Information Retrieval for Class 9

Information Retrieval - Class 9

  • What is Information Retrieval
  • Examples of Information Retrieval
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  • What is Information Retrieval?

    Information Retrieval is the organised process of searching, finding and retrieving information from a given dataset. It's the process of finding and getting the right information you need from a large collection of data or resources, like books, articles or websites.
    Texts could be of three types: Literary (imaginative), informative (factual) and persuasive.

    → Literary texts include poetry, drama or other fictional narrations. Such texts are written to amuse or interest the reader and these texts use creative language for that purpose.
    → Factual or informative texts include descriptions, incident recounts, or reports and explanations. Such texts are written to inform the reader about something.
    → Persuasive texts include expositions, discussions as well as arguments.

    Examples of Information Retrieval

    I. Direction (for questions 1-5): Read the article given below and answer the questions that follow:

    The rainforest, often referred to as the lungs of our planet, plays a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Covering approximately 6% of Earth's surface, these dense forests are home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna. The Amazon Rainforest, in particular, stands as a beacon of biodiversity, harbouring species not found anywhere else on Earth.

    These rainforests act as carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. However, human activities, such as deforestation and logging, pose a severe threat to these delicate ecosystems. The loss of biodiversity, disruption of water cycles, and the release of stored carbon are just a few consequences of deforestation.

    Conservation efforts are crucial to safeguarding these ecosystems. Sustainable logging practices, reforestation initiatives, and raising awareness about the importance of rainforests are steps in the right direction. As responsible global citizens, we must protect these natural wonders for future generations.

    1. What is often referred to as the lungs of our planet?

    a) deserts
    b) rainforests
    c) grasslands
    d) tundra

    Answer: b)

    2. Approximately what percentage of Earth's surface do rainforests cover?

    a) 2%
    b) 6%
    c) 12%
    d) 20%

    Answer: b)

    3. Which rainforest is highlighted for its biodiversity in the passage?

    a) Congo Rainforest
    b) Taiga Rainforest
    c) Amazon Rainforest
    d) Borneo Rainforest

    Answer: c)

    4. What is the primary consequence of deforestation mentioned in the passage?

    a) increase in biodiversity
    b) disruption of water cycles
    c) cooling of the planet
    d) reduced oxygen levels

    Answer: d)

    5. What do rainforests release into the atmosphere?

    a) nitrogen
    b) carbon dioxide
    c) oxygen
    d) methane

    Answer: c)

    II. Direction (for questions 6-10): Read the article given below and answer the questions that follow:

    Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is a holistic concept that encompasses various dimensions of an individual's life. Physical health involves the proper functioning of the body, including nutrition, exercise, and regular check-ups. Mental health is equally important, involving emotional well-being, stress management, and a positive mindset. Social health emphasizes the quality of relationships and one's ability to interact with others in a supportive environment. Striking a balance among these dimensions is essential for overall health and a fulfilling life.

    6. What is health?

    a) Absence of disease
    b) Complete well-being
    c) Physical fitness only
    d) Mental stability only

    Answer: b) Complete well-being

    7. Which dimension of health focuses on emotions and stress management?

    a) Physical health
    b) Mental health
    c) Social health
    d) Nutritional health

    Answer: b) Mental health

    8. What does social health emphasize?

    a) Physical fitness
    b) Emotional stability
    c) Quality of relationships
    d) Nutrition

    Answer: c) Quality of relationships

    9. Why is a balance among different dimensions of health important?

    a) It is not important
    b) It leads to disease
    c) It ensures overall well-being
    d) It only affects physical health

    Answer: c) It ensures overall well-being

    10. What does physical health include?

    a) Emotional well-being
    b) Proper functioning of the body
    c) Positive mindset
    d) Social interactions

    Answer: b) Proper functioning of the body

    To Read About Information Retrieval for Class 9: Click here


    1. What do you understand by information retrieval?

    Answer: Information retrieval is the process of obtaining relevant information from a large collection of data or various sources.

    2. What do you understand by informative writing?

    Answer: Informative writing aims to provide factual information and educate the reader on a particular topic. It includes essays, articles and reports.

    3. What do you mean by persuasive writing?

    Answer: Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to adopt a particular opinion or take a specific action. It often includes arguments, evidence, and appeals to emotion.

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