Worksheet on Articles for Class 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct articles:

1. I need ___ butter knife to spread some peanut butter on my sandwich.

Articles - Boy using a butter knife

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: a)

2. I have just placed ____ order on ___ e-commerce website.

a) an, a
b) a, an
c) the, the
d) an, an

Answer: d)

3. ____ file that Daniel was searching for was missing from ____ cupboard.

a) He, a
b) An, an
c) The, the
d) No article, the

Answer: c)

4. The police have searched every nook and corner to catch ___ thief.

Articles - Police arresting a theif

a) the
b) a
c) an
d) no article

Answer: a)

5. She switched on ___ geyser to get some hot water for washing her hands.

Articles - Girl washing her hands

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: c)

6. ____ strawberry ice cream can lift her spirits.

Articles - Strawberry icecream

a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article

Answer: b)

7. _____ question was too difficult for Henry to solve in the examination.

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article

Answer: a)

8. Oh no! I think I have lost ____ prescription given by the dentist.

Articles - Boy lost his prescription

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: c)

9. Though Jessica and Jemima are close friends, they keep fighting with each other over ____ petty things.

Articles - Girls fighting with each other

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: d)

10. Mrs Pareira switched on ____ TV to watch ____ latest news about ___ landslide that had happened in ___ morning.

Articles - Lady watching a T.V

a) the, the, the, the
b) a, a, a, a
c) an, the, a, no article
d) the, no article, the, a

Answer: a)

11. Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

A: What did Tom buy?
B: He bought ____ new camera to click high-quality photos. (CREST 2023-24)

a) no article 
b) a
c) an 
d) the

Answer: b)

12. Scarlet bought ____ pair of shoes and ____ hat from _____ market with her grandmother.

Articles - Girl bought a pair of shoes and a hat

a) a, a, the
b) a, an, am
c) the, th, an
d) no article, no article, the

Answer: a)

13. During our trip to Paris, we visited ____ Eiffel Tower and had lunch at a nearby café.

Articles - Visiting Paris

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: c)

14. My father works as ____ engineer for a well-known company, and he often travels abroad for projects.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: b)

15. Fill in the blank with the correct article:

I visited ________ Central City library today. (CREST 2022-23)

a) a 
b) an
c) the
d) Their

Answer: c)

16. Alice always brings ____ apple to school because she likes to have it as a snack during recess.

Articles - Girl bought an apple to school

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: b)

17. When we went camping last weekend, we saw ____ bear near our tent, which was both exciting and scary.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: a)

18. There was ____ unexpected knock at the door in the middle of the night, which woke everyone up.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: b)

19. Mary is reading ____ book that she borrowed from the library, and she finds it very interesting.

Articles - Girl reading a book

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: a) 

20. Fill in the blank with the correct article:

He works with ______ National Electricals Ltd. (CREST 2023-24)

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article required

Answer: d)

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