Singular Pronoun

Singular Pronoun and Its Uses

  • What is a Singular Pronoun?
  • Examples of Singular Pronouns
  • When to Use a Singular Pronoun?
  • Common Mistakes with Singular Pronouns
  • List of Singular Pronouns Used in a Sentence
  • FAQ's
  • What is a Singular Pronoun?

    Pronouns that refer to singular nouns are known as singular pronouns. If a noun is singular then we will always use a singular pronoun.

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    Examples of Singular Pronouns

    → I
    → you
    → me
    → he
    → him
    → she
    → her
    → your
    → it

    When to Use a Singular Pronoun?

    1. They are used when we want to refer to a specific object.
    2. They are used when we refer to a specific person.
    3. They are used when we refer to a specific animal.
    4. They are used in general statements about things, people or animals. For example, ‘One should have a positive mindset’.
    5. They are used if there is an indefinite pronoun in a sentence.
    6. They are used when we do not want repetition of nouns as it may make the writing unprofessional.

    Common Mistakes with Singular Pronouns

    1. Some students may use plural pronouns for singular nouns in a sentence. For example, ‘Each student must bring their lunch’ is an incorrect sentence whereas, ‘Each student must bring his or her lunch’ is the correct sentence.
    2. Students may use the wrong kind of singular pronoun. For example, ‘I met my teacher, it is kind’ is an incorrect sentence whereas, ‘I met my teacher, she is kind’ is the correct sentence.

    To Read About Interrogative Pronoun: Click here

    List of Singular Pronouns Used in a Sentence

    → She is studying.
    → He is playing football.
    → I live in India.
    → You are a great student.
    → It is snowing outside.
    → Rachel is my classmate. She always helps me.
    → Ary is great at swimming. He has won many gold medals.
    → I have a dog. Its name is Charlie.
    → This topic is easy.
    → She likes to paint.
    → Can you help him?
    → I have lost my pen, it was expensive.
    → Did you get my message?
    → I am happy to see you.
    → Please take care of yourself.
    → This is my favourite movie.


    1. What are singular pronouns?

    Answer: Singular pronouns are a subset of pronouns in the English language that are used to replace or refer to a single person, thing, or entity. They are designed to represent a singular subject or object, making sentences more concise and less repetitive.

    2. What are singular pronouns examples?

    Answer: Examples of singular pronouns are me, she, him, her, his, it, you and I.

    3. What are 5 singular subject pronouns?

    Answer: 5 singular subject pronouns are I, you, he, she and it.

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