CREST International Spell Bee - Winter Syllabus

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 1

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 1

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Alarm, alone, already, apply, apron, art, attach, autumn, away, Baked, baker, bald, bang, bank, barber, bark, bath, bathroom, bathtub, beak, beautiful, bedroom, bend, best, bike, blade, blank, blink, blunt, blush, board, boil, bow, brain, break, bubbles, build, bundle, butterfly, buy, bye, Cactus, cage, cartoon, castle, caterpillar, cause, cement, chalk, change, charge, cheat, circle, clap, clay, clock, close, clue, coal, coin, comb, comment, complete, cone, control, cover, cream, crib, crocodile, crowd, cube, Daily, diary, dirty, dish, doormat, drain, drape, dried, drop, drum, during, dustbin, duster, Earth, eel, effort, environment, equal, Fade, fall, fame, farm, feeling, file, finally, fire, float, force, forget, freed, freedom, fridge, friend, front, froth, fry, Ghost, gift, grass, greet, grill, grin, gush, Half, handbag, hang, hardly, hatch, hawk, hay, healthy, hear, herb, here, hold, holiday, hop, hotel, houseboat, housefly, huge, Igloo, important, income, incomplete, iron, Jute, Keep, kettle, knot, Label, lace, land, large, lawyer, lick, light, lizard, lobby, long, loss, love, Magpie, manner, mass, match, maze, meal, medal, meet, mere, milkshake, mint, minute, money, monsoon, mop, moth, motion, mouth, move, movement, much, Natural, nature, near, neat, nibble, nice, nod, noise, noisy, Object, open, opening, organ, organ, oven, Pair, palace, paste, path, peanut, pearl, penny, person, phone, piano, pick, piece, pile, platform, pluck, poem, poetic, polar, polish, polite, pond, pool, poppy, pouch, pour, pour, pram, pray, protect, puddle, purse, Rack, rag, raindrop, rarely, reach, ready, rectangle, relative, remote, repeat, reptile, revolve, rhyme, rich, rise, rob, robin, rock, rough, round, rub, rupee, rush, Salad, sand, seed, seek, selfish, shabby, shadow, shampoo, share, shiny, shoe, shrub, shut, shy, side, signal, silk, silk, silkworm, silver, single, sink, skip, sleepy, slice, slip, smelly, snacks, snare, sneeze, soak, soap, soar, solution, sore, sound, soup, sour, sparrow, spectacles, spit, spring, stalk, station, steal, steam, steel, store, story, stove, straw, street, suck, summers, sunlight, sunny, super, swallow, swear, switch, system, Tablecloth, tablemats, tablespoon, tadpole, tail, taste, teach, teaspoon, thick, throat, through, ticket, tight, tiny, toast, today, together, toilet, tomorrow, toothbrush, torch, touch, trace, traffic, travel, tray, tremble, trip, trunk, turn, twinkle, Under, urgent, Vacations, Wagon, wait, ward, wash, wear, well, woodpecker, Yam, yesterday

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 2

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 2

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Acting, action, adjust, adult, advice, against, alive, allow, allowance, along, aloud, ambulance, ankle, annoyed, answer, anthem, anything, asleep, august, avoid, awake, award, Back, backpack, badge, balm, bandage, bangle, batch, batsman, batter, battery, beach, beast, bedcover, before, begin, belief, bell, bicycle, bitterness, bleat, bloat, bluebell, blur, boast, bodyguard, bonnet, bored, boring, borrow, bottlebrush, bowler, brake, breath, breeze, brink, buckle, butcher, buttermilk, Capsule, car, cartoon, catch, chair, cheap, chimney, Chinese, chopsticks, chunks, classify, classroom, clergy, clever, climber, clothes hanger, clothesline, cloudy, cobweb, coil, collar, collect, comb, confused, corner, cornflakes, correct, costly, cough, coward, crackle, crate, creak, creeper, cricketer, crumble, cuckoo, curtain, cushion, Dahlia, daisy, Dancing, dead, December, deck, defeat, delete, diaper, diet, different, dimple, dodge, double, doughnut, dove, down, dragon, dragonfly, drain, drawing, dream, drill, drip, drizzle, drove, drown, drums, dumb, Earlobes, Earthworm, ebb, elf, energy, England, enough, evening, exciting, exercise, expensive, Fabric, factory, faint, fairy, famous, feast, feat, February, fielder, filthy, firecracker, firefly, fisher, fishing, fist, flamingo, flash, florist, flour, flow, flute, foam, foggy, follow, frame, France, fresh, frown, fumble, furniture, further, Gain, garage, globe, gloomy, gobble, grab, grandchild, grate, grater, great, greet, grin, grizzle, groan, grow, grumble, grumpy, guest, guitar, Hand hardworking, hastily, hazy, headlight, heavenly, helm, hen, highway, Hindi, hollow, hollyhock, honey, hook, hose, human, India, iris, Italian, Japanese, Jealous, jumpsuit, jumpy, Keeper, Ladder, ladle, leap, leather, library, lifetime, lightening, lightning, locate, lollipop, look, lose, loss, louse, lucky, Machine, mailbox, mailman, mandolin, medicine, mermaid, midnight, mirth, mist, mittens, moist, moisture, moonwalk, mound, mourn, multiply, mumble, mushroom, music, Nanny, Necklace, necktie, newborn, news, newsletter, nibble, norm, nothing, notice, November, October, ostrich, own, Padding, paid, pain, pane, parcel, partner, pea, peacock, peck, pecker, peeler, penguin, pepper, perch, perform, petal, petrol, petunia, pickle, pillow, playground, poke, present, prior, profit, prune, punch, puppy, Question, Race, rainy, Raise, raisin, rapid, rashly, regular, remark, remove, revise, reward, rhinoceros, rinse, road, roam, rodent, rotten, Russia, rust, Sale, sapling, Saturday, saucer, saxophone, scene, scoop, scooter, September, shabby, shallow, sharpener, shawl, shore, similar, singing, sizzle, slam, sleeves, snatch, soggy, solar, sonnet, sorrow, spacious, Spain, spin, sponge, spring, squash, stadium, stair, stay, still, stood, stork, storm, strain, streetlight, stuff, stupid, subtract, sunshine, supper, supple, sure, surprised, sway, sweet corn, swoop, Tangle, Termite, textbook, thank, their, thieves, thinking, thread, thrice, throb, throne, throwback, Thursday, tiny, toaster, tonight, toothache, tracksuit, tractor, treat, tricycle, triple, trouble, trumpet, twice, twig, Umpire, undress, unicorn, upset, Vanilla, vegetative, violin, vulture, Wallet, walnut, wash, washbasin, watch, weak, wealthy, weapon, weather, Wednesday, week, welcome, wheel, wheelchair, whether, whinny, whiteboard, wicket, wicketkeeper, wild, willow, wind, within, without, wood, wool, worst, worth, would, wreck, wrong, Yourself, yourself, yummy, Zinnia

