Worksheet on Tense for Class 10

Questions on Tense and Its Types - Class 10

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past perfect tense:

1. By the time the movie started, the audience ___________ their tickets and ___________ their seats in the theater.

a) purchased / had taken
b) had purchased / took
c) purchased / took
d) had purchased / had taken

Answer: d) 

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past perfect tense:

2. After the explorers ___________ their supplies, they ___________ on their expedition through the dense jungle.

a) checked / embarked
b) had checked / embark
c) checked / had embarked
d) had checked / had embarked

Answer: d)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the future indefinite tense:

3. Before the event starts, the organisers ___________ all the arrangements and ___________ the venue for the upcoming celebration.

a) will make / were decorating
b) would make / are decorating
c) will have made / will decorate
d) would have made / have been decorating

Answer: c)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the future indefinite tense:

4. By the time the semester ends, the students ___________ their term papers and ___________ their final presentations on the assigned topics.

a) will have completed / will be preparing
b) would have completed / were preparing
c) will complete / prepare
d) would complete / have been preparing

Answer: a)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the future indefinite tense:

5. By the end of the week, the students ___________ their exams and ___________ for a well-deserved break.

a) would complete / relax
b) will complete / will be relaxing
c) will have completed / relax
d) would have completed / were relaxing

Answer: c)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past indefinite tense:

6. During the annual charity event, volunteers ___________ tirelessly to organise the fundraiser and ___________ awareness about the cause.

a) worked / raised
b) had worked / are raising
c) work / had raised
d) had worked / raised

Answer: a)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past indefinite tense:

7. After the storm passed, the villagers ___________ together to rebuild their homes and ___________ support to those affected by the calamity.

a) came / provided
b) had come / provide
c) were coming / had provided
d) came / had been providing

Answer: a) came / provided

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past indefinite tense:

8. During the historical tour, the guide ___________ fascinating anecdotes about the ancient ruins and ___________ insights into the cultural heritage of the region.

a) shares / provided
b) was sharing / has provided
c) shared / had provided
d) had shared / was providing

Answer: c)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the past indefinite tense:

9. Last summer, while on vacation, the family ___________ the serene countryside and ___________ delightful stories around the campfire each evening.

a) explored / were sharing
b) explores / had shared
c) explored / had been sharing
d) had explored / shared

Answer: a)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the tense in the present continuous tense:

10. At this very moment, while one batch of students ___________ their group project, their classmates ___________ an interactive presentation on the subject matter in the school auditorium.

a) complete / were watching
b) are completing / are watching
c) completed / have watched
d) completing / had watched

Answer: b)

11. Choose the most suitable alternative in accordance with the correct use of tense: (CREST 2021-22)

a) by five o'clock yesterday, I caught only one fish.
b) by five o'clock yesterday, I will have caught only one fish
c) by five o'clock yesterday, I had caught only one fish.
d) none of the above

Answer: c)

12. While the team ___________ the final touches on their project, the audience ___________ for the presentation to begin.

a) puts / waits
b) put / waited
c) is putting / is waiting
d) had put / had waited

Answer: c) 

13. While the chefs ___________ the dishes for the evening, the waiters ___________ the tables in the dining area.

a) prepare / have set
b) are preparing / are setting
c) prepared / were setting
d) had prepared / had set

Answer: b) 

14. While the chefs ___________ the dishes for the evening, the waiters ___________ the tables in the dining area.

a) prepare / have set
b) are preparing / are setting
c) prepared / were setting
d) had prepared / had set

Answer: b) 

15. At the same time that the new policy ___________ in the meeting, the managers ___________ its potential impacts.

a) is discussed / consider
b) was discussed / considered
c) is being discussed / are considering
d) had been discussed / were considering

Answer: c) 

16. Read the given sentence and identify the tense:

By this time tomorrow, I shall have reached my home. (CREST 2023-24)

a) simple present tense
b) future perfect continuous tense
c) future perfect tense
d) simple future tensed. simple future tense

Answer: c)

17. During the conference, the keynote speaker ___________ her research findings and ___________ future implications of her work.

a) discusses / was highlighting
b) discussed / highlighted
c) was discussing / has highlighted
d) had discussed / was highlighting

Answer: b)

18. While the orchestra ___________ a beautiful symphony, the audience ___________ in awe.

a) performs / sat
b) performed / had sat
c) was performing / sat
d) had performed / was sitting

Answer: c)

19. As the committee members ___________ the final decision, the participants ___________ in the hallway.

a) make / wait
b) made / are waiting
c) were making / waited
d) are making / are waiting

Answer: d) 

20. While the professor ___________ the complex theories, the students ___________ notes attentively.

a) explains / took
b) explained / were taking
c) was explaining / took
d) had explained / were taking

Answer: b)

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