Parts of a Plant and Its Functions - Class 2 Notes & Questions

Parts of a Plant and Its Functions - Class 2 Sub Topics

  • Parts of Plants
  • Products Obtained from Plants
  • Solved Questions on Parts of Plants and their Functions
  • Parts of Plants

    Plants have different parts that each has a special job to help the plant survive and grow. Let's explore plants with their parts and their functions.


    a) Roots are found underground.
    b) Their main function is to anchor the plant firmly in the soil.
    c) They act like the plant's feet, keeping them in place.
    d) The roots also have tiny hairs that help them absorb water and important minerals from the soil, which the plant needs to stay healthy and grow.
    e) Certain plants have edible roots such as beets, carrots, radishes, and turmeric.

    Edible roots of vegetables

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    a) The stem is like the plant's main body or backbone.
    b) It holds the plant upright and supports all the other parts.
    c) The stem is responsible for carrying water and nutrients from the roots up to the rest of the plant. It's like a pipeline that delivers important things to all the different parts of the plant.
    d) Stems of some plants are also edible such as bamboo shoots, celery and asparagus.

    Stem of a plant


    a) Leaves are the green, flat parts of the plant that you often see attached to the stem.
    b) They make food for the plant with the help of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water from the roots.
    c) Certain plants have edible leaves such as spinach, lettuce, kale, mint, and coriander.

    Leaves of a plant


    a) Flowers are the beautiful and colourful parts of the plant.
    b) They grow from buds and have an important role in making new plants.
    c) They are responsible for producing fruits.
    d) For example orchids, lotus, sunflowers, and tulips.

    Different flowers of plants


    a) Fruits can come in many different shapes, sizes, and tastes.
    b) They are often juicy and sweet because they are designed to protect and carry seeds.
    c) Strawberry, grapes, mango and orange are a few examples of fruits.

    Different types of fruits


    a) Despite their small size, seeds contain all the necessary components to develop into plants.
    b) We rely on seeds such as rice, wheat, beans, pulses, and almonds as important sources of nutrition.
    c) Various products we enjoy, such as coffee, chocolate, and certain oils, are derived from the seeds of different plant species.

    Types of seeds

    Each part of the plant has a special job that helps the plant stay healthy and reproduce.

    Products Obtained from Plants

    Food: Plants are an important source of nutrition of plants. They provide us with a wide variety of foods. Such as:

    Fruits Papaya, Mango, Grapes, Apple, etc.
    Vegetables Spinach, Broccoli, Peas, Onion, etc.
    Nuts Peanut, Cashew, Almond, etc.
    Grains Rice, Wheat, Corn, etc
    Spices Ginger, Pepper, Turmeric, etc.

    Different products obtained from plants

    Medicine: Some plants can be a source of natural medicine. Aloe vera and neem are commonly used for their medicinal properties. 

    Examples of medicinal plants

    Paper: Paper is made from wood pulp, which is usually obtained from trees.

    Wood pulp

    Clothes: Some plants provide us with fibres that can be used to make a wide variety of clothing items and bedding.

    Plants used for clothing

    For example, cotton obtained from its plant is commonly used to make various items such as t-shirts, bedsheets and bags. Jute and Linen are also obtained from plants.

    Building material: Wood and bamboo are plant-based materials that can be used for building and construction.

    Plants used for building and construction

    Cosmetics: Plants provide us with ingredients that are used in cosmetics, lotions and skincare products. Some examples include Coconut oil, Aloe vera, rose etc.

    Plants used for making cosmetics

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