Punctuation for Class 5

Punctuation and Its Types - Class 5

  • What are Punctuations?
  • Types of Punctuations
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  • What are Punctuations?

    Punctuations enable writers to let their audience know when a sentence ends, whether there is a short or long pause, and if they are asking a question, providing more context, or providing more information. These are particular symbols used in writing to clarify sentences.

    For example, in the sentence "I love ice cream!" the exclamation mark (!) shows excitement and in the sentence "Do you want to play with me?", the question mark (?) indicates a question.

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    Types of Punctuations

    Punctuation marks are important in English to convey meaning and clarity in sentences. Here are some common types of punctuation with examples:

    Types of Punctuation for Class 5

    1. Capitalisation

    Capitalisation is used at the beginning of a sentence or for proper nouns. There are capitalisation rules that specify when it is appropriate to capitalise and when it is not. For example, weekdays and months are capitalised whereas season names are not capitalised. Flower names and tree names are not capitalised but celestial bodies are capitalised. Names of countries, rivers, mountains, places, holidays and festivals are capitalised.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Boy playing football

    Examples of capitalisation:

    Beginning of a Sentence: Always start a sentence with a capital letter.
    For example, I love to play outside.

    Names: Use a capital letter for people's names.
    For example, John is leaving for Canada.

    Places: Capitalise the names of cities, countries and states.
    For example, I am from Dubai.

    Days and Months: Capitalise the names of days of the week.
    For example, My birthday is on 9th November.

    Titles: Titles of books, movies and songs should start with capital letters.
    For example, Harry Potter is my favourite novel.

    2. Period (.)

    A period is a punctuation mark that looks like a small dot (.) and is used at the end of a sentence to show that the sentence is complete.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Period

    Examples of period:

    → We are going to a party.
    → The Sun is so bright today.
    → My dog's name is Cooper.

    In the above-mentioned sentences, the period is used at the end to know that the thought or idea is finished.

    3. Comma (,)

    Comma helps to separate and organise words in a sentence. It is like a little pause when you're reading or speaking.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Comma

    Examples of comma:

    → In a list: We have crayons, water pens and paintbrushes.
    → To separate adjectives: That large, black panther roaming around.
    → When directly addressing someone: Hey Dad, can we go to swim?

    4. Colon (:)

    A colon is used to introduce or emphasize something in a sentence. It is often used to show that more information is coming.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Colon

    Examples of colon:

    → The teacher gave us a challenge: to read a book and write a report on it.
    → There's one thing I want for my birthday: a new smartwatch!

    5. Semicolon (;)

    A semicolon is used to connect two closely related sentences. It is like a stronger comma.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Semicolon

    Examples of semicolon:

    To connect two closely related sentences:
    For example, I love playing soccer; it's my favourite sport.

    To separate items in a list of the items themselves contain commas:
    For example: My favourite colours are red, which is passionate; blue, which is calming; and yellow, which is bright.

    To Read About Punctuation for Class 6: Click here

    6. Question mark (?)

    A question mark is used at the end of a sentence to show that it is a question. It helps to know when someone is asking something.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Question mark

    Examples of question mark:

    → Are you coming outside?
    → Did you finish your pending work?
    → What is the name of your university?

    7. Exclamation mark (!)

    An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark that is used to show strong feelings or emotions in a sentence.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Exclamation Mark

    Examples of exclamation mark:

    → Wow! That kick was amazing.
    → Ouch! I accidentally bumped my knee on the table.
    → Hooray! We won the match.

    8. Apostrophe (')

    An apostrophe is used for two main purposes: to show possession and to indicate missing letters in contractions.

    Punctuation Class 5 - Apostrophe

    Examples of apostrophe:

    → Showing possession: This is Shelly's workbook.
    → Contractions (to replace missing letters): I can't do this.


    1. What is punctuation?

    Answer: Punctuation includes symbols and marks in writing which are used to make sentences clearer, show pauses and convey meaning to the reader.

    2. Why do we use punctuation?

    Answer: Punctuation marks are essential in the English language because they help us make our writing clear, organised and easy to understand.

    3. What are the types of punctuation?

    Answer: The following are the types of punctuation:

    1. Period
    2. Question Mark (?)
    3. Exclamation Mark (!)
    4. Comma (,)
    5. Apostrophe (')
    6. Colon (:)
    7. Semicolon (;)

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