Concrete Noun

Concrete Noun and Its Examples

  • What are Concrete Nouns?
  • Concrete Nouns Examples
  • How to Identify Concrete Noun?
  • Types of Concrete Nouns
  • Common Mistakes with Concrete Nouns
  • Examples of Concrete Nouns in a Sentence
  • Difference Between Concrete and Material Nouns
  • FAQ's
  • What are Concrete Nouns?

    Concrete nouns refer to physical or tangible things or objects that can be touched and seen. For example, people, places, animals or objects.

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    Concrete Nouns Examples

    Concrete Nouns Examples

    phone chair
    table cow
    book bag
    desk bottle
    clock metal

    How to Identify Concrete Nouns?

    1. First, look for sentences or phrases that refer to tangible objects which can be experienced by our senses. 
    2. Second, identify all the nouns in a sentence and then ask yourself sensory questions i.e. Can the noun be seen, touched, heard or tasted? 
    3. Another trick to identify concrete nouns is eliminating all the abstract nouns in a sentence. Nouns that talk about specific objects are concrete nouns and nouns that talk about general ideas or concepts are abstract nouns.
    4. We should understand the context of the sentences first to identify the concrete nouns.

    Types of Concrete Nouns

    There are several types of concrete nouns as follows:

    1. Proper Nouns: All the specific names of people, places, animals or things are called proper nouns.
    2. Common Nouns: All the general names of people, places, animals or things are called common nouns.
    3. Countable Nouns: Nouns which can be easily counted are called countable nouns. 
    4. Uncountable Nouns: Nouns which cannot be counted individually are called uncountable nouns. 
    5. Material Nouns: Names of the substances from which other things are made are known as material nouns.

    All the physical objects that can be experienced by our senses are concrete nouns.

    Click Here to Read About: Countable Nouns

    Common Mistakes with Concrete Noun

    1. The most frequent error that many students make is to confuse abstract noun with concrete noun. 
    2. Many students do not consider the context of sentences as it can help to identify the type of nouns. 
    3. Students overlook the other types of noun like proper noun, collective noun, material noun, etc. 

    Examples of Concrete Nouns in a Sentence

    → We need more chairs for the guests. 
    → Did you see my mobile phone? 
    → We have to bring our food. 
    → My dog loves to play with a ball. 
    → I need to buy craft supplies. 
    → Please bring some board games for the party. 
    → I need an extra pen. 
    → Let us cut the cake. 
    → Rohan always drives his car to work. 
    → I forgot to bring my water bottle.  
    → Keep the books on the table. 
    → The Sun is shining bright today.

    Difference Between Concrete and Material Nouns

    Concrete nouns can be felt through our five senses. Material nouns refer to nouns from which something is made.
    Examples: book, chair, tree, laptop, etc. Examples: cotton, gold, glass, brick, etc.


    1. What are concrete nouns?

    Answer: Concrete nouns refer to tangible objects rather than an immaterial characteristic such as action or state. For example, fox, bottle, box, lamp, television, bag, desk, laptop, James, Lucy, Alex, monkey, lion, zebra, teacher, student, lawyer, etc.

    2. What are 10 examples of concrete nouns?

    Answer: Examples of concrete nouns are:

    1. flower
    2. table
    3. phone
    4. carpet
    5. window
    6. mirror
    7. folk
    8. bag
    9. building
    10. bicycle 

    3. What are the different types of concrete nouns?

    Answer: Different types of concrete nouns are:

    1. Common nouns
    2. Proper nouns
    3. Collective nouns
    4. Possessive nouns
    5. Uncountable nouns
    6. Countable nouns

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