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Level 1: For Level 1, about 80% of questions will come from the word list below.
Level 2: If you reach Level 2, then we believe that you are really good with your spellings. Hence, we are not providing any word list for the Level 2 exam. We would love to see you compete with your peers across India and abroad, and give a brilliant performance.
Section 1: Spell Bee Competition Words for Class 3
Variety of questions based on the following word list. Different format of questions are available here.
Environment: creature, forest, habitat, herd, insect, plateau, pollution, radish, region, stream, structure, thunder, turnip, vegetable
Transport and Communication: adapter, cruise, desktop, dumper, ferry, helicopter, journey, keyboard, laptop, mobile, monitor, railway, ship, steamer, vehicle
Body: activity, muscle, waist
Sports: badminton, baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, cricket, hockey, karate, tennis
Emotions/Requests/Apology/Greetings: angry, contempt, contentment, crying, disgust, excitement, fear, happiness, joy, sadness, surprise, trust
Quantity: fortnight, hundred, plenty, thousand, twelve, various
Masculine and Feminine: actor-actress, author-authoress, brother-sister, bull-cow, father-mother, gander-goose, gentleman-lady, god-goddess, grandfather-grandmother, hunter-huntress, husband-wife, king-queen, landlord-landlady, lion-lioness, peacock-peahen, prince-princess, son-daughter, tiger-tigress, uncle-aunt, waiter-waitress
Prefix: co(exist, pilot, etc.), dis(honest, like, etc.), en(large, case, etc.), in(ability, active, etc.), non(sense, etc.), pre(paid, view, etc.), re(discover, do, etc.), sub(title, etc.), tele(vision, etc.), tri(angle, etc.), un(friendly, happy, etc.)
Suffix (age, ed, ied, ful, ly): break(age), cover(age), marr(age), percent(age), post(age), laugh(ed), talk(ed), walk(ed), carr(ied), hurr(ied), stud(ied), worr(ied), cheer(ful), harm(ful), thank(ful), play(ful), brave(ly), kind(ly), lone(ly), love(ly), slow(ly)
Adjectives: active, actual, afraid, ancient, angry, annoyed, annual, attractive, average, bold, boring, brilliant, bushy, certain, childish, clever, comfortable, continuous, courage, coward, creeping, creeping, curly, decorative, delicate, destructive, difficult, disgusted, distant, domestic, elegant, energetic, enormous, entire, expert, fairness, fatal, fierce, foolish, fortunate, funny, funny, gloomy, gradual, gross, harmful, harsh, heavy, heavy, important, impossible, intelligent, interesting, lean, lively, loose, lovely, loyal, magnificent, magnificent, married, merry, mighty, mischievous, nice, opposite, personal, playful, plump, precious, pretty, primary, quick, rare, realistic, responsible, retro, ribbed , sensitive, separate, shiny, silent, silly, slippery, sorry, square, stale, stormy, suitable, suitable, swift, thick, thirsty, thirsty, tired, toothless, unable, unhappy, whole, worried, worst, wrong, young
Adverbs: angrily, beautifully, carefully, cheerfully, completely, correctly, definitely, entirely, extremely, fearfully, happily, heavily, lazily, lifelessly, opposite, perhaps, proudly, silently, smoothly, suddenly, surely, totally
Verbs: absorb, accuse, ache, acquire, admire, admit, adopt, advise, afford, amuse, annoy, appeal, appear, approach, arrange, arrange, attract, avoid, believe, belong, blame, blink, bore, borrow, bother, bounce, burrow, calculate, capture, carve, celebrate, chase, climb, cling, collect, confess, confuse, congratulate, consider, consist, contain, convince, crawl, damage, decay, decide, defend, digest, disappear, discuss, disdain, divide, drive, enable, enlarge, escape, examine, excite, execute, expand, explode, explore, finish, flare, forgive, frighten, frown, frown, frustrate, glide, grasp, guess, happen, happen, harm, haul, hurt, identify, imitate, improve, intend, laugh, launch, leave, listen, locate, lose, mumble, observe, perform, plunder, pounce, predict, prevent, quarrel, raised, recall, receive, rely, require, require, reside, reverse, revive, scatter, scold, scream, scrub, separate, shake, shrink, sleep, smile, spoil, spoil, squat, squeeze, stretch, struggle, struggle, suppose, throw, torture, touch, treat, twist, unite, untie, wander, whisper, wink, wonder, wriggle
Synonyms: accuse-blame, advantage-benefit, alike-same, ancient-old, annoy-irritate, ask-enquire, bliss- ecstasy, buy-purchase, childish-silly, courage- bravery, garbage-trash, gigantic- huge, glitter-shiny, harsh-cruel, interesting-exciting, junk-rubbish, loyal-faithful, perfect-ideal, precious-valuable, quarrel-fight, rich-wealthy, smelly-stinking, tiny-small,
Antonyms: accuse-defend, artificial - natural, attractive - repulsive, bother-calm, broad - narrow, care- neglect, cheap- expensive, confess-deny, dawn-dusk, delicate-hard, flutter-steady, foolish-wise, fresh- stale, funny-boring, glory- shame, interesting-boring, kind-cruel, mighty-delicate, misery-happiness, prevent-allow, save- spend, scold-praise, spend-save, store- discard, tiny-big, upset-joyful,
