Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable Transportation - Class 1 & 2

  • Going Green on Wheels
  • Questions for Practice on Sustainable transportation
  • Going Green on Wheels

    Once upon a time a magical town, there were friends named Ellie the Electric Car, Peter the Public Bus, and Sammy the Scooter. They loved going on exciting journeys, and they had a special secret - they were superheroes who helped keep the air clean and green!

    Kids, do you know what is an electric car?


    Ellie was a bright and shiny electric car. She didn't need any petrol or diesel; instead, she ran on electricity, just like your favourite toys that need batteries. Ellie's superpower was that she didn't produce any harmful smoke, making the air happy and clean!


    Peter was a big, friendly public bus. He loved picking up lots of friends and taking them to school, parks, and even to visit their grandparents.

    Kids, do you know how the public bus is helpful to us?


    Peter's special power was that he helped lots of people travel together, which meant fewer cars on the road and less pollution!


    Sammy was a little speedy scooter who zipped around the town. Sammy's superpower was that he was tiny and used very little energy to move. He loved whizzing through the streets without making much noise, traffic or pollution!


    One sunny day, Ellie, Peter, and Sammy decided to go on an adventure to learn more about making the world a cleaner and happier place.

    Ellie needed to charge her battery, so they visited the magic charging station. It was like Ellie's home, where she could get all the energy she needed without any pollution.

    Next, they went to the bus stop, where Peter was waiting to pick up friends. They met new friends and learned that when lots of people ride together on a bus, it's like having a big party on wheels!

    Sammy showed off his cool scooter tricks, zooming around and making everyone giggle. He explained that scooters use less energy and help keep the air clean and fresh.

    And so, our friends continued their adventures, making the town a happy and green place to live. Every time they went on a journey, they remembered that small choices can make a big difference in taking care of our beautiful planet.

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