CREST Science Olympiad Class 6 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Our Environment, Sorting and Separation of Materials, Changes Around Us, Living Organisms and Their Surroundings, Food and its Components, Fibre to Fabric.

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Answer the following question and choose the correct option:

In which direction does the bar magnet come to rest when suspended freely?


Given below are two groups of fibres namely I and II:

Group I - Cotton, Jute, hemp
Group II - Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic
On what basis have these fibres been grouped? 


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

  1. By eating only vitamins, we cannot remain healthy.
  2. By eating proper roughage, we can prevent anaemia.
  3. Milk is regarded as a complete food.
  4. Fat is not at all necessary for good health. It causes obesity only.


Which of the following is/are NOT the characteristic feature(s) of the cotton ginning process?


Two students were discussing the motion and this is what they said:

Ana: The needle of a sewing machine undergoes circular motion.
Jack: Motion of a body thrown upward at an angle is rectilinear.

Choose the correct option regarding the above two statements:


Spot the process that can be used to separate each of the following:

1. Cashews from mixture of almonds and cashewnuts
2. Sugar crystals from a mixture of red lentils
3. Small stones from a mixture of pulses.
4. Cut and cubed apples from a bowl of fruit salad.


Which of the following statement is INCORRECT related to nutrients present in food?

A. There is no loss in vitamins if fruits and vegetables are washed after peeling or cutting them.
B. The skins of many fruits are rich in many nutrients.
C. Cooking kills most of the nutrients present in foods.
D. Rice and pulses will lose their vitamins and minerals if they are repeatedly washed.


The picture below is that of a compass. Which of the following metal is used to make the needle of a compass?
1. Gold
2. Iron
3. Silver
4. Steel


Three students gave the following statements during a classroom discussion. This is what they said:

David: The motion of a vibrating tuning fork exhibits periodic motion.
Nora: The blades of the fan is said to move in a rotatory motion.
James: The length of the footsteps is the same for different people.

Which student(s) made incorrect statement(s)?


Given below are a set of phenomena:

1. Folding the paper into an aeroplane.
2. Melting of ice candy.
3. Wet clothes to dry clothes
4. Dissolving sugar in water

What is the basis of the given grouping?

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Every student who is taking the CREST Science Olympiad exam for class 6 and hopes to do exceptionally well in the exam must practice sample papers. 

The secret to success in such tests is to practice Science Olympiad questions as much as you can. Students can get sample papers for a variety of subjects in class 6. Candidates will be able to discover their strengths and weaknesses by attempting previous years' papers and taking practice exams.

CREST Science Olympiad sample papers for class 6 can be practiced and downloaded from this page. This method of preparing for the CREST Science Olympiad is the most effective for getting good grades and allowing students to manage their time during the exam. 


Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : d | Q.2 : d | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : d | Q.5 : d | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : c | Q.10 : c
