Spelling Words for Class 6

Spelling Words and Its Formation - Class 6

  • What are Spelling Words?
  • What are Phonetics?
  • What are Spelling Words Structure?
  • List of Spelling Words
  • FAQs
  • What are Spelling Words?

    Spellings refer to the proper arrangement of letters within a word. It entails identifying, remembering, and repeating the precise letter combinations that form a word. Gaininging spelling profiency includes understanding phonetics, word structures and memorisation. Spellingsis a crucial component of language proficiency, contributing to accurate and clear written communication.

     Examples of spelling words: accumulate, bicker, coalition, deprecate, extort, frugal, etc.

    What are Phonetics?

     Phonetics is a study of the sounds of human speech. It covers some basic concepts that are:

    1. Phoneme: It is the smallest unit of sound in a word that can alter its meaning. For example, in the word "elusive" the sound /I/ is a phoneme.

    2. Vowels and Consonants: Vowels are sounds produced with an open vocal tract and consonants are sounds produced with a partial or complete closure of the vocal tract.

    3. Articulation: It refers to the physical production of speech sounds using the tongue, lips, palate and other speech organs.

    4. Syllables: Understanding syllables and their components, such as onset (initial consonant or consonant cluster), nucleus (vowel or vowel sound), and coda (final consonant or consonant cluster). For example, The word "comprehensible" has four syllables: com-pre-hen-si-ble.

    5. Intonation: It involves the rising and falling patterns of the pitch in speech. It can be used to indicate remarks questions, statements or emphasis.


    → Nutral Intonation: I can't believe you did that.
    → Surprised Intonation: I can't believe you did that!
    → Angry Intonation: I can't believe you did that!
    → Curious Intonation: I can't believe you did that?

    What are Spelling Words Structure?

    Students concentrate on several aspects of word structures in order to improve their language proficiency and vocabulary. Here are some key concepts and word structures that are often covered.

    1. Root Words: These are basic stand-alone words from which new words can be made by adding affixes. For example, act, play, cheer, crypt and so on.

    2. Prefixes: Letters or groups of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, "un-" in "undo" or "pre-" in "preview."

    3. Suffixes: Letters or groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. For example, "-ful" in "helpful" or "-ing" in "running."

    4. Compound Words: Words formed by combining two or more smaller nouns. For example,"Snow" + "man" = "Snowman" or "Book" + "shelf" = "Bookshelf."

    5. Synonyms and Antonyms: Words that have similar meanings (synonyms) or opposite meanings (antonyms). For example: Synonyms for "happy" include "joyful" and "content," while an antonym could be "sad."

    6. Homophones: Words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. For example, "weak," and “week”

    7. Homographs: Words that have the same spelling but different meanings and may or may not have the same pronunciation. For example: "Bow" (a weapon) and "bow" (to bend forward).

    8. Multiple Meanings: Words that have more than one meaning. For example, "Bark" can mean the sound a dog makes or the outer covering of a tree.

    9. Context Clues: Using the surrounding words and sentences to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word. For example, If you see the word "cosy" in a sentence about a warm and comfortable room, you can infer that "cosy" means comfortable.

    10. Word Families: Groups of words that share the same root or base word. For example, "happy," "happier," and "happiest" belong to the same word family.

    11. Rhyming Words: Rhyming words are words that have similar ending sounds. They share the same sound pattern at the end of the word, specifically in the last stressed syllable. For example, play: day; blue: true and many more.

    Learn More About: Spellings for Class 7

    List of Spelling Words

    Can you find how many words have root words in the below-mentioned words and how many words have prefixes or suffixes added to them?

    Spelling Words List for Class 6


    1. Why learning spelling words is an important skill for students?

    Answer: Learning spelling words is necessary for effective communication. They facilitate to convey ideas accurately and create a positive impression in both written and verbal communication.

    2. What is phonetics?

    Answer: Phonetics refers to the study of the sounds of human speech, including their production, transmission and reception.

    3. What is the difference between prefixes and suffixes?

    Answer: To alter a word's meaning, a prefix is used to its beginning and a suffix is used to its end.

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