Compound Words: aeroplane, afternoon, airport, anyway, backbone, backside, backward, blackboard, bookshelf, bookstore, bookstore, bookworm, bookworm, breakfast, campfire, candlestick, cardboard, caveman, daydream, downward, earthquake, everything, eyeball, forearm, forehead, foreword, foreword, freedom, haircut, handmade, handsome, headache, highlight, household, keyboard, keyhole, lifetime, mailbox, mailbox, marigold, moonlight, newspaper, newspaper, outcome, passport, playground, popcorn, railroad, suitcase, sunflower, sunglasses, supermarket, textbook, therefore, toothpaste, underground, uplift, upstairs, upstream, weekend, weekend, whatever
Words with Silent Letters: acquit, autumn, breathe, business, column, communication, debt, doubt, freight, high, honest, hour, knead, knife, knock, know, patient, sigh, sign, stretch, Wednesday, whistle
Double Letter Words: beer, beetle, between, cabbage, cobbler, cooking, crook, cucumber, difference, expression, feed, fellow, freeze, hobby, hood, hooked, indeed, jeep, looked, loose, passenger, pebble, puppet, room, rooster, shallow, sleeve, smooth, street, sweep, tooth, valley, volunteer, wedding, wood, woollen
Plurals: Simply by adding 's' (e.g. pencil-pencils, apple-apples, parrot-parrots, etc.), Adding 'es' to words ending in 'ch' (e.g. batch-batches, church-churches, speech-speeches, etc.), Adding 'es' to words ending in 's', 'ss', 'x' or 'sh' (e.g. bush-bushes, glass-glasses, box-boxes, wish-wishes, etc.), Adding 's' to words ending in 'y' with a vowel before (e.g. turkey-turkeys, chimney-chimneys, etc.), Replacing 'y' with 'ies' for words ending in 'y' with a consonant before (e.g. city-cities, diary-diaries, etc.), Substituting/adding letters (e.g. loaf-loaves, goose-geese, etc.)
Evil Words (Words likely to be spelt incorrectly): adventure, brownie, building, costume, diagram, dramatist, envelope, feather, feature, gardener, gesture, graduate, librarian, magazine, manual, nursery, phrase, rhythm, scout, shepherd, straight, treasure, triumph
Nouns: ability, action, adapt, address, adopt, advantage, advice, ambition, anecdote, anklet, anthem, appearance, appoint, appointment, artist, athlete, attention, attitude, average, bacteria, balloon, banjo, barrier, beauty, belly, blazer, blood, border, brace, brain, bribe, bridge, brief, brush, buckle, burrow, button, cable, canal, candidate, cardigan, category, celebration, challenge, champion, championship, channel, cheek, chill, circus, cleanser, climate, clock, clothing, coast, continent, costume, cottage, crayon, crew, crown, custom, daughter, dawn, device, diagram, diamond, dimple, dinner, disease, distrust, dollar, dose, dreaming, drummer, dusk, electricity, engine, eyelash, failure, fastener, flaw, fleece, gardener, gasp, globe, grace, greasy, grin, habit, health, height, individual, jewel, journey, jury, kitchen, knot, ladder, leather, library, limit, loss, machine, manager, marigold, marsh, memorial, method, milkmaid, misery, moisture, narrative, nation, necktie, negro, noise, nursery, opponent, outfit, palace, pause, peace, pearl, picnic, picture, piece, pottery, predator, process, record, recreation, remark, resident, respect, risk, scratch, signal, solution, spinster, stadium, stairs, statue, straight, straightener, strand, string, suit, sunshine, survey, swiftness, symbol, talent, theory, thrill, tragedy, trait, treasure, trouble, trumpet, ulcer, vision, voice, volunteer, wisdom, witch, wizard, wrinkle, wrist
Miscellaneous: against, almost, hundred, neither, really, somewhere, still, together, until
Section 2
It's a Rapid Fire section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the words
This section will be based on the above-given word list.
Note: The syllabus will also include Word List from Classes 1-2. Upto 20% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at info@crestolympiads.com.
Q.1 | Q.2 | Q.3 | Q.4 | Q.5 | Q.6 | Q.7 | Q.8 | Q.9 | Q.10 |
Q.1 |
Choose the word with incorrect spelling: |
Q.2 |
Select the feminine form of the word: landlord |
Q.3 |
Select the correct spelling for the image: |
Q.4 |
Choose the correct suffix to form a meaningful word: kind |
Q.5 |
Choose the correct compound word: |
Q.6 |
Choose the synonym of the word: quarrel |
Q.7 |
Choose the correct prefix to form a meaningful word: motivate |
Q.8 |
Choose the correctly spelt word: |
Q.9 |
Select the correct spelling for the image: |
Q.10 |
Find the misspelt word in the sentence: Mother looked at her froaning face and giggled. |
Your Score: 0/10
Spell Bee Olympiad sample papers for class 3 might help students evaluate their level of spelling proficiency before taking the test. Spell Bee Olympiad sample papers are based on the recently updated curricula.
The website offers a free PDF download of the class 3 CREST Spell Bee Olympiad sample paper.
Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:
Q.1 : b | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : c | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : d | Q.8 : d | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : c