Worksheet on Animals and Animal Sound for Class 2

Questions on Animals and Animal Sound - Class 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. A bat _______ while a vulture ______.

Bat and Vulture for Class 2

a) screams, screams
b) screams, screeches
c) screeches, screams
d) screeches, screeches

Answer: c)

2. Ben went with his family to a crocodile park where he heard them. What is a crocodile’s sound not called?

Crocodile for Class 2

a) howl
b) grunt
c) hiss
d) growl

Answer: a)

3. The eagle let out a loud _______ as it soared high above the mountains.

Eagle for Class 2

a) squeak
b) squawk
c) squelp
d) squence

Answer: b)

4. Which of these is not a sound made by a racoon?

Racoon for Class 2

a) snarls
b) growls
c) snorts
d) fender

Answer: d)

5. Fiona saw many beautiful deer at the zoo. She wants to know their sound names. Can you help her identify the same?

Deer for Class 2

a) snort
b) bleat
c) both a and b
d) dunes

Answer: c)

6. A lion _______ while an elephant _________.

Lion and Elephant for Class 2

a) growls, grunts
b) roars, trumpets
c) roars, trunks
d) roars, triumphants

Answer: b)

7. Which of these is a sound made by a turkey?

Turkey for Class 2

a) hobble
b) gobble
c) grunt
d) squeak

Answer: b)

8. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

a) goat-bleats
b) horse- neighs
c) whale-whistles
d) monkey-clucks

Answer: d)

9. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

a) owl-hoots
b) donkey-brays
c) frog-croaks
d) snake-bliss

Answer: d)

10. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

a) cat- purr
b) goose- cluck
c) mongoose- growl
d) bees- bizz

Answer: d)

11. A sheep _______ while a rooster _______.

Sheep and Rooster for Class 2

a) quacks, chirps
b) roars, meows
c) bleats, crows
d) croaks, hisses

Answer: c)

12. A frog _______ while a bird _______.

Frog and Bird for Class 2

a) quacks, roars
b) croaks, chirps
c) barks, hisses
d) neighs, bleats

Answer: b)

13. A horse _______ while a chicken _______.

Horse and Chicken for Class 2

a) crows, neighs
b) bleats, barks
c) neighs, clucks
d) roars, chirps

Answer: c)

14. A donkey _______ while a crow _______.

Donkey and Crow for Class 2

a) crows, brays
b) brays, caws
c) chirps, neighs
d) bleats, barks

Answer: b)

15. Jimmy visited a farm and heard the sheep. What is a sheep’s sound not called?

a) bleat
b) baa
c) neigh
d) maa

Answer: c)

16. During his zoo trip, Jack heard the elephants. What is an elephant’s sound not called?

Elephants for Class 2

a) trumpet
b) roar
c) rumble
d) bellow

Answer: b)

17. Manuel saw a snake in the garden. What is a snake’s sound not called?

Snake for Class 2

a) hiss
b) rattle
c) sizzle
d) chirp

Answer: d)

18. At the beach, Scarlet heard the seagulls. What is a seagull’s sound not called?

Seagulls for Class 2

a) moo
b) caw
c) honk
d) squawk

Answer: a)

19. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

a) wolf - howls
b) dolphin - clicks
c) horse - barks
d) crow - caws

Answer: c)

20. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

a) frog - croaks
b) bee - buzzes
c) lion - chirps
d) sheep - bleats

Answer: c)

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