Worksheet on Voice and Narration

Questions on Voice and Narration and It's Types - Class 10

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

1. The dog was frightened by the noise.

a) The noise frightened the dog.
b) The noise rightens the dog.
c) The noise has been frightening the dog.
d) The noise had frightened the dog.

Answer: d) 

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

2. The information is kept in my laptop.

a) I kept the information in my laptop.
b) I kept the information in mine laptop.
c) I keeps the information in my laptop.
d) I am keeping the information in my laptop.

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

3. Who broke this beautiful vase?

a) By whomsoever was this beautiful vase broken?
b) By whom was this beautiful vase broken?
c) By who was this beautiful been broken?
d) By which was this beautiful vase broken?

Answer: b)

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

4. The jury found him guilty.

a) He was found guilty.
b) He was found guilty by the jury.
c) He were found guilty by th ejury.
d) He has been found guilty.

Answer: b)

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

5. Do not insult the needy.

a) Let the needy not be insulted.
b) Let the needy might not be insulted.
c) Let the needy lest not be insulted.
d) Let the needy may not be insulted.

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

6. The Chief guest said, “It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.”

a) The Chief guest said that it gave him great pleasure to be there this evening.
b) The Chief guest said that it gave him great pleasure to be here that evening.
c) The Chief guest said that it gives him great pleasure to be there that evening.
d) The Chief guest said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.

Answer: d)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

7. The team leader said, “we are all true winners.”

a) The team leader said that we were all true winners.
b) The team leader said that we have been all true winners.
c) The team leader said that we have been all true winners.
d) The team leader said that we have been all true winners.

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

8. “How smart you are”, he said.

a) He exclaimed that I/he/she is very smart.
b) He exclaims that I/he/she is very smart.
c) He exclaim that I/he/she has been very smart.
d) He had exclaimed that I/he/she is very smart

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

9. “What do you want?”, he said to her.

a) He said to her what she wanted.
b) He asked her what she wants.
c) He asks her what she wanted.
d) He asked her what she wanted.

Answer: d)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

10. Greg said to the child, “Wait until I come.”

a) Greg asked the child to wait until he came.
b) Greg has asked the child to wait until he came.
c) Greg had asked the child to wait until he came.
d) Greg asks the child to wait until he came.

Answer: a)

11. Choose a suitable option which expresses the same sentence in indirect/direct speech:

Johnny asked Wilson whether the latter was in his senses.

a) "Hey Wilson are you in your senses now?'' asked Johnny.
b) "Wilson, have you lost your senses?" asked Johnny.
c) "Wilson, are you in your senses?" asked Johnny.
d) "Are you senseless, Wilson?" asked Johnny.

Answer: c)

12. Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

The project will be completed by the team next week.

a) The team will complete the project next week.
b) The team completes the project next week.
c) The team is completing the project next week.
d) The team has completed the project next week.

Answer: a) 

13. Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

The movie has been watched by millions of people.

a) Millions of people are watching the movie.
b) Millions of people watch the movie.
c) Millions of people watched the movie.
d) Millions of people have watched the movie.

Answer: d) 

14. The test results are being analysed by the scientists.

a) The scientists analysed the test results.
b) The scientists are analysing the test results.
c) The scientists will analyse the test results.
d) The scientists have analysed the test results.

Answer: b) 

15. The decision was made by the board of directors.

a) The board of directors makes the decision.
b) The board of directors is making the decision.
c) The board of directors made the decision.
d) The board of directors will make the decision.

Answer: c) 

16. Choose the correct active voice of the given sentence: 

Many vocal and visual displays are used by Penguins to communicate with each other. (CREST 2022-23)

a) Penguins use many vocal and visual displays to communicate with each other.
b) Penguins communicate with each other by using many vocal and visual displays.
c) Many vocal and visual displays are used to communicate with each other by Penguins.
d) either b or c

Answer: a)

17. Choose the correct indirect speech for the given sentence: 

Jack said, "I have to finish this work now so that I can start a new work tomorrow." (CREST 2022-23)

a) Jack said that he had had to finish that work then so that he could start a new work the next day.
b) Jack said that he has to finish that work then so that he could start a new work the next day.
c) Jack said that he had to finish that work then so that he could start a new work the next day.
d) Jack said that he had to finish that work now so that he could start a new work the next day. 

Answer: c)

18. Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

Daniel said to his brother, “Don’t forget to lock the door.”

a) Dananieliel told his brother not to forget to lock the door.
b) Daniel asked his brother not to forget to lock the door.
c) Daniel told his brother to not forget to lock the door.
d) D said to his brother don’t forget to lock the door.

Answer: a) 

19. She said, “I can complete the task by tomorrow.”

a) She said that she could complete the task by tomorrow.
b) She said that she can complete the task by tomorrow.
c) She said that she could complete the task by the next day.
d) She said that she can complete the task by the next day.

Answer: c) 

20. Shelly said to Tony, “Please help me with this task.”

a) Shelly asked Tony to please help her with that task.
b) Shelly asked Tony to help her with this task.
c) Shelly asked Tony to help her with that task.
d) Shelly asked Tony please to help her with that task.

Answer: c)

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