CREST Reasoning Olympiad Class 7 Previous Year Papers

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Section 1: Series Completion and Inserting the Missing Character, Analogy and Classification, Blood Relations, Coding - Decoding, Direction Sense Test, Logical Venn Diagram, Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle, Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Alphabet Test, Mathematical Operations, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images and Water Images, Embedded Figures, Figure Formation, Construction of Squares, Grouping of Identical Figures, Figure Matrix, Paper Folding and Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Dot Situations.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Which one of the following options can be made from the pieces given in (x)?


In the following question, there is a certain relationship between the two numbers on the left side of '::' and one number is given on the other side of '::'. From the four given alternatives, choose the one which completes the second pair in the same way as the first pair.

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David started walking towards North. After walking 30 m, he turned towards the left and walked 40 m. He then turned left and walked 30 m. He again turned left and walked 50 m. How far is he from his original position?


How many triangles are there in the given figure?


You go South, turn left, then right again and then go to the right. In which direction are you now?


Choose the odd one out:


In the following question, certain pairs of words are given, out of which the words in all pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. Choose the odd pair.


Count the number of triangles in the given diagram.


Among the four answer figures which one can be formed from the cut-out pieces given in the question figure?


Pointing towards a photograph, Sam said, "She is the only daughter of only child of my grandfather". How is the girl related to Sam?

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the CREST Reasoning Olympiad previous year paper pdf for class 7 from this page. The answer key is also provided in the previous year paper.

Students can obtain an idea of the exam question types and paper format by referring to CREST Reasoning Olympiad past year paper for class 7.

Students can expect a similar type of questions in the main exam as present in the CREST Reasoning Olympiad previous year paper for class 7. Hence, it becomes important to practice the previous year papers. Also, students will approach the exam with more confidence if they practice sufficient previous year papers.

Additional Preparation Resources

Students can also refer to the following resources to level up their CREST Reasoning Olympiad (CRO) exam preparation for class 7 -

  1. CREST Reasoning Worksheets Package for class 7 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit
  2. CREST Reasoning Olympiad book for class 7 - The book covers topic-wise reading material, chapter-wise practice questions with answer key & contains the previous year paper. The book is available in both physical and pdf formats. Proceed now to purchase the Olympiad book. Also, students can view & download the first chapter of the Reasoning Olympiad book for class 7 for free.

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST Reasoning Olympiad past year paper pdf for class 7.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : a | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : b | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : c