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 3

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 3

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Ability, able, addition, admire, adorn, advanced, album, almond, amaze, amazing, among, angel, anklets, announcer, apartment, appear, apricot, armpit armrest atlas, attitude, automatic, awful, Backward, balcony, basement, bathrobe, behaviour, being, berth, birth, blame blend, blessed, blueberry, booth, booties, border, bough, bound, boxers, bracelet, bracket, brand, brass, briefs, broad, bronze, brunch, bungalow, buttercup butterscotch, Calcium, calendar, cancel, capital, caravan, cardboard, carton, cashew, catapult certificate, checks, chemist, chilly, choir, chorus, churn, claim, clamber, clinic, clove, club, clutch, cockpit, cocoon, coir, college, company, compartment, confirm, confused, connect, container, copper, cosmetics, could, countable, counter, country, crack, cradle, crease, crest, crispy crooked, crore, crossing, crumple, cuffs, curl, current, custard, custom, cylinder, cymbals, Danger, daring, dawn, daybreak death, defend, delicate, department, detergent, devil, dictionary, difficulty, digest, digital, director, disease, display, distance, division, doorknob, doorman, doornail, dose, dough, downmarket downstairs, doze, dozen, drawstring, drift, driveway, drool, dully dung dusk, Earrings, elegant, essence, evaporation, event, excuse, exhausted, extra, Fake familiar fern, fight, fireplace fireworks fishbowl fishmonger, flagpole, flamingo, flare flexible, fling flock, flood, floor cloth, floss, freshness, fret friendship, fruity furious, furnish, Gallery, garment, giggle, glare, glee, glum, gramophone grand, grant, greet, griddle, grinder, groove group, growth, gum, Hairstylist, harmonium, headrest, heap, heaven, hell, helpful, heron, hibiscus, hiding, hijack, hint, home-made homeless homesick hoodie, horizon, hostel, husk, Individual, inform, injection, injure, inquire, invitation, Jagged, jelly, jigsaw, junior, junk, Kerosene, ketchup, kidnap, Labourer, ladle, lakh, laundry, lawnmower, laziness, lollypop, loosen, loudly, lovable manure Marmalade, masher, matchstick, material, matron, meat, meek, member, microphone, million, missing, moan, moderate, monster, mood, multiplication, museum, mustard, Narrow, nation, native, network, nightingale, North, Ointment, operation, opinion, origin, otters outcome, Package, paint, party, pelican, plait, plaster, pleasant, pleat, pole population, position, postcard poster, prepare, principal probable, process, prove, pyjamas, Quail, Radiant, raisin, recipe, refreshing, relish, reproduce, revenge, reverse, reward, rewind, robot, rod, rolling, rompers, Sachet, saint, salary, satisfy, savings, scared, scary, schedule, screwdriver, seatbelt, secret, secure, selfie, senior, sensitive, sew, sheet, should, sickness, sieve, sip, slab, sneaky, sob sole, sort, soul, source, sow, special spell, spicy, spin, spiral spot, sprain, stale, starch, start, statue, steady, steep, steering, sting, stink, strainer, stress, stretcher, stripe, stripes, student, stumble, subset subtraction, subway, sunburn, sunrise, sunset, suntan, superior, supper, surrender, swarm, sweatpants, swift, swimsuit, syrup, Take-off, takeaway, talent, tank, temperature, the thing, thorny, thought, thrill, tightly, timber, tire, tongs, tournament, tread, treatment, trough, truth, tumbler, tutor, Unable, undergarment, unlucky, Vacant, vary, vast, vendor, version, vessel, vigorous, villain, viral vision, vocal, Waste, wavy, weeny, wheelbarrow, while, whiny whiskers, whose, wicked, windscreen, windshield wing, wire, withdraw, woman, woody, wound, wrap, wring, Xylophone

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the words. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 4

