Punctuation for Class 2

Punctuation and Its Types - Class 2

  • What are Punctuations?
  • Types of Punctuations Marks and Its Uses
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  • What are Punctuations?

    Punctuation marks are special symbols that are used in sentences to clarify them and show how to read them.

    Punctuation Grade 2

    Look at the following sentences:

    1. Jack likes to play outside.
    2. Do you want to go shopping with me?
    3. Wow! That was amazing!
    4. I want to eat chocolate.

    All the above-mentioned symbols like (.), (?), (I) and (!) are punctuation marks.

    Punctuations Marks

    Types of Punctuations Marks and Its Uses

    1. Capitalisation

    Capitalisation in punctuation is used when we use capital letters (uppercase letters) at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns.


    → We visited New York City.
    I like to play with my toys.
    My favourite colour is blue.

    Punctuation - Capitalisation

    2. Full stop

    A full stop is represented as (.). This is used at the end of a sentence to show that the sentence is finished.


    → The Sun is shining.
    → I like to play soccer.
    → I don't want to go to school.

    (Note: Celestial bodies which are unique in nature should be capitalised. Also, note the usage of capitalisation of first letter and use of full stop at the end of the sentence).

    Punctuation - Full stop

    3. Exclamation mark

    An exclamation mark is represented as (!). This is a special punctuation mark that we use to show strong feelings like excitement, surprise or happiness in a sentence.


    → Oh no! I dropped her ice cream.
    → Wow! The fireworks in the sky are so beautiful!
    → Look at that big rainbow in the sky! It's amazing!

    Punctuation - Exclamation Mark

    Click Here to Read About: Punctuations for Class 3

    4. Question mark

    A question mark is represented as (?). Every question should be punctuated at the end with this mark. This is a special punctuation mark we use at the end of a sentence to show that it's a question.


    → Which is your favourite colour?
    → Is it raining outside?
    → Do you like ice cream?

    Punctuation - Question Mark

    5. Comma

    A comma is represented as (,). It is a punctuation mark used in writing to separate different parts of a sentence. It is often used to show a slight pause or to separate items in a list.


    → She is kind, friendly and helpful.
    → After school, I went to the park.
    → I wanted to go to the party, but I had to stay home and study.

    Punctuation - Comma


    1. What is a punctuation?

    Answer: Punctuation refers to all of the symbols or signs used in writing.

    2. What is a question mark (?)?

    Answer: A question mark is used at the end of a sentence that asks a question. For example, Can you pass me that book?

    3. What is an exclamation mark (!)?

    Answer: An exclamation mark is used at the end of a sentence to show excitement or strong feelings. For example, Wow, that was an amazing magic trick!

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