Prepositions for Class 10

Prepositions and Its Types - Class 10

  • What are Prepositions?
  • Confusing Pairs of Prepositions
  • List of Some Common Prepositions
  • FAQs
  • What are Prepositions?

    Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and other words in a sentence. They indicate location, direction, time or manner and the spatial relationship between objects. Prepositions are followed by an object in a sentence, which can be a noun or a pronoun. Although there may be other words between them, a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun, acting as the object.

    Confusing Pairs of Prepositions

    1. Ago and Before

    → "Ago" is used to describe the time that has elapsed since a specific moment in the past.
    → "Before" is a preposition indicating a point in time preceding a particular event or another point in time.


    → A decade ago, the global community witnessed a paradigm shift in the way information is disseminated, owing to the rise of social media platforms.
    → Long before the advent of modern medicine, ancient civilisations relied on herbal remedies and spiritual rituals to heal ailments.

    2. For and During

    → "For" is a versatile preposition that indicates a purpose, duration, recipient, or cause.
    → "During" is a preposition that refers to a specific time within a particular period.


    → The gift was intended for her, a token of appreciation for her outstanding contributions to the project.
    → The students remained attentive during the lecture, absorbing the professor's insightful explanations on quantum physics.

    3. Below, Under and Beneath

    → "Below" indicates a lower position about something else.
    → "Under" denotes a position directly beneath or beneath the surface of something.
    → "Beneath" implies a lower level or position, often suggesting something covered or hidden by another object.


    Below the towering cliffs, hidden caves harboured ancient artefacts, unveiling secrets of a bygone era.
    Under the intricately woven tapestry, a hidden passage led to a chamber filled with priceless treasures.
    Beneath the facade of routine, profound emotions simmered, waiting for the opportune moment to surface and be acknowledged.

    4. In and Within

    → "In" is a preposition that denotes location or position within an enclosed space, a limit, or a container. It can also indicate a state or condition.
    → "Within" is a preposition indicating that something is inside or enclosed by certain limits, boundaries or conditions. It emphasizes a sense of containment or proximity.


    → Amidst the labyrinth of towering bookshelves, the elusive manuscript lay hidden in a forgotten corner, waiting to be discovered.
    → The artist's creativity knows no bounds; within the confines of her studio, she transforms ordinary canvases into captivating masterpieces.

    5. Of and Off

    → "Of" is used to indicate possession, origin, relationship, or content. It is often employed to show a connection between two nouns, expressing the idea that one thing belongs to or is a part of another.
    → “Off" typically denotes separation, removal, or a state of being no longer in contact with something. It can also indicate a point of departure or cessation of an action.


    → The essence of a good education extends beyond textbooks to encompass critical thinking and practical skills.
    → He hurriedly stepped off the stage after delivering an impassioned speech to the audience.

    6. Above and Over

    → "Above" denotes a higher position or level about something else. It can indicate physical elevation or a figurative position.
    → "Over" also indicates a higher position or movement from one side to another. It can be used to express physical elevation or a transition from one place or state to another.


    → The eagle soared high above the mountains, its majestic wings casting a shadow on the rugged peaks below.
    → The spacecraft smoothly glided over the Earth's atmosphere, entering the vast expanse of outer space with a sense of awe-inspiring grace.

    7. In and Into

    → "In" is a preposition indicating location or position within a space. It denotes being enclosed or surrounded by something.
    → "Into" is a preposition indicating movement or direction towards the inside of something.


    → The children continued playing in the park, finding shelter under the sturdy oak tree despite the thunderstorm.
    → With a swift and graceful dive, the acrobat leapt from the platform and soared into the air, performing a series of breathtaking somersaults.

    8. On and Onto

    → "On" is a preposition indicating position or location in a general sense. It is used to show that something is positioned or located on a surface, touching it.
    → "Onto" is also a preposition, but it conveys movement or direction, suggesting that something is moving or being placed onto a surface.


    → Despite the chaos in the room, she managed to find her keys on the cluttered desk.
    → With a swift motion, the acrobat leapt onto the narrow beam, showcasing incredible balance and precision.

    9. Near and Next to

    → "Near" indicates proximity or closeness in space or time. It suggests a short distance or a small amount of time between objects or events.
    → "Next to" denotes immediate adjacency or side-by-side placement of objects. It implies that two things are positioned beside each other.


    → Despite the restaurant being near the busy intersection, its serene ambience creates an oasis of calm for diners seeking refuge from the urban hustle and bustle.
    → The art gallery, strategically positioned next to the historic museum, forms a cultural enclave that seamlessly blends contemporary expression with the rich tapestry of the past.

    10. Until, Till and Unless

    → "Until" is a preposition that indicates a point in time up to which an action or state continues. It is often used to express the duration or the end of a specific period.
    → "Till" is a more informal variant of "until" and has the same meaning. It is widely accepted in casual language but might be considered less formal in written or academic contexts.
    → “Unless” is used to express a negative condition or exception.


    → She studied diligently until the late hours of the night, ensuring she grasped every concept before the exam.
    → The students remained in the library till the librarian announced closing time, immersed in their research projects.
    Unless you finish your homework, you won't be allowed to go to the party.

    Click Here to Read About: Adjectives for Class 10

    List of Some Common Prepositions

    Preposition for Class 10


    1. How do prepositions function in a sentence?

    Answer: A preposition often indicates location, direction, or time and introduces a relationship between different parts of a sentence.

    2. How to identify prepositions and other words in a sentence?

    Answer: Prepositions are typically short words, such as "in," "on," "at," "under," and "between." They usually express temporal relationship. To identify prepositions, look for words that connect nouns or pronouns to other elements in a sentence. For instance, "Jack walked across the bridge," the word "across" is a preposition connecting "Jack" to "the bridge."

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