Worksheet on Earth and Sky - Class 1 Notes & Olympiad Questions

1. Which of the following celestial bodies sparkles at night?

a) earth1-q1a
b) earth1-q1b
c) earth1-q1c
d) earth1-q1d

Answer: b) Stars sparkle/twinkle at night.

2. David looks up at the sky but sees no moon.

What phase of the moon does this indicate?

a) Full moon
b) Half moon
c) New moon
d) No moon

Answer: c) When the moon disappears completely from the sky it is called a new moon.

3. Which of the following statement is true about the objects shown in the picture?


a) Both give us warmth.
b) Both are colourful.
c) Both are stars.
d) Both are seen at night.

Answer: c) Sun is also a star so statement c is correct.

4. Consider the following statement.

A: Planets revolve around the sun
B: All planets support life.

Select the correct option.

a) A is true. B is false.
b) A is false. B is true.
c) Both A and B are true.
d) Both A and B are false.

Answer: a) Planets revolve around the sun but no planet other than Earth supports life.

5. Fill in the blank.

Plants need ___ to grow.

Select the correct option.

a) earth1-q5a
b) earth1-q5b
c) earth1-q5c
d) earth1-q5d

Answer: b) Plants need the sun to grow.

FAQs on Earth and sky

1. What is the sky?

Everything we see when we look up is the sky. It might be blue in the daytime and bright at night.

2. Why does it get dark at night?

The Earth revolves, so when our side of the Earth faces away from the Sun at night, it becomes dark.

3. Why moon is half sometimes?

The Moon looks half sometimes because it moves around the Earth, and the sunlight only shines on part of it. When the lit part faces us, we see a half Moon.

4. Why moon has different shapes?

The Moon has different shapes because of the way it moves around the Earth. Sometimes, it's a round full Moon, and other times, it's a crescent or a half Moon. This happens because the Sun's light hits it from different angles.

5. What causes day and night?

The reason day and night exist is because the Earth spins like a spinning top. It is daytime while it is facing the Sun, and dark when it is not.

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