Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 9

Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 9

  • What are Spoken and Written Expressions?
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  • What are Spoken and Written Expressions?

    Spoken and Written expressions refer to the different ways that people use language to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and messages both in writing and in speaking. Different situations call for different levels of formality, and understanding these differences is essential to good communication. Developing proficiency is necessary for success in various academic, professional, and personal settings. A speaker should be able to make the conversation cohesive and coherent. It is also important to be polite. As a result, one should give the finest response they can.

    Effective communication is essential for successful interactions and relationships. Some key points to remember for effective communication:

    Clear Expression: We should use clear and concise language to convey our thoughts.
    Active Listening: We should pay attention to the speaker and show that we are engaged. Must avoid interrupting in the middle of a conversation and allow the speaker to finish before responding.
    Body Language: We should maintain eye contact to show interest and attentiveness.
    Empathy: We should try to understand the emotions and perspectives of the other person and respond with sensitivity to their feelings and concerns.
    Feedback: We should provide constructive feedback when necessary.
    Clarity of Purpose: We should give clearly state the purpose of our communication.
    Respect: We should treat others with respect, regardless of their opinions or backgrounds.

    Click Here to Read About: Spoken and Written Expression for Class 10

    Solved Examples

    This dialogue is between two friends, Shelly and Jack, who are discussing subject preferences for the next semester:

    Shelly: Hey, I've been thinking about which elective to choose for the next semester.

    Jack: Oh, that's great! I can give you some advice. What are your interests?

    Shelly: Well, I enjoy working with computers and technology, so I was thinking about taking either Computer Science or Robotics. (giving advice)

    Jack: Nice choices! In my opinion, Computer Science might be more versatile and practical for future opportunities. (stating preferences)

    Shelly: Yeah, that's true. But I also find Robotics fascinating. It's hands-on and seems like a lot of fun.

    Jack: Considering your preferences, it sounds like Robotics aligns more with your interests. Plus, it could be a unique experience compared to the usual computer programming.

    Shelly: You make a good point. But what about the difficulty level? I heard Robotics can be challenging. (discussing probability)

    Jack: True, it can be a bit challenging, but it also depends on how much effort you're willing to put in. If you enjoy the subject, the challenges might be more rewarding.

    Shelly: Hmm, fair enough. What about the probability of getting good grades in each?

    Jack: Well, both courses have their challenges, but again, it boils down to your interest and dedication. If you genuinely enjoy the subject, you're more likely to do well.

    Shelly: I see your point. Maybe I'll lean towards Robotics then. Do you have any other suggestions or offers?

    Jack: Actually, I'm taking Robotics too! How about we study together? We can help each other out and make the learning process more enjoyable. (making an offer)

    Shelly: That sounds like a great idea! Having a study partner would definitely help. Let's go for Robotics then. Thanks for the advice and offer!

    Jack: No problem! I'm sure we'll have a blast in the class together.


    1. Why is effective communication important?

    Answer: Effective communication is important for building strong relationships, successful collaboration, and avoiding misunderstandings. It helps in expressing ideas, resolving conflicts, and achieving common goals.

    2. What is the role of body language in communication?

    Answer: Body language, including gestures, facial expressions, and posture, adds layer to communication. It can convey emotions, emphasise points, and provide insight into the speaker's feelings.

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