My Body Parts and Sense Organs Class KG

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  • My Body Parts
  • My Sense Organs
  • FAQs
  • My Body Parts

    Our body has many parts, each with its own special role.

    Some parts help us see, some help us hear, and some help us move around.


    Right at the top, we have the head.

    Head - My Body Parts for Class KG


    The face is like a picture of you. It has your eyes, nose, mouth, and even your cheeks.

    Face - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Inside our mouth, there are many teeth. They help us bite into tasty treats.

    Teeth - My Body Parts for Class KG


    You have two arms that help you move and do many things.

    Arms - My Body Parts for Class KG

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    You have two hands. We can use our hands to wave, play, and do so many fun things.

    Hands - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Count your fingers – you have five on each hand. They let us pick up small things.

    Fingers - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Our legs help us stand up tall, walk, and run around.

    Legs - My Body Parts for Class KG


    You have two feet that let you run and move around.

    Feet - My Body Parts for Class KG

     Learn more about Myself, Food and Clothes

    My Sense Organs

    Our bodies have super special parts called sense organs.

    They help us know what's happening around us.


    Your ears let you hear sounds like birds chirping and your favourite songs.

    Ears - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Your nose helps you smell all kinds of scents.

    Nose - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Your eyes let you see the colours, shapes, and people.

    Eyes - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Your skin helps you feel everything around you.

    Skin - My Body Parts for Class KG


    Your tongue helps you enjoy sweet, salty, sour, and yummy flavours in all the foods you eat.

    Tongue - My Body Parts for Class KG

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What do we use to feel or touch things?

    We use our skin, especially our hands, to feel or touch things.

    2. What do we use our tongue for besides tasting?

    Besides tasting, we use my tongue to talk and swallow food.

    3. Why are our hands important?

    Our hands allow you to touch and sense things. We use your hands to grasp toys, draw images, write notes, and offer hugs to your loved ones.

    4. How can we take care of our body parts?

    We can care for our body parts by cleaning them with soap and water, brushing our teeth, eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and wearing sunscreen when playing outside.

    5. What should we do if our body hurts or feels sick?

    If our body hurts or you feel unwell, inform a grown-up. They can make you feel better by providing medication, a bandage, a hug, or some rest.

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