Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 4

Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 4

  • What are Dialogues?
  • What is a Dialogue Completion?
  • Importance of Dialogues
  • Examples
  • FAQs
  • What are Dialogues?

    Dialogues are an exchange of words between more than two people where they talk to one another and share ideas, opinions or information. Dialogues can happen in person, on the phone, or even in stories and plays where characters speak to each other.

    What is a Dialogue Completion?

    Dialogue completion is a category of questions in which you will have to complete dialogues. In these types of questions, you will be given a conversation which is happening between two people with blanks in between. So, what you have to do is read the entire segment, find out what could be the possible dialogue of the blank space while considering the lines given above and below it and then fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate option from the given choices.

    Importance of Dialogues

    → Dialogues help students practice and develop their communication skills. They learn how to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings clearly, which is a crucial life skill.

    → Students learn to actively listen to what others are saying. This skill is important for understanding the views and opinions of their friends and family.

    → Students get an opportunity to interact with others. This can help them build friendships and connect with their peers, a sense of social development.

    → Dialogues allow students to discuss and solve problems, whether they are academic or interpersonal. They can brainstorm solutions, negotiate and reach compromises, promoting critical thinking and conflict resolution skills.

    → Through dialogues, students learn new words and sentence structures which also help them expand their vocabulary and language skills. This is very important for their academic growth.

    Click Here to Read About: Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 5


    Let's understand this through some examples:

    Teacher: Good morning, class!

    Students: Good morning, Ma'am!

    Teacher: Today, we're going to learn about animals. Can anyone tell me their favourite animal?

    Samuel: Yes ma'am, I love dolphins!

    Teacher: Dolphins are amazing creatures, Samuel. They're very intelligent.

    Samuel: They are also very playful.

    Teacher: That's right, Samuel! Dolphins are known for their playfulness. They love to jump and play in the waves.

    Teacher: Now, who can tell me something else interesting about dolphins?

    Michael: Dolphins are great swimmers!

    Teacher: Excellent, Michael! Dolphins are indeed great swimmers. They can swim very fast.

    Shelly: Ma'am, dolphins use their fins to communicate, right?

    Teacher: Almost, Shelly. They use their clicks and whistles to communicate with each other. Great job, class!


    1. What is the purpose of completing dialogues in a conversation?

    Answer: Dialogue completion allows us to practice and develop communication skills. It teaches how to talk and respond correctly in various situations.

    2. How can we effectively complete a dialogue?

    Answer: By paying attention to what the other person has said and answered in a way that makes sense in the context of the conversation to conclude a discourse effectively. Use good grammar and terminology to express yourself clearly.

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