Worksheet on Idioms for Class 10

Questions on Idioms and Its List - Class 10

Choose the correct option to fill in the blank:

1. The janitor and the warden were __________ with each other.

a) eye to eye
b) breaking the ice
c) at loggerheads 
d) added insult to injury

Answer: c)

2. Accusing the quiet student of mischief was like____________.

a) barking up the wrong tree
b) out of the red
c) on the rocks
d) on the cards

Answer: a)

3. After considering the circumstances, the teacher decided to let the students _______________ for not completing the assignment on time, understanding the challenges they faced during the week.

a) set the sail off
b) off the hook 
c) embark high
d) figure out quick

Answer: b)

4. When she praised the team's exceptional performance, I couldn't agree more and responded with a confident, "____________!"

a) You can say that again
b) you can bet that
c) don’t be an emotional duck
d) just pop the question

Answer: a)

5. The idea that aliens built the pyramids is___________, as it lacks any scientific evidence or historical support.

a) round the clock
b) off one's rocker
c) tide over one side
d) on the brain

Answer: b)

6. In urgent situations, such as a medical emergency or impending deadline,______________, emphasising the critical importance of acting swiftly and efficiently.

a) time is of the essence
b) time is money
c) the time is ripe
d) time heals all wounds

Answer: a)

7. Adversity often reveals a person's_____________, showing their resilience, integrity, and determination in the face of challenges.

a) moment of truth
b) true character
c) sweet tooth
d) show of hands

Answer: b)

8. By working part-time, she was able to pursue her passion for painting while still maintaining a stable income a situation that truly offered her __________.

a) the best of both worlds
b) round the clock
c) eye to eye
d) break the leg

Answer: a) 

9. To_______________, despite facing numerous challenges, they eventually overcame the obstacles and achieved success through determination and hard work.

a) ask for a penny
b) make a long story short
c) this day and age
d) the big time

Answer: b)

10. I heard the news _________________ when the company CEO personally announced the upcoming changes during the town hall meeting.

a) straight from the horse's mouth
b) sooner or later
c) swallow one's pride
d) up in smoke

Answer: a)

11. The project was progressing smoothly until unexpected setbacks caused all our efforts to go _________________.

a) down the drain
b) on cloud nine
c) under the weather
d) over the moon

Answer: a) 

12. Despite facing criticism, Scarlet decided to __________________ and apologised for her mistake.

a) kick the bucket
b) break the ice
c) bite the bullet
d) cry over spilt milk

Answer: c) 

13. Jack was determined to __________________ and asked her mother about the Italy trip.

a) break the news
b) pull someone's leg
c) bite the bullet
d) miss the boat

Answer: c) 

14. The teacher's explanation was so confusing that it just went ___________________ for most of the students.

a) over the moon
b) in one ear and out the other
c) down the drain
d) up in smoke

Answer: b) 

15. We were all _________________ when we found out that our favourite band was going to perform live in our city.

a) over the moon
b) on cloud nine
c) down in the dumps
d) under the weather

Answer: b)

16. It's time to __________________ and admit that we need to work together to solve this problem.

a) break the ice
b) cry over spilt milk
c) bite the bullet
d) pull someone's leg

Answer: a) 

17. After years of hard work, Zayn's dreams of becoming a pilot were finally coming _________________.

a) under the weather
b) on cloud nine
c) down the drain
d) over the moon

Answer: d) 

18. The opportunity to travel abroad was too good to _________________, so she decided to take the job offer.

a) miss the boat
b) break the ice
c) cry over spilt milk
d) kick the bucket

Answer: a) 

19. The news of his promotion spread like wildfire, and soon everyone knew it _________________.

a) from time to time
b) up in smoke
c) straight from the horse's mouth
d) by the skin of one's teeth

Answer: c) 

20. Despite the challenges, Danny was determined to __________________ and proves everyone wrong.

a) pull someone's leg
b) break the ice
c) bite the bullet
d) cry over spilt milk

Answer: c)

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