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 4

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Accident, accomplish, accurate, achieve, acorn, Adamant, adaptation, advice, advise, air-conditioner, airtight, algae, allot, altar alter aluminium, amazement, anguish, anniversary, antelope, appetizer, appliances, appointment, appreciate, approach, arrow, assent, attic, awkward, Baffle, baffled, bagpipes, bale bandana, barbecue, Bard, baron, barren, basil, bead, beanie, beauty, berth, betel, billy, binoculars, blabber blossom, boarder, bold, boredom, boundary, braid, briskly, bruise brunch buffet, bugle, bullet, bumper, Camera, cancellation, canoe, capitol captivity, caramel, carbonated, cardigan, career, carol, casserole, casual, celebration, cello, century, ceremony, chamber, chlorophyll, chores, chrysalis, chubby, cigarette, classical, coastal, commander, commodity, community, companion, complaint, compliment, concentrate, concluding, confident, confirmation, constancy, constipation, construct, contract, convince, cornea, creature criminal, critical, crown, crumb, crutches, cutlery, cyclone, cylindrical, Daffodil, decade, demand deny, deodorant, descend, digestive, disable, disappointed, disaster, discussion, disgusted, disk, dispenser, dispersal, distribute, distribution, dormitory, downpour, drab, dreadful, dress, dual duel dungarees, duplex, Earpiece, elaborate, elderly, electronics, elevator, eliminate, embrace, embroidery, emergency, emu, enable, enlarge enmity, entertain, entertainment, entrance, equality, escalator, evict except, exhale exist, expand, experiment, explanation, explode, Fashionable, fasten, feedback, fender, fertile, fertilization, feverish, flash sale, flesh, focus, fold, forbid, formal, fortress, fortunate, fracture, fragile, frantic, frequent, frizzy, frontier, fungus, Gallon, gauze, gear generosity, genre, geometry, germination, gladiolus, glance, grocery, groom, guilty, gypsy, Hail, harm, harmonica, harp, haste, hatred, hazelnut, hidden, hire, household, Idea, ignition, incapable, increase, Induce, influence, influenza, ingredient, injury, inquisitive, insecure, instrumental, interpret, introduce, isosceles, Jack, jaundice, jealousy, jenny, jest, jewellery, jolt, junction, Kidnapping, Lack, lapel, layer, league, leftovers, leggings, leisure, lever, licence, lifestyle, linen, lodge, lower, lyrics, Macaw, maiden, mammoth, management, mansion, manufacture, maracas, massive, meadow, melodious, melody, memory, messy migration, miracle, mist, motel, moult, movie, munch, musk, Necessity, nut, nutmeg, Obtuse, obvious, okra, orbits orchard, orchid, order, oriental, ornamental, outstanding, overcome, Pace, painful, panic, parakeet, pauper pedestrian, photograph, photosynthesis, pimple, pistachio, pitchfork, poach, pollen, pollination, pollute, portion, portrait, positive, postpone, predator, predict, prediction, preparation, preserve, pretend prey, prism, private, problem, procession, produce proper, protective, public, puncture, puny, purchase, purpose, Quality, quantity, queasy, quest, Rake, ransom, razor, recommend, recovery, reddish, reduce, reform, refreshment, refund, relay, rely, remain, removal, residence, residential, responsible, reveal, rid, rosary, routine, rove, rubber, Sacrifice, sample, sanitation, satisfied, saxophone, scalene, scarce, security, servant, serve, severe, shears, shoot, shovel, shred, shuffle, shutter, sibling, sickle, sight, signature, sincerity, site, skill, skyscraper, sleepiness, sleet, slightly, slog sloth, smear, smuggler, software, sooner, spatula, specific, speed, splatter, splutter, sport, standard, stethoscope, stocky, submerge subordinate, succeed, successful, suggest, summarize, supply support, surgery, surround, survival, survive, swear, swirl, syringe, Talkative, talon, tamarind, tambourine, tattered, teenager, temporary, tenant, threaten, tigress, toadstool, tobacco, towards, tradition, trample, trampoline, tributary, tributary, tribute, trowel, tuba, tumour, turmeric, tyre, Ugliness, unanswered, unite, upward, urge, Vacuum, venture, victory, vinegar, vixen, vomiting, voyage, wail, Weary, weighty, weird, whisk, wounded

