Worksheet on Components of a Balanced Diet and Food Pyramid - Class 3 Notes

Questions with Explanations for Class 3 on Balanced Diet and Food Pyramid

1. Select the statement that best describes the food group shown in the picture.


a) The majority of our diet should have healthy carbohydrates.
b) A moderate amount of protein is enough for a balanced diet.
c) Proteins are important and we should eat lots of them.
d) Fats are required only in small amounts.

Answer: b) Fish, lentils, and cheese are all sources of protein. While proteins are indeed important for our body's growth and repair, it is not necessary to eat them in excessive amounts.

2. Ray has excluded the following food items from his diet. Can we consider his diet balanced?


a) Yes, his diet would still be considered balanced.
b) No, his diet would not be considered balanced as it is lacking proteins.
c) Yes, his diet would be considered balanced, with some impact on nutrients.
d) No, his diet would not be considered balanced as it is lacking vitamins and minerals.

Answer: d) A balanced diet requires the inclusion of a variety of foods from different food groups, including fruits. Fruits provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fibre. By excluding fruits from his diet, Ray would not receive these important nutrients.

3. Select the odd one out.

a) components3-food3a
b) components3-food3b
c) components3-food3c
d) components3-food3d

Answer: a) Cabbage is an edible plant leaf whereas cauliflower, broccoli and artichoke are edible flowers.

4. Chris is helping his mom in making strawberry jam. How can they ensure that the jam is preserved for an extended period?

a) By boiling the jam
b) By adding salt to the jam
c) Adding extra sugar to the jam
d) By drying the jam

Answer: c) Adding extra sugar to the jam acts as a preservative by preventing the growth of bacteria.

5. Match the following.

Column I Column II
1) Boiling A) Slow down the growth of bacteria and keeps the food fresh for some time.
2) Refrigeration B) Prevents the growth of bacteria and keeps the food safe to eat for a long time.
3) Adding Preservatives C) Kills any bacteria present.

a) 1:B, 2:A, 3:C
b) 1:A, 2:B, 3:C
c) 1:C, 2:B, 3:A
d) 1:C, 2:A, 3:B

Answer: d) Boiling: Kills any bacteria present.
Refrigeration: Slow down the growth of bacteria and keeps the food fresh for some time.
Adding preservatives: Prevents the growth of bacteria and keeps the food safe to eat for a long time.

FAQs on Components of a Balanced Diet and Food Pyramid

1. How to make food pyramid?

Fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, lean proteins, and dairy products are all part of a well-balanced diet. It is important to prioritise quantity management, regular meals, and healthy snacks. Encourage people to drink water and to enjoy occasional sweets in moderation.

2. What are Carbohydrate foods?

Carbohydrates act as fuel for the human body, providing the energy need ffor activities, sports, and classroom learning. It's important to know which meals contain carbs to keep you energised and ready for work.

3. What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet consists of a mix of meals from several food categories that offer your body with the nutrients it requires to survive and remain healthy. It should contain the appropriate amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein sources, and dairy items.

4. How much water should I drink every day?

Every day, you should consume 6-8 cups (48-64 ounces) of water. Staying hydrated is critical for your body to function properly.

5. What is the food pyramid?

The food pyramid is a visual representation of how various food types help maintain a healthy diet. It indicates which meals should be consumed in greater quantities (at the bottom) and which should be consumed in moderation (at the top).

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