Worksheet on Information Retrieval for Class 10

Questions on Information Retrieval - Class 10

I. Read the given text and answer the questions from (1-5):

Typography is the strategic arrangement of type in order to make written language readable and visually appealing. The art of typography is one of the most important skills every graphic and web designer needs to master. It's central to every form of design, both print and digital.

Typography has two main purposes in graphic design. The first is to promote legibility, and the second is to help communicate the messaging, tone, and sentiment of a design piece. Another function of typography revolves around aesthetics. We're drawn to visually attractive designs that are clean and easy on the eyes. In contrast, if a design is busy, confusing, and causes us to strain our eyes, we run the other way. Thus, it's in our best interest, and our clients, to learn how to effectively use typography in graphic design.
The terms "typeface" and "font" are often used interchangeably. In fact, when most people say "font," what they're really referring to is a typeface. As a graphic designer, it's important to understand the difference between these terms.

A typeface is a family of fonts. Some familiar examples include Times New Roman, Arial, and Brush Script. A font is a variation of a typeface, typically bold, italic, or a combination of the two. Examples of fonts include Times New Roman Italic and Arial Bold.
When pairing two fonts, there are essentially two recommended ways to go about it. The first is to pair two different fonts within the same typeface. For instance, a bold, uppercase font for headings and its regular counterpart for body text. The other option is to choose two different typefaces that contrast with one another. For example, a sans serif for headings and a serif for the body. As a general rule of thumb, avoid pairing two different fonts or typefaces with very subtle differences; there needs to be a visible contrast between the two.

Contrast is critical in graphic design, especially where typography is concerned. The high colour contrast between the type and the background improves legibility. A simple and effective example of contrast in typography is black text on a white background.
Other ways to create contrast with typography are through pairing different typefaces and font weights, and through sizing. For example, a large heading contrasts with a small body copy.

Graphic design is all about visual communication. Through typography, we can heighten the message of a design in a clear and legible way. In a design that's primarily image-based, the typography needs to be strong enough to get noticed. In a text-heavy design, we need to use a typography design in order to differentiate different sections and call attention to important messages. Either way, there needs to be an intentional and harmonious balance between different competing elements in order to get the primary message across quickly and easily.

Text Source

Fill in the blank:

1. Graphic design is all about ___________.

a) visual communication
b) text-heavy design
c) typography
d) Image and typefaces

Answer: a)

2. What are the recommendations of the author while pairing fonts?

a) to pair two different fonts within the same typeface
b) to choose two different typefaces that contrast with one another
c) to maintain an intentional and harmonious balance between different font-types
d) both a and b

Answer: d)

3. Fill in the blank:

High colour contrast between the ______ and the _______ improves legibility.

a) typefaces, fonts
b) images, background
c) type, background
d) size, body

Answer: c)

4. Which statement needs to be corrected as per the text?

I. A font is a variation of a typeface.
II. A typeface is a family of fonts.
III. The terms "typeface" and "font" are often used interchangeably.

a) only I
b) only III
c) only II
d) all are correct

Answer: d)

5. Which according to the text is a way to create a contrast with typography?

a) black text on a white background
b) pairing different typefaces and font weights
c) through sizing
d) all of these

Answer: d)

II. Read the given text and answer the questions from (6-10):

Huli Wigmen, Papua New Guinea
This tribe’s incredible hats are actually made from their own hair, with men in this isolated 40,000-strong group ‘harvesting’ their mane for their own use or to sell to others. They combine these with yellow face paint, a clawed axe, an apron of leaves and a belt of dangling pigtails to intimidate rival tribes. Traditionally, they perform a classic bird dance, mimicking the birds of paradise found on the island.
Dogon, West Africa

Using ropes made of baobab bark, men traditionally scale the formidable Bandiagara cliffs to collect pigeon or bat guano, which is sold as fertiliser, and Tellem artefacts, which are sold to Western art collectors. More than 400,000 live in around 700 little villages precariously perched all the way along the 200km cliff escarpment.
Chimbu Skeleton Dancers, Papa New Guinea
It may be a look we're familiar with, but this tribe’s skeleton dances originated to intimidate enemy tribes in what is a hotly contested and highly-territorial country. They are so remote that little is known about their real lives, but it is understood they live in a temperate climate in rugged mountain valleys between 1,600 and 2,400m, traditionally in male-female segregated houses but increasingly sharing as families.
Nenet, Siberia

This group of around 10,000 nomads are pretty hardy – they move 300,000 reindeer on a 1,100km migration around an area one-and-a-half times the size of France, in temperatures down to minus 50 degrees Celsius. They travel on sledges anointed with freshly slaughtered reindeer blood, in trains that stretch up to 8km long. Despite the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the 1970s, they are adapting well to increasing contact with the outside world.
Asaro mud men
These mud-covered men are not aiming for the perfect complexion, they slap on the brown stuff because they believe it makes them look like spirits and it terrifies the other indigenous groups in the area. One of many groups scattered on the highland plateau for over a millennium, they are isolated by harsh terrain and were only discovered around 75 years ago.
Himba herders, Namibia

Semi-nomadic, the Himba live scattered across northwest Namibia and southern Angola. When stationary, they live in tipi-shaped structures built with mud and dung. Curious fact: They keep an ancestral fire burning 24 hours a day in homage to their god Mukuru. Wealth is measured in cattle, but goat is a more regular part of the diet.
Kazakh golden eagle hunters
They use eagles to hunt foxes, marmots and wolves and wear furs of the prey they catch, with boys starting at the age of 13, when they can prove they can carry the weight of a golden eagle. Semi-nomadic, they have been moving around the Altai Mountains since the 19th century. They now number around 100,000 people, but there are only around 250 eagle hunters left.
Bayaka, Central African Republic
Living by the ‘Jengi’, the spirit of the forest, the Aya have rich knowledge of herbal medicine but use their own language and hunting traditions. They are one of a number of tribes in this remote area of Africa making up a population of half a million. However, elders now report they cannot teach traditional skills because they can no longer go deep into the forest.

Text credit: ‘From jungles to tropical islands, here are eight tribes whose traditions will pique your curiosity.’- Written by Will Gray, Published on 02.07.2021

Text Source

6. Identify the wrongly matched pair from the given options:

a) Bayaka- Jengi
b) Kazakh-eagles
c) Nenet-reindeers
d) Dogon-dogs

Answer: d)

7. Identify the wrongly matched pair from the given options:

a) Chimbu- skeleton dance
b) Asaro-mud mask
c) Huli- wigs
d) Himba-herbal medicines

Answer: d)

8. Identify the wrongly matched pair from the given options:

a) Himba-ancestral fire
b) Kazakh-Altai mountains
c) Nenet-France
d) Dogon-Bandiagara cliffs

Answer: c)

9. Which of these tribes worship god Mukuru?

a) Himba
b) Asaro
c) Chimbu
d) Huli

Answer: a)

10. Why does Asaro cover their faces with mud masks?

a) to honour their god Mukuru
b) to aim for a perfect complexion
c) to scare away wild animals
d) to scare away the other indigenous groups in the area

Answer: d)

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