Worksheet on Action Words for Class 2

Questions on Action Words and Its Types - Class 2

Identify the verbs in the given sentence:

1. Jill filled the bucket with clean water and then poured it in the tank.

a) filled, Jill
b) poured, Jill
c) clean, water
d) filled, poured

Answer: d)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

2. The earthquake ______ the city many years ago.

Action Words - Earthquake

a) destroyed
b) built
c) created
d) made

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

3. My mother is going to _____ a plum pie this evening.

Action Words - Mother baking a plum pie

a) shake
b) bake
c) love
d) sink

Answer: b)

Fill in the blanks with the correct set of options:

4. You can _____ the permission for picnic from father when he ____.

Action Words - Picnic

a) take, comes
b) took, came
c) give, waits
d) lose, fails

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

5. The boat ________ smoothly over the waves.

Action Words - Boat sailing

a) sailed
b) drove
c) sank
d) rinsed

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

6. The clown ____ a funny joke and made everyone _______ with his silly actions.

Action Words - Clown

a) cracked, laugh
b) lacked, weep
c) spoke, sleep
d) tell, listen

Answer: a)

Identify the verbs in the given sentence:

7. David believes in God and prays daily.

a) David, God
b) prays, daily
c) believes, prays
d) David, in

Answer: c)

Identify the verbs in the given sentence:

8. Martha is reading an interesting novel.

Action Words - Girl reading a novel

a) Martha
b) is reading
c) novel
d) interesting

Answer: b)

Identify the verbs in the given sentence:

9. Jane twisted her ankle on the staircase.

a) Jane
b) twisted
c) ankle
d) staircase

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

10. Ben _______ his hands thoroughly to make them germs-free.

a) washed
b) rubbed
c) juggled
d) crossed

Answer: a)

11. Read the given sentence and spot the verb:

I often laugh loudly. Some people get annoyed because of this. (CREST 2021-22)

a) often 
b) I
c) laugh 
d) loudly

Answer: c)

Identify the verbs in the given sentence: 

12. Shelly drinks milk every morning before going to school.

Action Words - Girl drinking milk

a) Shelly
b) drinks
c) milk
d) morning

Answer: b) 

13. The bird flies high in the sky.

Action Words - Birds flying high

a) bird
b) sky
c) flies
d) high

Answer: c) 

14. John helped his father in painting the fence yesterday.

a) John
b) painting
c) fence
d) yesterday

Answer: b) 

15. Manuel reads his favourite book every night.

Action Words - Boy reading his book

a) Manuel
b) reads
c) book
d) night

Answer: b) 

16. Look at the picture and choose the correct verb: 

The girl is ___________ flowers. (CREST 2022-23)

Action Words - Girl collecting flowers

a) cooking 
b) seeing
c) watching 
d) collecting

Answer: d)

Fill in the following blanks with the correct options:

17. Hary’s puppy is ___________ the mailman.

Action Words - Puppy chasing a mailman

a) chasing
b) painting
c) writing
d) cooking

Answer: a) 

18. My family is ___________ to the beach for a picnic.

a) flying
b) going
c) building
d) eating

Answer: b) 

19. Nick is ___________ his shoes before the race.

Action Words - Boy tying his shoes

a) reading
b) washing
c) buying
d) tying

Answer: d)

20. Spot the verb in the given sentence:

Let's sing a song and impress the crowd. (CREST 2023-2024)

a) sing 
b) crowd
c) impress 
d) both a and c

Answer: a)

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