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 5

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 5

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Abdomen, absence, accelerator, accent, access, accordion, acquire, adage adjustable, adore, aerobics, alimentary, allergies, allowance, altar, alter, although, amnesia, amputation, amusingly, anaemia, animated, annual, antenna, antibiotics, antique, antiquity appreciation, approaching, arboreal, armadillo, arouse, artificial, ascent, aspersion, assume, asthma, astride, attire attribute, autograph avalanche, aversion, Banquet, barely, barley, beacon, beige, believer, benefit, beverage, bilateral, binge, blemish, blizzard, blooper blunder, bounce, boycott, brainstorm, brilliant briskness, budge, burdensome, Calories, camouflage, canopy, capacious, carnation, carnival cathedral, cease, censor, changeable, chaos, characterization, chuckle, clarinet, cling, , cola nut, colander, collateral, comestible, communicable, compass, compassionate, Compliant complicated, compost, concerned, concession, conclusion, condensation, congestion, consent, considerable, consistent, consort, conspire, constable, constant, construction, consumer, contented, contention, contest, continuity, contour, contrast, contribute, convenience, conversion, conviction, coral, cordial, correlative, counterfeit, crave, crescent, cringe, cruiser, crunch, crux cuisine, culinary, cumin, curtail, Dagger, dazed decorative, defensive, delirious, delivery, demur, departure, depot, derogative, descent, designer, desperate, destination, destruction, detestable, device devise devotee, devotional, diabetes, diffident, diligent, dingy, discard, discriminatory, dismal, disorder, disparate, dispatch, disposal, dissident, domesticated, donation, dope, drastic, dreaded, dribble, dromedary, drowsy, drudge drum, Eagerness, earnestly, edible, electrolyte electromagnetic, elegance, elegy, elementary, elevate, elevation, elicit, embarrassed, emigrant, empower, encounter, endanger, endangered, enhance, enlarge, enriching, enthusiastic, entrust, envelope, epicure, estimate, eternal, ethical, ethics, eulogy, evaluate, exalted, exasperated, excessive, exclamation, exclusive, excretory, exhaustion, exile, exorbitant, expectation, experienced, experimental, explicit, exposure, extension, extinction, extract, extravagance, extreme, extrovert, Facade, facilitate, falcon, fallacy, fanfare, fascinate, fatal, faultless, faulty, favourable, fennel, fierce, flair, flammable, floundering, flutter, focussed, foliage, foretell, foreword, foster, fragility, fragment, fraternity, fringe, fruitful, fumble, furnace, furore, Gabble, gait, gambol, garnish, generation, grapple, grudge, gullible, Haggard, hallmark, hamper, harass, harmony, hasten, hatred, hectic, herald, heretic, hew, hibernation, hideous, hinge, hoarse, hone, horizontal, hostile, huddle, hurdle, hypothesis, Identical, identification, idyllic iguana illegible, illicit, imaginary, imbibe, immediate, immunity, impair, impartial, impasse, impede, impractical, impunity, inaugurate, incite, incriminate, inculcate, Indefinable, inept, inequality, inertia, infer, infirmary, infliction, informative, infringe, infuriate, ingenuous, insignificant, insincere, insinuate, inspire, instigate, integrity, intensity, intercept, interfere, intrude, invariable, invent, invention, inverted investigation, invincible, irrelevant, Jab, Jocular, jovial, joyful, joyless judicious, Kindle, kinetic, knave, knotty, Laconic, lament, landmark, languid, latte, laudable, lavender, leach legion, leisurely, lethal, lethargic, liberty, limerick, listless, longevity, lucid, lunar, lustre, luxurious, Magnanimous, magnify, malice, maltreat, manor, marinate, martyr, mascot, memorable, menace, mercy, mesh, metallurgy metamorphosis, microbes, mirthless, misfire, monarch, monotonous, moped, morality, morose, mortar motionless, mustered, mutter, mystify, mythical, Nail-biting, nail clipper, nasal, natal nourishing, novelty, nuisance, Obedience, obese, obliterate, oblivion, observation, obsolete, obstruct, occupation, onus, opera, opine, opossum, opposition, oppressive, orangutan, ordinary, oregano, orthodox, oscillate, outburst, overdue, overturn, Pace, pacify, palpable, pamper, pamphlet, pangolin, panicky, panorama, paragraph, parody, particular, pedestal, pelt, pelvic, pendulum, perceptible, perfume, peril, perishable, permanent, perpetual, pestle, pillion, placid, platypus, pledge, plenteous, pliers, possessed, potential, poverty, practice pragmatic, practice, predatory, predecessor, preface, presence, preservative, presume, prison, probably, proceed, prophecy, prophet, protest, protractor, provident, prowess, punctuation, purview, Quantum, quarrelsome, Rainforests, raven, reciprocal, rectitude, reef, referee, refined, reign, rein reliable, relieved, relinquish, rendition, repellent, repose, resort, respiratory, responsibility, restore restrain, resurgent, retain, retarded, revamp, revealing, rhea rigorous, rustle, résumé, Saffron, sarcastic saunter, saute, scalpel, scavenger, scent, sceptic, scorn, scoundrel, scribble, scruffy, scythe, seasoning, sensor sentimental, serious, serpentine, servile, sewing, shimmered, shocking, shortage, shuffle siege, significant, situation, snare snuggle, solace, solemn, spanner, sparkling, spate, specialist, spirit, sprawling, squalid, stationary, stationery, sternly, stingy, stomp, strife, struggle, suffocate, superlative, survey, swivel, synthesiser, Tangible, tarnish, tasteless, taunt, temper tempting, tenable, tentacle, tenure, thoroughly, thoughtless, threadbare, threshold, thrilled, thrive, tiresome, tolerate, tonne, topography, toucan, traditional, transition, transpire, treason, treasury, trombone, tsunami, turmoil, tuxedo, twinge, Ultra, unconfined, undergrowth, unleash, unravel, unremarkable, unsteady, unusual, unwind, uproar, utilise, Vacillate, valediction, vase, vegetation, vertical, vicarious, violet, vocalise, Wary, windpipes, withdraw, wither, withhold, withstand, woodwind, worthy, wreath, wrench

