Worksheet on Prepositions for Class 10

Questions on Prepositions and Its Types - Class 10

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

1. The project's intricate complexities and unanticipated hurdles rendered the team consistently ________ the schedule, necessitating exhaustive deliberations, resource reallocation, and strategic recalibration _____ regain lost ground and meet impending deadlines.

a) behind, to
b) outside, of
c) across, for
d) inside, by

Answer: a)

2. The concept was initially nebulous, shrouded ______ ambiguity and lacking clarity, requiring extensive brainstorming and detailed analysis _____ transform it into a concrete and actionable plan.

a) in, to
b) into, before
c) around, beyond
d) inside, by

Answer: a)

3. I couldn't hear what he said ______ the noise of the loud music.

a) across
b) under
c) over
d) along

Answer: c)

4. The musuem curators are trying _____ preserve those ancient valuable scriptures _____ the posterity.

a) of, of
b) to, for
c) along, until
d) in, till

Answer: b)

5. He found solace in writing, delving _______ the depths of his emotions through his poetry.

a) into
b) over
c) beneath
d) within

Answer: a)

6. The treasure remained hidden _______ the ancient ruins, waiting to be discovered.

a) until
b) amidst
c) above
d) below

Answer: b)

7. His journey to success was marked ____ perseverance, pushing himself _______ his limitations to achieve greatness.

a) with, below
b) of, within
c) by, over
d) with, until

Answer: c)

8. The gymnast executed a flawless somersault, performing an intricate sequence _____ acrobatic maneuvers, propelling herself _______ a graceful mid-air rotation ______ landing with impeccable precision, showcasing years _______ rigorous training and exceptional athletic prowess.

a) for, off, by, at
b) of, into, before, of
c) into, for, with, of
d) across, along, until, into

Answer: b)

9. The flight encountered severe turbulence, causing the aircraft ______ jolt erratically _______ the turbulent winds, prompting the passengers _____ grip their seats tightly, while the pilot skillfully navigated ______ the unsettled atmosphere ______ ensure a safe landing.

a) to, by, for, off, in
b) to, amidst, to, through, to
c) of, off, to, across, by
d) in, by, beyond, around, to

Answer: b)

10. The dexterous pianist effortlessly manoeuvred his fingers _______ the keys, producing a melodic masterpiece that captivated the audience _______ its intricate harmonies and swift movements.

a) across, with
b) along, to
c) about, for
d) through, through

Answer: a)

11. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentence:

Sleep is defined as a natural and reversible state ___ reduced responsiveness ____ external stimuli and relative inactivity, accompanied ____ a loss of consciousness. (CREST 2021-22)

a) of, to, by
b) of, about, from
c) about, since, by
d) no preposition is required, in, on

Answer: a) 

12. The comprehensive plan aimed ___________ improving public transportation was developed ___________ collaboration with several agencies and received widespread support ___________ the community.

a) for, in, from
b) at, through, by
c) at, in, from
d) on, by, with

Answer: c)

13. The new regulations implemented ___________ the government were designed to protect endangered species ___________ various threats, including habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

a) by, from
b) through, over
c) in, with
d) from, in

Answer: a)

14. Scarlet’s expertise ___________ ancient history was evident ___________ her detailed analysis of artefacts and the connections she drew ___________ past and present civilisations.

a) on, with, between
b) in, in, among
c) in, through, between
d) with, by, through

Answer: c)

15. The CEO’s address ___________ the shareholders emphasised the company's commitment ___________ innovation and its strategic plans ___________ the upcoming fiscal year.

a) for, to, for
b) to, towards, for
c) to, to, for
d) for, in, for

Answer: c)

16. Complete the given sentence with a suitable set of prepositions: 

Tens of thousands of tourists flocked _______ cities and towns ____________ northern Chile to stake out spots ________one of the world’s best locations to witness Tuesday’s total solar eclipse. (CREST 2022-23)

a) to, in, from
b) in, across, to
c) of, in, to
d) to, across, in

Answer: d)

17. The investigation ___________ the causes of the financial crisis revealed significant lapses ___________ oversight and regulation, leading ___________ widespread reforms.

a) in, at, to
b) on, with, towards
c) into, in, to
d) about, of, for

Answer: c)

18. Shelly devoted her life ___________ the pursuit of knowledge, always striving ___________ excellence in her field and contributing significantly ___________ scientific research.

a) for, for, to
b) to, towards, to
c) in, to, in
d) with, in, towards

Answer: b)

19. The success ___________ the project was largely dependent ___________ the team's ability to adapt ___________ changing circumstances and unforeseen challenges.

a) in, on, with
b) of, on, to
c) on, upon, for
d) from, in, to

Answer: b)

20. Alice’s dedication ___________ her craft was evident ___________ the numerous awards she received ___________ her outstanding performances.

a) to, through, for
b) in, by, for
c) with, at, on
d) for, in, from

Answer: a)

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