CREST Science Olympiad Class 8 Previous Year Papers

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Section 1: Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms, Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Metals and Non-metals, Coal and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Cell, Reproduction and Endocrine System, Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Some Natural Phenomena, Light, Stars and the Solar System, Pollution of Air and Water.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Consider the following statements about the physical and chemical properties of metals and choose the correct option:

1. All metals are ductile.
2. Generally metals are ductile.
3. Metals which are more reactive than hydrogen react with acids to release hydrogen gas.
4. All metals react with acids to release hydrogen gas.


Select the incorrect statement:


Fill in the blank:

To a small quantity of X, few drops of HCl are added. Consequently, colourless, odourless gas is produced. This gas on passing through lime water turns it milky proving the presence of ____________ of X.


Which of the following problem is not related to our environment?


Which of the following is correct definition of ignition temperature?


A force of 16 N is distributed uniformly on one surface of a cube of edge 4 m. Find the pressure on this surface:


Which of the following can lead to menstruation in a 21-year-old woman after ovulation?
A. Sperms not available for fertilisation
B. Oviducts blocked
C. Sperms available for fertilisation
D. Oviducts not blocked


Fill in the blank:

Equal force F acts on isolated bodies A and B as shown. The mass of B is three times that of A. The magnitude of the acceleration of A is ___________.


An elephant has a mass of 3000 kg. Each of its foot has a surface area of 0.4 m2. A lady of mass 45 kg wears stiletto shoes. Each of the stiletto heels has a surface area of 0.01 m2. Assuming there is the equal distribution of mass on each foot.
Calculate the maximum possible pressure that could be exerted by a stiletto heel worn by the lady:


The pressure at a certain depth in river water is p1 and at the same depth the pressure in seawater is p2. Given that the density of seawater is greater than that of river water. Identify the correct relation between p1 and p2:

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the CREST Science Olympiad previous year paper pdf for class 8 from this page. Each question in the paper carries 1 mark. The answer key for all the questions is also provided on the last page.

One of the most significant advantages of solving the past years’ papers is that it helps students improve their time management skills, strengthens their understanding of concepts and aids them in applying the concepts they have mastered. Also, solving previous years’ papers a few days before the exam can help students to revise the concepts quickly. Therefore, students must refer to previous years' papers before appearing for the final exam as many advantages are associated with it.

Additional Preparation Resources

Students can also refer to the following resources to level up their CREST Science Olympiad (CSO) exam preparation for class 8 -

  1. CREST Science Worksheets Package for class 8 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit
  2. CREST Science Olympiad book for class 8 - The book covers topic-wise reading material, chapter-wise practice questions with answer key & contains the previous year paper. The book is available in both physical and pdf formats. Proceed now to purchase the Olympiad book. Also, students can view & download the first chapter of the Science Olympiad book for class 8 for free.

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST Science Olympiad past year paper pdf for class 8.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : b | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : d | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : b | Q.10 : c