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 6

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 6

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Abnormal, abundance, accede, accessory, accidentally, accompanist, accompany, accord, accumulate, accumulation, accusation, acumen, adequate, administration, admiration, adulterated, adverse, adversity, advertisement, affable, affluence, affordable, aggression, agile, algebra, allocate, allocation, alluring, allusion ally, aloe, alternative, amass, ample, amplify, amulet, animosity, apparatus, apparently, appearance, appease, applause, apprise, approval, approximately, aptitude, archaeologist, ardent, ark, asparagus, aspiration, assistance, assumption, asylum, atrocity, audacity, auspicious, authentic, availability, Bait, balmy, banal, baneful, banquet, bass, befitting, behave, belated, belittle, bellicose, bestow, betray, bicker, bickering, bigot biodegradable, biodiversity, biological, biotechnology, biting, bittersweet, bizarre, blatant, bleak, blooper, blowing, bonanza, brain, brainstorm, breach, breakthrough, breed, broccoli, bulletin, Cache, calamity, capability, capstone, capricious, capsize, capstone caption, carnivore, casualty, category, cede, celebrity, cellar, cemetery, centenary, cereal, characteristic, charm, chide, chronological, civilization, clarity, cliché, coalition, coincidence, collusion, columnist, commentator, commercial, compatible, competitive, comprehensible, comprise, concise, conclave, concrete, confront, confrontation, congruent, coniferous, consciousness, consensus, conspiracy, constitutional, contagious, continuous, contraction, contradictory, contrary coriander, cormorant, cosmopolitan, councillor, counsellor, courtesy, covert, craving, credibility, credulous, crippled, crochet, crucial, crumble, cuisine, culprit, curator, Dauntless, dearth, debacle, deceitful, decipher, decline, defecation, defiant, deficiency, definite, dehydration, deliberate, delicious delusion, demean demise, deplete, deplore, deprecate, dermatology, desirable, deteriorate, determination, devious, devoid, diagnosis, differentiate, dignify, disastrous, discourteous, discreet, discretion, discrimination, disorganised, disparage, dispassionate disperse, disregard, distinction, distort, documentary, dormant, drain, dubious, Earthbound, ecstasy, elaborate, elicit, elimination, ellipse, embrace emeritus, emission, enchant, endemic, endless, enhance, enliven, ensure, enthralled enthusiasm, epicentre, epidemic, epilogue, epithet, erratic, eucalyptus, evasive, evidence, evident, evil, excellence, exodus, exonerate, exotic, expedition, expenditure, expertise, extol, extort, Facile, fallible, fatigue, fawning, feasible, feebleness, fenugreek, fickle, fictitious, fiddle, finale, firmness, fitful, flabbergasted, flare, flatter, flaunt, flippant, flourish, flout, fluorescent, foremost, forerunner, foretold forever, forgive, forthcoming, fortune, freak, frugal, frustrated, frustration, Gallop, gambit, garish, gaunt, genial, genuine, geologist, globalization, glutton, glycerine, gorgeous, governance, gracious, grasp, gregarious, grimace, grime, gruesome, grumble, guerrilla Haggle, Halo handicap, harmonious, hatchback, haywire, heart-throb, heptagon, herbivore, hexagon, hindrance, homogenous, homonym, horrendous, humane, humanitarian, humorous, hunch, hypocrite, hypotenuse, Iceberg, ignorant, illicit, illusory, illustrate, imagination, immaturity, immense, immigrant, immortal, immunisation, impairment impulsive, inadequate, inapplicable incentive, indifferent, indignant, inertia, inevitable, infallible, influential, inhalation, inhospitable, inhumane inhumanity, injurious, innovation, inordinate, insolvent, installation, instinctive, institution, integral, intellectual, interaction, interference, interpretation, interruption, intoxicated, intruder, irresolute, irritable, Jailbird, jolly jostle, joyous, jubilant, jumble, jurisdiction, juvenile, Kernel, Knell, Lassitude, laudatory, legendary, leniency, liberal, liberation, life-threatening limitation, linger, literary, loyalty, lumberyard, lure, Magnitude, maintenance, malfunction malnourish mandate, mandatory, manifesto, manipulate, manipulation, martial, marvellous, massacre, maxim, mediocre, memoir, menial, mentor, meticulous, metropolitan, mettle, microorganisms millionaire, mind- boggling, mind-blowing, mindset, mind numbing, miscellaneous, miscreant, miserable, mitigate, mollify, momentum, mortgage, mouth watering, mundane, murky, murmur, myriad, mysterious, Nail biting, naive, nasty, navigation, necessarily, negotiation, nepotism, nomadic, notorious, noxious, nurture, nutcracker, nuthatch, Obesity, obnoxious, occupant, octagon, omnivore, opaque, opponent, opportunity, optician, optimistic, opulence, ordeal, orientation, outskirts, overlook, Paltry, pandemic, pandemonium, papyrus, parallel, paralysed, paramount, pardon, participation, patent, pavilion, pedigree, pentagon, penury, periodical, permanence, perpendicular, persistent, personnel, pertaining, pessimistic, petite, physician, pioneer, pioneering, pompous, possession, practitioner, praise, prejudice, preliminary, preparatory, prescription, prestigious, presumption, priority, privilege, probiotic, progressive, prolific, prolong propagate, propagation, prudent, psychiatric, Qualification, query, quotation, Reassurance, recreation, recruitment, reform, refurbish refurnish, regretful, reinforce, religion, religious, reluctance, remarkable, repulse, repulsion, requirement, resistance, resolution, resolve, retrieve, retrograde, revolutionary, robust, rubble, Safari, sanatorium, satisfactory, scanty, scatter, scrawny, secular, seizure, sentinel, sesame, severely, shear, sheer, shuffle, similarity, singularity, slavery, slouch, smirk, sorrowful, sponsorship, spotlight, spurt, squat, steward, stubble, substantial, successor, succinct, suffocation, superficial, supplement, surreal, sympathetic, Taciturn, tear-jerker, technical, technique, tender, tentative, testimony, thoughtful, thunderclap, tortuous, tournament transcribe, transient, transitory, translucent, twinge typically, Ultimately, ultrasonic, ultrasound, unearthed, unfairly, unflappable, unforeseen, ungainly, unkempt, unnecessary, unparalleled, unquenchable, unreasonable unremarkable, unsalable, unsightly, uprightness, uptight, urination, Valet, vicious, victim, virtuous, vulnerable, Wallow, warrant, watering, weaken, wilful, witness, wrath, wretched, wunderkind, Zealous

