CREST International Spell Bee - Winter Class 7 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 7

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Aardvark, abandon, abandonment, abate, abhorrent, abolish, absurd, absurdity, abundant, abusive, academician, accessible, accoutred, accumulative, acquittal, adherent, adhesive, adieu, admonish, admonishment, adroit, adventitious, adversary, aggravate, agnostic, alia, alibi, alleviate, alliance, amateur, angelic, angst, annihilate, anonymous, anthology, appealing, apprentice, archaeological, arduous, arduous, argument, arrogance, articulate, asceticism, assault, assertive, assessment, assurance, atheist, atrocious, attendant, audience, augment, aural, austere, authorised, autotroph, aweigh, Banquet, bashful, beguile, behest, belongingness, bemoan, benefactor, benevolence, benevolent, beseech, betterment, biennial, bona fide, bovine, brain haemorrhage, brainwash, break brochure, buzzard, Candid, canine, cardamom, caveat, censure, centennial, cessation, chaotic, charitable, chaste, chauffeur, chivalrous, chivalrous, chrysanthemum, cinnamon, circumspection, circumstances, clairvoyant, cleansing, coffers cohesion, collaboration, collapse, commitment, commotion, comparison, compensate, compensation, concealed, conceivable, conclusive, concur, concurrent, condensed, confession, configure, conflict, congenial, consideration, constituency, constriction, contemplation, contradict, counteract, counterbalance, coup d’état, coupe, cowardly, crass cupidity, Death, debris, deception, deciduous, decompose, defamation, deference, defraud, de jure, delicacy, denial, denounce, deplete, deplorable, deployment, deprivation, derivative, despicable despise, destitute, detachment, development, dignified, dilated, dilemma, diminish, diminution, disagreement, disappointment, discord, discreet, discriminate, discriminating, disguise, disillusion, disinfect, dissuade, dogmatic, doldrums drain dredge, drip, duplicity, Earthbound, ecstatic, elephantine, elucidate, elucidate, elude, emaciated, embellish, embezzled, embezzlement, embolden, eminent, empathy, empirical, endeavour, endorse, endurance, energetic, enigma, enigmatic, enjoyable, enlighten, entail, entomology, equine, equivocal, eradicate, evacuation, even, evolve, exacerbate, exaltation, exceptional, exclude, exculpate, exemplary, exemption, exertion, exhilarate, exhort, expedite, expel, exponent, exquisite, extravagant, exuberant, eye-popping, eyewash, Faint, fait accompli, fanatic, fantastic, fastidious, faux, feline, fetch, flatterer, flattery, fluency, forbidden, formidable, fortitude, fragrant, frisk, frugality, futile, futility, Gallantry, genesis, genre, geothermal, glittering, gloomy, grandeur, gratuitous, grave, grievance, grievous, grotesque, guaranteed, Halting, haphazard, hapless, harshness, hassle, haughtiness, haunches, heartfelt, heckler, hedonism, hermit, hesitate, hierarchy, honorary, hospitable, humiliate, hyperactive, hyperbole, hypercritical, hyperlink, hypersensitive, hypocrisy, Ideal, idealist, idle, igneous, ignorance, illiterate, imminent, impairment, imperfect, impersonate, implementation, implicit, impolite, in toto, inclination, incoherent, incredulous, incumbent, indifference, indigenous, indistinct, indolent, indulgent, ineffable, inexperienced, infamous, inferno, inflammable, inflammation, inflatable, inhabitant, inhibition, insipid, insolvency, insurgent, intelligible, Inter intercede, Interim, intimidate, intolerance, intolerant, intravenous, intrepid, intricate, intrigued, intriguing, intrinsic, intruder, involvement, ipso facto, irksome, irresistible, Joviality, jubilation, juncture, Kestrel, Laborious, lagoon, latent, lessen, lively, loquacious, luminous, Mala fide, malaise, malediction, malign, malignant, manicure, mankind, mannequin, maroon, maternity, mayhem, measurement, meditate, melancholy, methodical, microorganisms, minstrel, minuscule, miraculous, misappropriate, miscreant, misdeed, misery, misgiving, modus operandi, momentary, monstrous, moribund, multidimensional, munificent, murk, mythology, Narcissism, narcissus, neanderthal, necessitate, necessities, neglect, negligible, niggardly, nocturnal, nuance, nuisance, Obdurate, obliged, observance, obsessive, obstruction, ocular, offended, offender, offensive, ominous, omission, ornate, ornithology, osprey, outbound outcast, ovation, overwhelming, Palatable, panacea, panache, panicked, parable, paraglider, parallelogram, paramedic, paranoid, parasite, parsley, pastiche, paternity, pathology, paucity, penetrating, pensive, percussion, periphery, permeate, perquisite, persuade, pertinent, petrifying, petty, pheasant, pinnacle, pitiless, plain, platitude, plethora, plunderer, point politic, pomposity, ponderous, potent, praiseworthy, pre-loved, pre-owned, precedent, precise, precision, prejudiced, premature, prerequisite, pretence, pretentious, preventive, prima facie, pro proceedings, proclamation, proficiency, profound, profuse, prohibition, prolong, prominent, pronunciation, propensity, proponent, prosperity, provoke, prudence, Quadrilateral, quasi, quell, quench, quid, quit, quo, quotient, Raison d’etre, rampage, rampart, random, raucous, ravage, raze, reality, realm, reasonable, rebellion, rebuke, recalcitrant, reckless, reckon, recluse, recognition, reconciliation, recruit, rectify, redundant, refurbish, reimburse, reiterate, rejoice, relegate, relieve, remonstrate, render, renunciation, replenish, replica, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, requisite, resonant, restive, restraint, resurrect, retaliate, retentive, reverence, revitalise, righteous, rigid, rogue, route rupture, rustic, ruthless, Salient, salutary, salvage, sanction, sanctity, sartorial, satiate, scarcity, scenario, scramble secularist, sedate, sedentary, sedition, sensibly, separation, serenity, shrill, shrink, simultaneous, sinister, slander, smug, soirée, solidarity, sombre, soothe, soothing, spacecraft, speculate, spiteful, squint, stagnant, stamina, stammering, stampede, status, stigma, stillness, stimulate, stint, stipulated, stomach-churning, stringent, Strudel, submission, subscription, subsidy, substance, subtle, successfully, succour, sufficient, sulky, sultry, superintendent, superstition, supple, supposedly, suppress, supreme, surplus, surreal, surroundings, sustain, swagger, swindle, Talisman, tamper, tantalising, tawdry, tedious, tenacity, tenure, terracotta, terrestrial, theology, threat, threshold, thrilling, throng, thunderbolt, topple, torrid, tranquil, transferring, transform, trapezoid, traumatic, traverse, trenched, trickery, trifling, trivial, troublesome, trudge, truthfulness, tumble, turgidity, tyranny, tête-à-tête, Uber-, ulterior, unadorned, unbeatable, unbecoming, unbridled, uncertainty, uncivilised, understanding, unearth, unexpected, unhealthy, unimportant, uninteresting, unison, unpleasant, unprecedented, unreasonable, unruly, unsorted, unsubstantial, untamed, unwise, utopia, Vaccination, vagabond, vague, vantage, vehement, venal, venerable, veneration, ventriloquist, veracity, verdant, versatile, viable, vice versa, vicinity, vindicate, vindication, vintage, vis-à-vis, visionary, vitiate, vivacious, vociferous, vogue, volatile, voluble, voluntary, vox pop, voyage, Waive, warmth, wavering, weatherproof, wield, withdrawn, wizard, Yearn, Zucchini

