Worksheet on 3R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Questions for Practice on "3 Rs" – reduce, reuse, recycle

Questions for Practice on "3 Rs" – reduce, reuse, recycle

1. Suppose you have a water bottle. Which of the following actions would be good for the environment?

a) Throwing the bottle in the trash
b) Filling the bottle with water again
c) Leaving the bottle on the ground
d) Painting the bottle with a new colour


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Answer: b)

Explanation: Reusing objects is good for the environment.

2. We use different items in our day-to-day lives. Which of the following can be reused again and again to help the environment?

a) Clay vase image

b) Pencil image

c) Plastic polybag image

d) Furniture image

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Answer: c)

Explanation: Plastic materials should be reused to reduce their amount. All other products in the option are made up of wood or mud which are not harmful.

3. Your friend didn't finish all the juice in the jug. What's a good idea before throwing it out?


a) Pour the juice on the plants
b) Throw the jug in the bin
c) Leave it on the table
d) Drink it later

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Answer: d)

Explanation: Instead of wasting the juice, we should keep it and drink it later.

4. Liam noticed that his crayon was too small to use. Instead of throwing it away, he melted it with other old crayons to make a new bigger crayon. Which of the 3Rs did Liam practice?


a) Reduce
b) Reuse
c) Recycle
d) Refuse

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Answer: b)

Explanation: Liam reused the crayon by making it bigger.

5. "Reuse" is one of the 3Rs that we should follow. Out of the following given option which correctly states what is reuse?

a) Changing the form of the product and then using it
b) Using items again instead of throwing them away
c) Trying to minimise the use of a product
d) Throwing it out and never using it

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Answer: b)

Explanation: Using a product again instead of throwing it out is called reuse.

6. Harry noticed lots of plastic waste around him and decided to minimise the use of polybags. Which activity out of the following he will be performing?

a) Reduce
b) Recycle
c) Relabel
d) Reuse


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Answer: a)

Explanation: By minimising a product's use we are reducing the amount of waste generated.

7. We all should recycle plastic as it is good for the environment. Out of the given situations, what happens when we recycle plastic?


a) Plastic becomes a part of the soil
b) The amount of trash is reduced
c) Plastic disappears
d) Air pollution is reduced

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Answer: b)

Explanation: Recycling or any of the R from 3Rs reduces the amount of trash generated.

8. Everybody should recycle things like polybags. Plastic boxes or plastic water bottles. Why do we need to check the amount of plastic we use?

a) Plastic is good for the environment
b) Plastic becomes a part of soil very easily
c) Plastic doesn't easily disappear
d) Plastic can clean water

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Answer: c)

Explanation: The use of plastic should be checked because it doesn't easily disappear.

9. Which of the following is not a good practice and should not be followed by anyone whether a child or an adult?


a) Recycling a plastic bottle
b) Throwing leftover food
c) Reducing the use of polybags
d) Reusing plastic boxes

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Answer: b)

Explanation: We should never throw leftover food rather use it later or share it.

10. The 3Rs are very important and good for the environment. Why is it good to follow the 3Rs?


a) It pollutes the environment
b) It helps plants to grow
c) It helps protect the environment
d) It gives more sunlight

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Answer: c)

Explanation: 3Rs should be followed because it is good for the environment.

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