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 7

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 7

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Aardvark, abandon, abandonment, abate, abhorrent, abolish, absurd, absurdity, abundant, abusive, academician, accessible, accoutred, accumulative, acquittal, adherent, adhesive, adieu, admonish, admonishment, adroit, adventitious, adversary, aggravate, agnostic, alia, alibi, alleviate, alliance, amateur, angelic, angst, annihilate, anonymous, anthology, appealing, apprentice, archaeological, arduous, arduous, argument, arrogance, articulate, asceticism, assault, assertive, assessment, assurance, atheist, atrocious, attendant, audience, augment, aural, austere, authorised, autotroph, aweigh, Banquet, bashful, beguile, behest, belongingness, bemoan, benefactor, benevolence, benevolent, beseech, betterment, biennial, bona fide, bovine, brain haemorrhage, brainwash, break brochure, buzzard, Candid, canine, cardamom, caveat, censure, centennial, cessation, chaotic, charitable, chaste, chauffeur, chivalrous, chivalrous, chrysanthemum, cinnamon, circumspection, circumstances, clairvoyant, cleansing, coffers cohesion, collaboration, collapse, commitment, commotion, comparison, compensate, compensation, concealed, conceivable, conclusive, concur, concurrent, condensed, confession, configure, conflict, congenial, consideration, constituency, constriction, contemplation, contradict, counteract, counterbalance, coup d’état, coupe, cowardly, crass cupidity, Death, debris, deception, deciduous, decompose, defamation, deference, defraud, de jure, delicacy, denial, denounce, deplete, deplorable, deployment, deprivation, derivative, despicable despise, destitute, detachment, development, dignified, dilated, dilemma, diminish, diminution, disagreement, disappointment, discord, discreet, discriminate, discriminating, disguise, disillusion, disinfect, dissuade, dogmatic, doldrums drain dredge, drip, duplicity, Earthbound, ecstatic, elephantine, elucidate, elucidate, elude, emaciated, embellish, embezzled, embezzlement, embolden, eminent, empathy, empirical, endeavour, endorse, endurance, energetic, enigma, enigmatic, enjoyable, enlighten, entail, entomology, equine, equivocal, eradicate, evacuation, even, evolve, exacerbate, exaltation, exceptional, exclude, exculpate, exemplary, exemption, exertion, exhilarate, exhort, expedite, expel, exponent, exquisite, extravagant, exuberant, eye-popping, eyewash, Faint, fait accompli, fanatic, fantastic, fastidious, faux, feline, fetch, flatterer, flattery, fluency, forbidden, formidable, fortitude, fragrant, frisk, frugality, futile, futility, Gallantry, genesis, genre, geothermal, glittering, gloomy, grandeur, gratuitous, grave, grievance, grievous, grotesque, guaranteed, Halting, haphazard, hapless, harshness, hassle, haughtiness, haunches, heartfelt, heckler, hedonism, hermit, hesitate, hierarchy, honorary, hospitable, humiliate, hyperactive, hyperbole, hypercritical, hyperlink, hypersensitive, hypocrisy, Ideal, idealist, idle, igneous, ignorance, illiterate, imminent, impairment, imperfect, impersonate, implementation, implicit, impolite, in toto, inclination, incoherent, incredulous, incumbent, indifference, indigenous, indistinct, indolent, indulgent, ineffable, inexperienced, infamous, inferno, inflammable, inflammation, inflatable, inhabitant, inhibition, insipid, insolvency, insurgent, intelligible, Inter intercede, Interim, intimidate, intolerance, intolerant, intravenous, intrepid, intricate, intrigued, intriguing, intrinsic, intruder, involvement, ipso facto, irksome, irresistible, Joviality, jubilation, juncture, Kestrel, Laborious, lagoon, latent, lessen, lively, loquacious, luminous, Mala fide, malaise, malediction, malign, malignant, manicure, mankind, mannequin, maroon, maternity, mayhem, measurement, meditate, melancholy, methodical, microorganisms, minstrel, minuscule, miraculous, misappropriate, miscreant, misdeed, misery, misgiving, modus operandi, momentary, monstrous, moribund, multidimensional, munificent, murk, mythology, Narcissism, narcissus, neanderthal, necessitate, necessities, neglect, negligible, niggardly, nocturnal, nuance, nuisance, Obdurate, obliged, observance, obsessive, obstruction, ocular, offended, offender, offensive, ominous, omission, ornate, ornithology, osprey, outbound outcast, ovation, overwhelming, Palatable, panacea, panache, panicked, parable, paraglider, parallelogram, paramedic, paranoid, parasite, parsley, pastiche, paternity, pathology, paucity, penetrating, pensive, percussion, periphery, permeate, perquisite, persuade, pertinent, petrifying, petty, pheasant, pinnacle, pitiless, plain, platitude, plethora, plunderer, point politic, pomposity, ponderous, potent, praiseworthy, pre-loved, pre-owned, precedent, precise, precision, prejudiced, premature, prerequisite, pretence, pretentious, preventive, prima facie, pro proceedings, proclamation, proficiency, profound, profuse, prohibition, prolong, prominent, pronunciation, propensity, proponent, prosperity, provoke, prudence, Quadrilateral, quasi, quell, quench, quid, quit, quo, quotient, Raison d’etre, rampage, rampart, random, raucous, ravage, raze, reality, realm, reasonable, rebellion, rebuke, recalcitrant, reckless, reckon, recluse, recognition, reconciliation, recruit, rectify, redundant, refurbish, reimburse, reiterate, rejoice, relegate, relieve, remonstrate, render, renunciation, replenish, replica, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, requisite, resonant, restive, restraint, resurrect, retaliate, retentive, reverence, revitalise, righteous, rigid, rogue, route rupture, rustic, ruthless, Salient, salutary, salvage, sanction, sanctity, sartorial, satiate, scarcity, scenario, scramble secularist, sedate, sedentary, sedition, sensibly, separation, serenity, shrill, shrink, simultaneous, sinister, slander, smug, soirée, solidarity, sombre, soothe, soothing, spacecraft, speculate, spiteful, squint, stagnant, stamina, stammering, stampede, status, stigma, stillness, stimulate, stint, stipulated, stomach-churning, stringent, Strudel, submission, subscription, subsidy, substance, subtle, successfully, succour, sufficient, sulky, sultry, superintendent, superstition, supple, supposedly, suppress, supreme, surplus, surreal, surroundings, sustain, swagger, swindle, Talisman, tamper, tantalising, tawdry, tedious, tenacity, tenure, terracotta, terrestrial, theology, threat, threshold, thrilling, throng, thunderbolt, topple, torrid, tranquil, transferring, transform, trapezoid, traumatic, traverse, trenched, trickery, trifling, trivial, troublesome, trudge, truthfulness, tumble, turgidity, tyranny, tête-à-tête, Uber-, ulterior, unadorned, unbeatable, unbecoming, unbridled, uncertainty, uncivilised, understanding, unearth, unexpected, unhealthy, unimportant, uninteresting, unison, unpleasant, unprecedented, unreasonable, unruly, unsorted, unsubstantial, untamed, unwise, utopia, Vaccination, vagabond, vague, vantage, vehement, venal, venerable, veneration, ventriloquist, veracity, verdant, versatile, viable, vice versa, vicinity, vindicate, vindication, vintage, vis-à-vis, visionary, vitiate, vivacious, vociferous, vogue, volatile, voluble, voluntary, vox pop, voyage, Waive, warmth, wavering, weatherproof, wield, withdrawn, wizard, Yearn, Zucchini