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Which of the following words rhymes with plait?


Choose the correct option:

_____________ comes from French and means a meeting, often a secret one.


Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word:



Choose the right combination to make a meaningful word:

1. fore
2. pre
3. for
4. see
5. dict
6. caste


Correct the misspelt word in the following and choose the option with its meaning:

According to the Dalai Lama, we will think less about our dissatisfactions if we develop genuin sympathy for others' suffering. As a result our own serenity and inner strength will increase.


What is the meaning of the word that can be formed from the given letters?



Choose the option in which the following letters will fit in the given order:

u, i, e


Which option has letters that you can rearrange to form the name of a thing you find in the kitchen?


Choose the correct option to make a meaningful word:



Identify the sentence/s with the correct use of the word in bold:

1. We are waiting for her assent to the proposals that were made during the meeting.
2. The ascent to the top of the mountain was extremely long and tiring.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Are you a student taking part in the CREST International Spell Bee (Winter) competition this year? CREST Olympiads publishes CREST Spell Bee (Winter) sample papers for class 7, to assist students in preparing better for the final exam. The sample papers will provide students with hands-on experience with the question paper and the key aspects that will be covered.

When it comes to the study material, the CSBW sample papers are the best option. These papers will familiarize you with the types of questions that may be asked in the exam, so CSBW sample papers will assist class 3 students in preparing for all types of questions. Sample papers are one of the elements that can assist you to prepare for the CSBW exam.

CREST Olympiads offers a free CSBW Olympiad sample paper with answers for class 7 in PDF format.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : c | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : c | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : a | Q.9 : c | Q.10 : d
