CREST Reasoning Olympiad Class 8 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Series Completion and Inserting the Missing Character, Analogy and Classification, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense Test, Logical Venn Diagram, Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle, Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Alphabet Test, Mathematical Operations, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images and Water Images, Embedded Figures, Figure Formation, Construction of Squares, Grouping of Identical Figures, Figure Matrix, Paper Folding and Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Dot Situations.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


In the following question, find out which of the option figures completes the figure matrix?


Count the number of small cubes in the following figure.


Which number will replace the question mark?


In a certain code, 'R' is '%', 'E' is '#', 'D' is '@' and 'A' is 'Δ'. How is 'DARE' written in that code?


In the following diagram, identify the region that represents appointed educated persons whose job is not permanent.


From the given suitable options, find the water image of the object given in the question figure.


Which is the correct sequence of the water cycle?

  1. Evaporation
  2. Rain
  3. Sea
  4. Clouds


The diagram represents the students who are dancers and poets.

Study the diagram below and identify the region which represents the students who are both poets and singers but not dancers.


What comes in place of the question mark in the following letter series?



The question given below contains three items. These items may or may not have some relation with one another. Each group of items may fit into one of the options images. Please indicate the option in which the group of items correctly fits into.

Picture, TV, Radio

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Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


CREST Olympiads, Asia’s Most Innovative Online Olympiad, provides class 8 previous year's question paper for Reasoning Olympiad. The sample papers assist students in gaining an understanding of the Reasoning Olympiad exam. It also enables them to extensively improve their preparation.

The previous year's paper for the CREST Reasoning Olympiad for class 8 can be directly obtained from this page.

The Olympiad exam syllabus corresponds mostly to the school curriculum. As a result, these exams allow students to practice a wide range of questions. The exam consists of all multiple choice questions.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : a | Q.2 : d | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : d | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : a
