Worksheet on Abstract Noun

Questions on Abstract Noun

Fill in the blank with the correct abstract noun:

1. The novice intern lacked _________ but had a quick learning attitude.

a) experience
b) diligence
c) strength
d) license

Answer: a)

2. Shelly did not hesitate in taking ________ of her mistakes.

a) ownership
b) penalty
c) highlights
d) remembrance

Answer: a)

3. The freedom fighter said that _______ must be preserved at all costs.

a) solace
b) freedom
c) guilt
d) shame

Answer: b)

4. Integrity had great ________ in the colonel’s eyes.

a) maturity
b) value
c) failure
d) success

Answer: b)

5. The child lacked _______and wanted instant gratification.

a) innocence
b) patience
c) nutrition
d) substance

Answer: b)

6. Ben and Paul realised that their ________ was far more important than any other materialistic thing in the world. 

a) mirth
b) worth
c) friendship
d) holiganism

Answer: c)

7. The new principal was a thorough gentleman who disliked ________.

a) flattery
b) robbery
c) chivalry
d) bravery

Answer: a)

8. He was awarded because of his invaluable contribution to the field of martial arts and his __________ to the nation.

a) knowledge
b) service
c) salary
d) skills

Answer: b)

9. We should not judge a book by its cover because _________ can be deceiving.

a) shadows
b) appearances
c) rumours
d) warning

Answer: b)

10. He wanted to renew his _________ to the chess club but his friend wanted to forsake it.

a) service
b) survival
c) membership
d) tender

Answer: c)

11. Despite the challenges, her _________ never wavered.

a) smile
b) happiness
c) perseverance
d) wealth

Answer: c)

12. Jack’s _________ to the team was greatly appreciated by all the people present in the stadium.

a) contribution
b) notebook
c) strength
d) car

Answer: a)

13. The athlete's _________ was evident during the competition.

a) speed
b) determination
c) shoes
d) height

Answer: b)

14. The _________ of the situation required careful handling.

a) simplicity
b) complexity
c) clarity
d) lightness

Answer: b)

15. Daniel’s consistent _________ to the team's success was greatly appreciated, leading to a unanimous decision to promote him to a leadership position.

a) contribution
b) notebook
c) strength
d) car

Answer: a)

16. The manager praised her _________ in handling the project, noting that her ability to stay calm under pressure was invaluable to the team's success.

a) expertise
b) impatience
c) strength
d) relaxation

Answer: a)

17. The principal emphasised the importance of _________ and how it shapes the character and future of each student in his speech.

a) education
b) uniform
c) wealth
d) equipment

Answer: a)

18. The sudden _________ in the market caused many investors to rethink their strategies and consider safer options.

a) uncertainty
b) certainty
c) event
d) light

Answer: a)

19. Her _________ towards the less fortunate was evident in her actions, as she consistently volunteered at local shelters and organized fundraisers.

a) selfishness
b) kindness
c) wealth
d) fitness

Answer: b)

20. The _________ between the two companies led to a groundbreaking merger that revolutionized the industry.

a) rivalry
b) competition
c) agreement
d) misunderstanding

Answer: c)

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