CREST International Spell Bee - Winter Class 7 Previous Year Papers

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Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 7

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Aardvark, abandon, abandonment, abate, abhorrent, abolish, absurd, absurdity, abundant, abusive, academician, accessible, accoutred, accumulative, acquittal, adherent, adhesive, adieu, admonish, admonishment, adroit, adventitious, adversary, aggravate, agnostic, alia, alibi, alleviate, alliance, amateur, angelic, angst, annihilate, anonymous, anthology, appealing, apprentice, archaeological, arduous, arduous, argument, arrogance, articulate, asceticism, assault, assertive, assessment, assurance, atheist, atrocious, attendant, audience, augment, aural, austere, authorised, autotroph, aweigh, Banquet, bashful, beguile, behest, belongingness, bemoan, benefactor, benevolence, benevolent, beseech, betterment, biennial, bona fide, bovine, brain haemorrhage, brainwash, break brochure, buzzard, Candid, canine, cardamom, caveat, censure, centennial, cessation, chaotic, charitable, chaste, chauffeur, chivalrous, chivalrous, chrysanthemum, cinnamon, circumspection, circumstances, clairvoyant, cleansing, coffers cohesion, collaboration, collapse, commitment, commotion, comparison, compensate, compensation, concealed, conceivable, conclusive, concur, concurrent, condensed, confession, configure, conflict, congenial, consideration, constituency, constriction, contemplation, contradict, counteract, counterbalance, coup d’état, coupe, cowardly, crass cupidity, Death, debris, deception, deciduous, decompose, defamation, deference, defraud, de jure, delicacy, denial, denounce, deplete, deplorable, deployment, deprivation, derivative, despicable despise, destitute, detachment, development, dignified, dilated, dilemma, diminish, diminution, disagreement, disappointment, discord, discreet, discriminate, discriminating, disguise, disillusion, disinfect, dissuade, dogmatic, doldrums drain dredge, drip, duplicity, Earthbound, ecstatic, elephantine, elucidate, elucidate, elude, emaciated, embellish, embezzled, embezzlement, embolden, eminent, empathy, empirical, endeavour, endorse, endurance, energetic, enigma, enigmatic, enjoyable, enlighten, entail, entomology, equine, equivocal, eradicate, evacuation, even, evolve, exacerbate, exaltation, exceptional, exclude, exculpate, exemplary, exemption, exertion, exhilarate, exhort, expedite, expel, exponent, exquisite, extravagant, exuberant, eye-popping, eyewash, Faint, fait accompli, fanatic, fantastic, fastidious, faux, feline, fetch, flatterer, flattery, fluency, forbidden, formidable, fortitude, fragrant, frisk, frugality, futile, futility, Gallantry, genesis, genre, geothermal, glittering, gloomy, grandeur, gratuitous, grave, grievance, grievous, grotesque, guaranteed, Halting, haphazard, hapless, harshness, hassle, haughtiness, haunches, heartfelt, heckler, hedonism, hermit, hesitate, hierarchy, honorary, hospitable, humiliate, hyperactive, hyperbole, hypercritical, hyperlink, hypersensitive, hypocrisy, Ideal, idealist, idle, igneous, ignorance, illiterate, imminent, impairment, imperfect, impersonate, implementation, implicit, impolite, in toto, inclination, incoherent, incredulous, incumbent, indifference, indigenous, indistinct, indolent, indulgent, ineffable, inexperienced, infamous, inferno, inflammable, inflammation, inflatable, inhabitant, inhibition, insipid, insolvency, insurgent, intelligible, Inter intercede, Interim, intimidate, intolerance, intolerant, intravenous, intrepid, intricate, intrigued, intriguing, intrinsic, intruder, involvement, ipso facto, irksome, irresistible, Joviality, jubilation, juncture, Kestrel, Laborious, lagoon, latent, lessen, lively, loquacious, luminous, Mala fide, malaise, malediction, malign, malignant, manicure, mankind, mannequin, maroon, maternity, mayhem, measurement, meditate, melancholy, methodical, microorganisms, minstrel, minuscule, miraculous, misappropriate, miscreant, misdeed, misery, misgiving, modus operandi, momentary, monstrous, moribund, multidimensional, munificent, murk, mythology, Narcissism, narcissus, neanderthal, necessitate, necessities, neglect, negligible, niggardly, nocturnal, nuance, nuisance, Obdurate, obliged, observance, obsessive, obstruction, ocular, offended, offender, offensive, ominous, omission, ornate, ornithology, osprey, outbound outcast, ovation, overwhelming, Palatable, panacea, panache, panicked, parable, paraglider, parallelogram, paramedic, paranoid, parasite, parsley, pastiche, paternity, pathology, paucity, penetrating, pensive, percussion, periphery, permeate, perquisite, persuade, pertinent, petrifying, petty, pheasant, pinnacle, pitiless, plain, platitude, plethora, plunderer, point politic, pomposity, ponderous, potent, praiseworthy, pre-loved, pre-owned, precedent, precise, precision, prejudiced, premature, prerequisite, pretence, pretentious, preventive, prima facie, pro proceedings, proclamation, proficiency, profound, profuse, prohibition, prolong, prominent, pronunciation, propensity, proponent, prosperity, provoke, prudence, Quadrilateral, quasi, quell, quench, quid, quit, quo, quotient, Raison d’etre, rampage, rampart, random, raucous, ravage, raze, reality, realm, reasonable, rebellion, rebuke, recalcitrant, reckless, reckon, recluse, recognition, reconciliation, recruit, rectify, redundant, refurbish, reimburse, reiterate, rejoice, relegate, relieve, remonstrate, render, renunciation, replenish, replica, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, requisite, resonant, restive, restraint, resurrect, retaliate, retentive, reverence, revitalise, righteous, rigid, rogue, route rupture, rustic, ruthless, Salient, salutary, salvage, sanction, sanctity, sartorial, satiate, scarcity, scenario, scramble secularist, sedate, sedentary, sedition, sensibly, separation, serenity, shrill, shrink, simultaneous, sinister, slander, smug, soirée, solidarity, sombre, soothe, soothing, spacecraft, speculate, spiteful, squint, stagnant, stamina, stammering, stampede, status, stigma, stillness, stimulate, stint, stipulated, stomach-churning, stringent, Strudel, submission, subscription, subsidy, substance, subtle, successfully, succour, sufficient, sulky, sultry, superintendent, superstition, supple, supposedly, suppress, supreme, surplus, surreal, surroundings, sustain, swagger, swindle, Talisman, tamper, tantalising, tawdry, tedious, tenacity, tenure, terracotta, terrestrial, theology, threat, threshold, thrilling, throng, thunderbolt, topple, torrid, tranquil, transferring, transform, trapezoid, traumatic, traverse, trenched, trickery, trifling, trivial, troublesome, trudge, truthfulness, tumble, turgidity, tyranny, tête-à-tête, Uber-, ulterior, unadorned, unbeatable, unbecoming, unbridled, uncertainty, uncivilised, understanding, unearth, unexpected, unhealthy, unimportant, uninteresting, unison, unpleasant, unprecedented, unreasonable, unruly, unsorted, unsubstantial, untamed, unwise, utopia, Vaccination, vagabond, vague, vantage, vehement, venal, venerable, veneration, ventriloquist, veracity, verdant, versatile, viable, vice versa, vicinity, vindicate, vindication, vintage, vis-à-vis, visionary, vitiate, vivacious, vociferous, vogue, volatile, voluble, voluntary, vox pop, voyage, Waive, warmth, wavering, weatherproof, wield, withdrawn, wizard, Yearn, Zucchini

