Worksheet on Spelling Words for Class 2

Questions on Spelling Words and Its Rules - Class 2

1. Choose the correctly spelt word:

Spellings - Fabric

a) fabric
b) febric
c) faberic
d) faverick

Answer: a)

2. Choose the correctly spelt word:

Spellings - Heaven

a) heven
b) heaven
c) hevean
d) hevane

Answer: b)

3. Choose the correctly spelt word:

a) moisture
b) mosture
c) mustore
d) miosture

Answer: a)

4. Choose the incorrectly spelt word in the given sentence:

Everyone liked Laila’s new diamond necklaice at the party.

Spellings - Necklaice

a) party
b) diamond
c) necklaice
d) everyone

Answer: c)

5. Choose the incorrectly spelt word in the given sentence:

General Carlos bosted about his victory at war in the party.

a) bosted
b) victory
c) war
d) General

Answer: a)

6. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:


Spellings - Mirror

a) o, u
b) i, o
c) e, a
d) a, e

Answer: b)

7. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:

br_ e z _

Spellings - Breeze

a) o, o
b) i, e
c) e, e
d) a, a

Answer: c)

8. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:


a) e, e
b) i, e
c) a, e
d) a, o

Answer: b)

9. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:

thr_ _d

Spellings - Thread

a) e, e
b) a, e
c) e, a
d) i, e

Answer: c)

10. Choose the incorrectly spelt word:

a) snetch
b) thrive
c) steal
d) thrice

Answer: a)

11. Choose the correctly spelt word:

a) groon
b) groan
c) groane
d) groen

Answer: b)

12. Choose the correctly spelt word:

a) boaler
b) boalur
c) bowler
d) boolur

Answer: c)

13. Choose the correctly spelt word:

a) throne
b) throan
c) thhroan
d) throen

Answer: a)

14. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:


a) o, u
b) i, o
c) e, a
d) a, o

Answer: d)

15. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:


a) o, e
b) o, o
c) i, e
d) e, u

Answer: a)

16. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:

Spellings - Flour

 fl_ _ur

a) u, o
b) o, u
c) e, i
d) i, e

Answer: b)

17. Choose the option that can fit in the blanks in the given word:

Spellings - Curtain

c_r t_ _ n

a) i, o, u
b) u, e, e
c) e, e, a
d) u, a, i

Answer: d)

18. Choose the incorrectly spelt word in the given sentence:

The different colours of the traffic lights can sometimes conefues drivers.

a) different
b) lights
c) conefues
d) drivers

Answer: c) 

19. Choose the incorrectly spelt word in the given sentence:

Don’t forget to bukcel your seatbelt before the car starts moving.

a) bukcel
b) forget
c) seatbelt
d) moving

Answer: a)

20. Choose the incorrectly spelt word in the given sentence:

The bowler knocked down the weecket with a fastball during the cricket match.

a) knocked
b) bowler
c) weecket
d) cricket

Answer: c)

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