CREST International Spell Bee - Summer Class 1 Previous Year Papers

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Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.

Section 1: Spell Bee Competition Words for Class 1

Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.

Animals: alligator, bear, bull, camel, cat, cow, crab, deer, donkey, elephant, fish, fox, frog, goat, horse, lion, monkey, mouse, ox, pig, rabbit, shark, sheep, snail, tiger, turtle, wolf, yak, zebra

Birds: cock, crane, crow, dove, duck, eagle, goose, hen, owl, parrot, peacock, pigeon, sparrow, swan, turkey

Animals - Homes, Young Ones, Sound: bear-cub, bee-buzz, buffalo-grunt, camel-desert, cat-kitten, cat-meow, cow-calf, crow-caw, deer-fawn, frog-croak, horse-colt, lion-roar, mouse-burrow, parrot-cage, pigeon-coo, sheep-baa

Colours: black, blue, brown, green, khaki, orange, pink, purple, red, violet, white, yellow

Body Parts: arm, cheek, chest, chin, ear, eye, finger, hair, hand, knee, leg, lip, mouth, nail, neck, nose, teeth, tongue

Food Items: biscuit, bread, butter, carrot, cheese, chilli, chocolate, corn, egg, maize, milk, pasta, potato, rice, salad, salt, sandwich, sauce, soup, sugar, tea, tomato

Household Items: bowl, chair, cooker, cooler, flask, glass, hanger, heater, jug, kitchen, lamp, mirror, mug, napkin, needle, plate, spoon, table, towel

Occupation: actor, artist, cook, dancer, dentist, doctor, driver, farmer, nurse, painter, pilot, policeman, postman, sailor, singer, soldier, tailor, teacher, waiter, writer

Relationships: aunt, brother, child, children, daddy, father, mother, parent, sister, son, uncle, wife

Trees/Plants/Flowers/Fruits: apple, bamboo, banana, banyan, berry, coconut, cotton, grain, grape, lemon, lily, lotus, mango, marigold, oak, olive, orange, palm, papaya, pine, rose, watermelon

Clothing: belt, boot, boots, cap, coat, frock, gown, hat, jeans, pants, sandals, shirt, shoes, shorts, slippers, socks, suit, tie

Science: aeroplane, air, animal, branch, climate, cloth, cloud, drain, flower, gas, heat, hygiene, jungle, leaf, liquid, matter, mountain, natural, nature, nest, pencil, people, plant, rainbow, root, school, season, solid, stem, volcano

Adjectives: active, afraid, amazed, angry, angry, annoyed, beautiful, better, big, bitter, blind, bored, brave, bright, broad, calm, calm, capable, careless, cheap, cheap, cheerful, chief, clean, clever, cold, cruel, cute, decent, different, dull, empty, empty, favourite, flat, foolish, frozen, furious, gentle, giant, giggle, glad, golden, greedy, healthy, helpful, honest, huge, huge, hungry, joyful, kind, little, little, local, lonely, loud, loud, naughty, nervous, pretty, pretty, proud, quick, quiet, ripe, sharp, silly, smooth, special, stray, tall, tasty, tasty, thirsty, tired, unable, warm, warm, wrong, young

Verbs: accept, admit, advise, aim, allow, attach, attack, attempt, attend, avoid, bake, bark, bathe, begin, believe, bleed, block, bring, bring, brook, carry, carry, catch, catch, change, cheat, check, cheer, climb, continue, crawl, create, create, cross, cry, dance, decorate, define, demand, describe, destroy, draw, dream, drink, drink, enjoy, explain, fight, finish, float, forget, forgive, fumble, gamble, gargle, glide, grow, guess, happen, hike, imagine, inspect, jump, jump, keep, laugh, lean, learn, listen, need, play, pretend, prick, read, recite, release, reply, reveal, scream, shake, share, shout, shout, sing, sleep, sleep, stick, study, swing, talk, tease, throw, trick, trouble, understand, wake, wake, whisper, wipe, wish, write, yawn, yawn, yell

Synonyms: afraid-scared, big-large, blank-empty, calm-silent, crawl-move, create-build, evil-bad, giant-huge-large, hide-cover, learn-study, lively-energetic, merry-happy, messy-dirty, pretty-beautiful, same-alike, shut-close, sleepy-drowsy, wash-clean

Antonyms: above-below, bad-good, big-small, brave-fearful, clean-dirty, clever-stupid, continue-stop, dark-bright, empty-full, fat-thin, happy-sad, in-out, joy-sorrow, late-early, laugh-cry, listen-ignore, poor-rich, quick-slow, quiet-noisy, slow-fast, strange-usual, tiny-huge, up-down, warm-cold

Double Letter Words: balloon, beep, bell, breeze, cell, coffee, door, egg, feel, food, kitten, letter, marry, merry, pattern, puzzle, ribbon, riddle, ripple, scissors, speech, summer, toffee, tool, tree, umbrella, wheel

Nouns: ability, abroad, accident, account, action, activity, actual, alarm, album, amount, anger, animal , athlete, author, award, bamboo, band, banker, barber, basket, battery, beauty, benefit, bicycle, bike, blanket, blood, bottom, bowl, brain, branch, brand, brass, bubble, bucket, budget, bullet, bunch, cabin, camera, campus, cancel, candy, capital, cart, cave, cave, chain, chance, channel, charm, chemical, circus, cliff, cloud, cone, correct, couch, country, crate, crown, dairy, dark, dawn, dental, desk, dice, doe, dolphin, doubt, dragon, dress, drum, duchess, effect, emperor, fabric, factory, fame, family, farm, feather, feeling, flag, flame, flight, floor, flour, fork, frame, future, gallery, garlic, garment, gentleman, giggle, ground, health, hike, holiday, hook, horse, hotel, joke, kettle, kick, king, lemonade, mare, matter, minute, mixture, morning, mule, nature, niece, novel, nurse, opera, origin, overnight, owner, parent, party, pebble, people, plot, pocket, poem, poet, pollution, pond, power, prank, present, preview, prince, remark, result, ribbon, rider, rooster, safety, scoop, seal, secret, shade, skate, skirt, slice, sloth, spring, storm, story, stunt, switch, target, tennis, tomorrow, town, twist, wagon, whistle, wrist

Miscellaneous: actually, ahead, already, always, anyone, anywhere, away, everywhere, happily, just, outside, someone

Upto 20% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Insert the correct letter to form a word:


Find the extra letter in the word:


Find the misspelt word in the sentence:
The baby is crauling across the floor.


Choose the synonym of the word:


Insert the correct letter to form a word:


Form a meaningful word from the jumbled letters:


Insert the correct letter to form a word:


Choose the correctly spelt word:


Select the feminine form of the word:


Form a meaningful word from the jumbled letters:

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the class 1 previous year paper pdf for CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition from this page. The answer key is also provided in the previous year paper.

Before taking any competitive exam, students must become familiar with the exam pattern. Through CREST International Spell Bee competition previous year papers students can easily understand the exam pattern for the CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition. Additionally, solving the class 1 CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition past year paper will help students to gauge their preparation level and also get an idea of the difficulty level of questions.

Additional Preparation Resource

  1. CREST International Spell Bee (Summer) competition Worksheets Package for class 1 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST Spell Bee (Summer) competition past year paper pdf for class 1.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : b | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : b | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : c | Q.6 : c | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : d | Q.10 : b
