Worksheet on Safety Rules at Home, School, Road, Public Places, etc.

Worksheet on Safety Rules for Class 1

1. Which of the following sign indicates no entry to the vehicles?

a) safetyrules1-q1a
b) safetyrules1-q1b
c) safetyrules1-q1c
d) safetyrules1-q1d

Answer: d) Sign, indicates no entry.

2. Halley and Luke are going to the place shown in the picture.

Which of the given safety rules should they follow there?


a) They should swim only when there is a lifeguard present.
b) They should run and jump from high places.
c) They should not touch any stray animals.
d) They should not wear a life jacket.

Answer: a) Halley and Luke are going to the swimming pool and should only swim in the presence of a lifeguard or an adult.

3. Ben saw the following sign near his school.


What does it mean for the driver?

a) It indicates no parking.
b) It indicates pedestrian crossing.
c) It indicates the school zone.
d) It indicates that the driver should turn around.

Answer: c) This sign indicates that the driver is entering a school zone and should be alert for children crossing the road.

4. Consider the following statements.


A: We should run down the stairs.
B: We should play with matches and lighter.

Select the correct option.

a) A is right. B is wrong.
b) A is wrong. B is right.
c) Both A and B are right.
d) Both A and B are wrong.

Answer: d) Option d) is correct because both running on stairs and playing with matches are unsafe and wrong.

5. What does the following traffic sign indicate?


a) First Aid Post
b) Hospital
c) Resting Place
d) Eating Place

Answer: b) This sign indicates the location of a nearby hospital or medical facility.

FAQs on Safety Rules

1. Why do we need safety rules?

Safety rules are important to keep us safe from accidents and injuries. They help us understand how to stay out of danger.

2. What are 10 basic safety rules for Class 1 students at home?

Here are some basic safety rules for Class 1 students to follow at home:

a. Never play with sharp objects
b. Avoid electrical sockets and cords
c. Keep small objects out of your mouth
d. Don't climb on furniture
e. Be cautious on stairs
f. No touching matches, lighters, or candles
g. Stay away from hot liquids
h. Use the stairs carefully
i. Know emergency contact information
j. Be cautious with doors and windows

3. What should we do if we get lost in a public place?

If you get lost in a public place, it's essential to stay calm and follow these steps to help ensure your safety:

a. Stay in one place
b. Look for a safe spot
c. Ask for help
d. Don't talk to strangers

4. What should we do if there's a fire in the house?

If there's a fire, you should get out of the house quickly and tell a grown-up. Don't go back inside the house by yourself.

5. Why should we always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter?

Wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter keeps our head safe. It helps protect our brain in case we fall.

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