Community Helpers

Community Helpers - Class 1 & 2

  • Discovering Our City's Helpers
  • Question for Practice on Community Helpers
  • Discovering Our City's Helpers

    Once upon a time in a bustling city, there were four friends- Benny the Garbage Collector, Grace the Gardener, Sammy the Street Sweeper, and Molly the Recycler. They loved their jobs, and every day, they made the city a cleaner and happier place.

    One sunny morning, Benny gathered his friends near the big, garbage truck. "Hey, Grace, Sammy, and Molly, do you know how important our job is?" Benny asked, adjusting his bright uniform. Grace, with her wide-brimmed hat and watering can, nodded. "Absolutely, Benny! Without us, the city would be a mess. But we also make it a beautiful home for everyone."


    Sammy, the quiet street sweeper, chimed in, "That's right. Imagine if the streets were always messy. It wouldn't be fun for anyone."

    As they chatted, Benny noticed a group of kids playing nearby. "Hey, little friends! Do you know what we do to keep your city clean?" He called out with a friendly wave. The kids gathered around, curious and excited. Benny explained, "I'm Benny, the Garbage Collector. Every week, I come around in my big truck and collect all the rubbish you don't need anymore. It's like a treasure hunt for me!"

    Kids, can you tell what happens to the trash once the garbage collector collects it?


    One of the kids asked, "What happens to the rubbish after you collect it, Benny? "Well, we take it to a special place called a landfill, where it gets sorted and recycled. That way, we help the planet too!" Benny replied, happy to share his knowledge.

    Molly, with her recycling bin and cheerful smile, joined the conversation. "And let's not forget about recycling! I'm Molly, the Recycler. I make sure that things we don't need anymore get a second chance."

    Kids, can you tell what's the job of a recycler?



    Molly, the Recycler, added, "I help by collecting things like paper, plastic, and glass. Instead of throwing them away, we can recycle them into new things."

    Grace, the Gardener, joined in, "And I'm Grace! I take care of the plants and flowers in our parks. Have you ever seen someone like me in a park?" A little girl pointed at Grace, "You wear a hat and carry a watering can, right?" Grace beamed, "Exactly! I make sure our parks are full of pretty flowers and greenery. It's like having a colourful, natural playground for everyone."


    As the friends chatted with the kids, Benny thought of a fun idea. "What if you all become little helpers too? How can you keep your homes and schools clean?"

    The kids eagerly shared their ideas- picking up toys, throwing away rubbish in the right bin, and helping with cleaning. Benny, Grace, Sammy, and Molly nodded in approval Later that day, as the sun began to set, the four friends went back to their jobs, happy to have met the enthusiastic kids.

    As they waved goodbye, Benny called out, "Remember, little helpers, every small action makes a big difference. Keep your city clean and happy!"

    And so, in the heart of the bustling city, the adventures of Benny, Grace, Sammy, Molly, and their new little friends continued, making the world a cleaner and brighter place for everyone to enjoy.

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