Worksheet on Parts of a Plant - Class 1 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions on Parts of a Plant for Class 1

1. Fill in the blank: Plants are an important source of _______.

a) petrol
b) water
c) oxygen
d) plastic

Answer: c) We get oxygen from plants.

2. This part allows the plant to absorb nutrients from the soil. Which option best suits this statement?

a) stem
b) root
c) leaf
d) lotus

Answer: b) Roots help in absorbing nutrients from the soil.

3. Identify part X.


a) Fruit
b) Stem
c) Leaves
d) Flower

Answer: d) X marks the flower of the plant.

4. We eat the roots of some plants. Which option best suits this statement?

a) cabbage
b) spinach
c) carrot
d) lettuce

Answer: c) Carrot is an example of a root that we eat.

5. Why is the part shown in the picture useful for plants?


a) They absorb water from the soil.
b) They keep the plants upright.
c) They make fruits.
d) They make food for plants.

Answer: d) Leaves make food for the plant.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the different types of plants?

Here are three basic types of plants:

a. Flowering Plants
b. Trees
c. Grasses

2. What part of plant conducts photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is conducted by the leaves of plants.

3. What are the parts of plants that can be eaten?

Parts of plants that can be eaten include:

a) Roots (Carrots, radishes)
b) Stems (asparagus)
c) Leaves (lettuce, spinach)
d) Flowers (broccoli, cauliflower)
e) Fruits (apples, tomatoes)
f) Seeds (beans, peas)

4. What are parts of plants?

Parts of plants include roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

5. Can a plant grow without soil?

Soils provides nutrients for plants. If a plant can obtain nutrients from other sources like water, it does not require soil to grow.

6. When do plants produce oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis, which mainly occurs during the day when sunlight is available.

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