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Spelling Bee Competition Syllabus for Class 8

Section 1: Spell Bee Words for Class 8

There are a variety of questions based on the following word list and about 70%-80% of questions will come from this list. Different format of questions are available here. The words are alphabetically arranged.

Abbreviation, aberration, abhor, ablution, abominable, aboriginal, abrasive, abstract, abyss, accentuated, accession, accomplice, acquaint, acquaintance, adept, adolescent advantageous, affliction, affluent, ageist, agitation, aglow, agoraphobia, albatross, aloofness, ambiguous, amid, analogy, ancestry, announce, anthropology, antipathy, antiquated, apathetic, apoplexy, appropriation, arachnophobia, arbitrate, archaic, archive, arsenal, artifice, aspiration, aspire, assassination, astounding, astute, atrophy, audacious, avarice, Backlash, behemoth, belligerent, bemuse, benign, beryllium, betrayal, bewitched, bibliography, bicentennial, billionaire, biography, blanch, bondage, boomerang, bougainvillea, brutal, bulldoze, buoyant, bustle, bête noire, Calligraphy, callous, calumny, canny, canvass, captivating, carfare, caricature, cassowary, catalogue, catharsis, caucus, chassis, chastise, chemotherapy, choirboy, chronic, circumscribe, circumvent, claustrophobia, clergy, coherent, coiffure, collage, collision, colossal, combustion, commemorate, commend, commensurate, complementary, complimentary, composed, composure, comrade, conceited, concentric, conceptually, concierge, concurring, condemn, confederation, confound, conjecture, conjoint, connive, connoisseur, conscientious, conscription, conservative, conserve, console, conspire, constellation, constituent, constrain, construe, consul, contemporary, contender, contradictory, contravene, contrive, controversy, conundrum, conventional, convergent, convincing, convoluted convulsion, corroborate, corrugate, cowardice, cranky, crescent, croquette, crucifixion, culmination, culpable, Dainty, daunted, dawdle, dazzling, debacle, debonair, debutant, decommission, defray, dejection, delectable, demagogue, dementia, demolish, derby, dermis, descendant, deserving, despicable, detective, detrimental, devastate, deviate, devotion, dexterous, dialect, dialectologist, didactic, dilapidated, diminutive, disarm, discerning, disciple, discordant, disgruntled, disinherit, dissipate, distant, distinguish, disyllabic, diurnal, divergent, divert, docile, doctrine, doomed, downsize, draught, dreary, ductile, dunce, Earmuffs, eccentric, economical, egregious, elicit, eligibility, eloquence, emancipate, emollient, enamel, enchanted endearing, enduring, energise, enervate, enervating, enigmatic enlightened, ensemble, enticing, entomologist, enunciate, envisage, ephemeral, equilibrium, estuary, euthanasia, eventful, evolved, excruciating, exhilarating, expatriate, expository, exterminate, Facet, facetious, factoid, famished, façade, felicity, fervent, fidelity, flavonoids, flounce, fluctuate, fluorescent. forebode, forgiving, forsake, fracas, fraudulent, frivolous, fructose, fulminate, futuristic, Gabardine, garrulous, gauche, georgette, geranium, ghastly gingerly, glamorous, gratuity, grenadier, Hallucination, haste, heinous, heist, hermitage, hiss, histrionic homoeopathy, hydrophobia, hypochondria, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hysterical, Idiolect, illogical, illumine, imagery, imitation, immaculate, impeccable, imperious, impertinent, impetus, implacable, impotent, impromptu, inchoate, indict, indignation, indispensable, inedible, ingenious, insomnia, intentional, interlocutor, intermittent, intonation, intransigent, invalidate, invigorating, irrevocable, isolation, janitor, Jeopardise, jewfish, jinx, Knapsack, Lacklustre, landlubber, lanky, lavish, lecherous, legalistic, legendry, leguminous, leukaemia, linchpin, linguist, liquorice, loathsome, lowbrow, lucrative, ludicrous, lumber, lustrous, Malicious, malignity, malodorous, maniac, manoeuvre, marsupial, mea