftop garden initiative to combat the urban heat island effect. How does the presence of rooftop gardens contribute to reducing the urban heat island effect?


Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:

1. Debris accumulation in oceans primarily consists of organic waste, which enhances marine biodiversity by providing habitats for various species.
2. Sustainable aquaculture involves utilising antibiotics to control diseases and enhance fish growth in farms.
3. Coastal development and shoreline alterations significantly impact marine habitats or disrupt the natural flow of sediments in coastal areas.
4. Overfishing contributes to the creation of dead zones due to the imbalance in marine ecosystems caused by the removal of certain fish species.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : d | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : d | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : c | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : d