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Match the words with their meanings:

1. sceptical
2. discreet
3. vulnerable

a. careful and prudent in one's speech or actions
b. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
c. doubting that something is true or useful


Choose the incorrectly spelt word:


Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word:



Choose the incorrectly spelt word:


Which option has letters that you can rearrange to form the name of a thing you find in the kitchen?


Choose the word that will fit in one of the blanks:

According to the dictionary, housework is the work _________ in taking care of a home and ______, for example _________ and cooking.


Choose the true statement/s:

1. A flying fox is a bird with a fox-like face.
2. A fly-past is a huge flock of birds in the sky.
3. A flotilla is a group of boats or small ships sailing together.


Choose the option in which the letters can be rearranged to form a meaningful word:


Choose the correct prefix and suffix to make a meaningful word:

This can be can be used to describe behaviour that is not fitting or appropriate:


1. un
2. non
3. dis
4. ible
5. ing
6. ful


Choose the correct word for the blank:

___________ means the short, stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face when he has not shaved recently.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Students can download the CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition previous year paper pdf for class 7 from this page. Each question in the paper carries 1 mark. The answer key for all the questions is also provided on the last page.

Preparation is an essential factor to achieve the greatest possible results in the CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition exam. Students who practice the CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition past year paper are more likely to score well in the examination. Additionally, students can identify their areas of weakness and then take time to strengthen those areas before taking their actual exam.

Additional Preparation Resource

  1. CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition Worksheets Package for class 7 - It is a package of 5 worksheets. The worksheets are in the same pattern as the previous year paper. Hence, very useful for preparation. Existing users can purchase additional practice worksheets by following these steps: Login at -> Dashboard -> Additional Practice -> Buy & new users can visit

Note: Don’t forget to download the CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition past year paper pdf for class 7.

Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : c | Q.2 : d | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : d | Q.9 : d | Q.10 : d