culpa, megalomania, megawatt, menacing, mentee, merchandise, metalloid, meteoroid, mileage, millennium, misogynist, misquote, moderation, moist, monumental, muesli, murmur, mutilate Nasturtium, nebulous, negligence, negligent, nemesis, neophyte, nimble, nonchalant, nostalgic, nougat, novice, numismatist, Obituary, obscure, occurrence, odour, oenophile, oesophagus, offbeat, offshoot, onerous, originate, ornithologist, ostentatious, outrageous, Padre, palliate, paradigm, parched, parlance, parole, patronise, pedlar, penultimate, penurious, perplex, perseverance, perspicuous, persuasive, pertain, phenomenon, philanthropist, philatelist, philistine, philologist, philosopher, phosphoric, physiognomy, plagiarised, plume, plummet, poise, populace, porpoise, portcullis, portfolio, portmanteau, posterity, posthumously, postnuptial, pouffe, poultice, practical, precipitate, precursor, predicament, preponderance, preposterous, pretext, probability, proficient, progeny, prognosis, promptness, propaganda, prosecution, prosper, protocol, pulverised, Quaking, quibble, quintile, Rancour, ravenous, ravine, rebuff, recede, recompose, recondite, recuperate, recurrent, rehabilitation, reinstate, rejuvenate, relent, remoteness, renegade, renounce, renovate, repercussion, reprehensible, reprieve, repugnant, repulsive, requisition, residue, resilient, respectable, resplendent, resuscitation, retardation, retribution, revelation, reverberate, revere, reverie, revulsion, rhetoric, rhombus, rival, ruffian, Sabotage, sacrilege, salubrious, sanctimonious, sangfroid, sanguine, sauntering, scabbard, scholarly, scullery, segregation, senile, sensible, serendipity, sherpa, shirk, shuck, shudder, shun, silhouette, simulate, simulator, simulcast, sinuate, skedaddle, skilful, skulduggery, sleazebag, sleuthing, slingback, sloganeering, sluggish, smithereens, smokestack, snivelling, snorkelling, soapsuds, sobriquet, solicit, somersault, sophisticated, soppy, sparse, spectre, spendthrift, spontaneous, spurious, spurn, squadron, stagger, stalemate, stalwart, steak, stellar, stenographer, stoic, strand, strident, stunted, stupendous, subjective, subjugate, submissive, subterfuge, succumb, sumptuous, supernatural, surmount surreptitious, surveillance, susceptible, sycophantic, symmetrical, symphony, symptom, syndrome, Tandem, technophile, technophobe, teetotaller, telepathy, temperament, tenacious, tessellate, tetrahedron, therapeutic, thesaurus, thesis, thingamajig, thistledown, thrift, thumbscrew, thumping, tiddlywinks, timidity, tormentor, towering, treachery, treason, tremendous, trepidation, trespassers, trigonometry, tryst, turbulence, turbulent, turgid, turncoat, tussle, tutee, tutelage, Ubiquitous, uncivilised, undertake, unerringly, unguent, unlettered, unobtrusive, unpretentious, unrelenting, untoward, upbraid, uprising, urbane, usher, Valiant, valuation, vampire, vanish, vanquish, venerate, vengeance, verbiage, verbosity, verily, vestibule, vestige, veteran, vibrant, virile, virulent, Voilà, voluptuous, voracity, vulnerable, voluminous, Wanderlust, warble, watchful, waver, weariness, wiles willowy, winsome, wiry, witless, witticism, woo, woodlouse, wrangle, wreak, wriggle, writhe, Xenophobia, Zealot, zeppelin

Section 2

It's a Get, Set, Spell! section wherein students would be required to listen to audio and write the spellings of the word asked. The accent used in the audio files is Indian.
This section will be based on the above-given word list.

Upto 20%-30% of the questions may have words outside of the above list. For any improvements or suggestions, do write to us at

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.
