Worksheet on Verbs for Class 10

Questions on Verbs and It's Types - Class 10

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

1. The haughty girl screamed at me to ________ me up.

a) bold
b) bolt
c) beld
d) belt

Answer: d)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

2. The protests were eventually _________ with the course of time.

a) fizzled out
b) fizzled down
c) fizzled in
d) fizzled up

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

3. The good news _________ all up.

a) bucked us
b) buckled up
c) bucked at
d) bucked out

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

4. We _________ not make fun of a child just because he is buck-toothed.

a) could
b) would
c) should
d) ought

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

5. She lost her sleepover disturbing thoughts that ________ her soul.

a) tormented
b) disarmed
c) fermented
d) prevented

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

6. The politician tried to _______ his voters by making unreasonable but tempting offers.

a) glued up
b) snuggle
c) woo 
d) cawed

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

7. The child __________ close to its mother for warmth and affection.

a) juggled
b) snuggled
c) puzzled
d) muzzled

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

8. The siblings continued to __________ over who should get the larger room, each presenting passionate arguments and trying to sway their parents' decision in their favour.

a) wrangle
b) entangled
c) covert
d) cohort

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

9. As the campfire burned low, the flames_________, casting dancing shadows on the surrounding trees, creating a serene and enchanting atmosphere in the quiet night.

a) glimmered
b) flickered
c) murmured
d) meandered

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

10. The cafe is ___________ equally by senior citizens and youth.

a) patronised by
b) patroned in
c) matroned in
d) beatified by

Answer: a)

11. Fill in the blank with an appropriate modal verb:

It's a hospital. You ____________ smoke. (CREST 2023-24)

a) wouldn't 
b) couldn't
c) mustn't 
d) may not

Answer: c)

12. The scientist's groundbreaking research aims to _________ new insights into the complexities of genetic mutations.

a) obscure
b) illuminate
c) misconstrue
d) trivialise

Answer: b) 

13. To _________ economic growth, the government introduced a series of tax reforms and incentives for businesses.

a) hinder
b) stifle
c) stimulate
d) suppress

Answer: c) 

14. The historian was able to _________ previously unknown facts about the ancient civilisation through meticulous research and excavation.

a) uncover
b) obscure
c) fabricate
d) distort

Answer: a)

15. The company had to _________ its business model to adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions and consumer preferences.

a) adhere
b) stagnate
c) reject
d) adjust

Answer: d) 

16. The novelist uses rich, descriptive language to _________ the emotions and struggles of the characters, making the story more engaging for readers.

a) evoke
b) suppress
c) conceal
d) diminish

Answer: a) 

17. The new policy was designed to _________ the rights of workers and ensure fair treatment in the workplace.

a) undermine
b) protect
c) exploit
d) disregard

Answer: b) 

18. To _________ the risks associated with investment, it is important to diversify your portfolio across different asset classes.

a) maximize
b) magnify
c) mitigate
d) exacerbate

Answer: c)

19. The diplomat worked tirelessly to _________ a peaceful resolution to the conflict, engaging in talks with all parties involved.

a) instigate
b) negotiate
c) provoke
d) escalate

Answer: b)

20. The professor's lecture was intended to _________ students' understanding of complex philosophical concepts through clear examples and discussions.

a) obscure
b) confuse
c) undermine
d) enhance

Answer: d)

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